CMC Activities

Workflow Designer is built using the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) in the .NET Framework. It contains Microsoft's built-in (generic) workflow activities and activities created specifically for Campus Management Corp. products (CMC Activities).

The workflow activities designed for Anthology are grouped by namespaces as shown below. The activities include lookup functions that return values that can in turn be used within other activities in the workflow, activities related to specific products such as Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) and Student Information System (SIS), and common activities such as creating validation messages or sending email. CMC activities are used in conjunction with Generic Activities.

Properties for activities are generally defined using expressions in VB .NET code or variables. Some fields have drop-down lists and helpers that enable you to select properties.

Activity Description
AddToDictionary<> Adds a key and value pair to the dictionary.
CreateBookmark Creates a named bookmark where the workflow execution can be resumed at a later time.
CreateBookmark<> Creates a named bookmark where the workflow execution can be resumed at a later time and through which data can be delivered.
CreateValidationItem Displays an error, information, or warning message when a workflow is executed.
ExecuteDataReader Executes an SQL query and executes activities in the query result (once per each row).
ExecuteNonQuery Executes SQL statements that INSERT, MODIFY, or DELETE data in a given data source.
ExecuteQuery Executes SQL queries into an ADO.NET data source to return a result set of data rows from a given data source.
GetWorkflowInstanceId Retrieves the workflow instance id of the currently executing workflow.
LogLine Writes log lines for processes such as IIS, Anthology Student, and Windows services that are not executing in console mode.
PostToFacebook Posts information to a Facebook page.
ResumeBookmark Resumes a workflow that has been persisted via the CreateBookmark activity.
SendMail Sends email using the SMTP client settings defined in the configuration file of the host.
Activity Description
CVueIdToPersonIdActivity A function that captures the Anthology Student Id and Person Type from an event and returns the Person Id.
PersonIdToCVueIdActivity A function that captures the Person Id from an event and returns the Anthology Student Id.
Activity Description
CreateTask (V1) Creates a task and associates the task with a Person Id.
SaveTask (V1) Saves a task and displays a validation message.
Activity Description
LookupIsir A function that returns all fields in the ISIR entity.
Activity Description
CompleteAction Redirects the workflow to complete a specific action.
CreateDocument (V1) Creates a document in a workflow.
LookupExtendedProperty A function that finds a school defined field (SDF) from the SyUserDict table.
LookupGroup (V1) A function that captures the Group Id from an event and returns the Group.
LookupListItem A function that captures the List Item Id from an event and returns the List Item.
LookupPerson A function that captures the Person Id from an event and returns the Person.
LookupPersonDocuments A function that captures the Document Type Id from an event and returns the Person Documents List.
ManageGroupMembership (V1) Automates the addition (or removal) of group members.
SaveDocument (V1) Saves a Document associated with a Person record.
SaveExtendedProperty Saves the value of a school defined field (SDF) in the SyUserDict table.
SavePerson Saves a Person record when the record has been modified via preceding activities in the workflow.
Activity Description
CreateTask (V1) Creates a task and associates the task with a Person Id.
LookupStudentTasks (V1) A function that returns the Student Tasks assigned via a Contact Manager activity.
SaveTask (V1) Saves a task and displays a validation message.
Activity Description
AssignStudentAdvisor (V1) This activity enables you to assign a Student Advisor to a Student.
LookupAdvisor (V1) A function that captures the Staff Id from an event and returns the Staff member.
LookupStudent A function that captures the Student Id from an event and returns the Student.
LookupStudentAdvisors (V1) A function that captures the Student Enrollment Period Id from an event and returns the Advisors filtered by Module.
Activity Description
ConvertApplicantToEnrollment Promotes an Applicant record to an Enrollment and invokes the enrollment business logic.
CreateStudentCourse Creates an instance of a course for a student so that the student can be registered into the course.
CreateStudentEnrollmentPeriod Creates a Student Enrollment Period.
LookupAreaOfStudy A function that captures the Area of Study Id, Business Unit Id, and Program Id from an event and returns the Area of Study.
LookupClass Sections A function that captures the Course Name, Course Id, and Term Id from an event and returns associated Class Sections.
LookupCurrentEnrollmentPeriod A function that captures the Student Id from an event and returns the current enrollment period for the student.
LookupEnrollmentPeriods A function that captures the Student Id from an event and returns a list of all enrollment periods.
LookupTerms A function that captures the Business Unit Id from an event and returns the Terms for a specified time period.
SaveStudentCourse Saves a student course registration or unregistration and provides the option to transfer a student to another class section.
SaveStudentEnrollmentPeriod Saves a Student Enrollment Period.
UpdateNsldsWithdrawalDate Updates the NSLDS Withdrawal Date of the student enrollment.
UpdateStudentStatusToActive Updates a student's school status to an Active category.
UpdateStudentStatusToDrop Updates a student's school status to a Permanent Out category.
UpdateStudentStatusToEnrolled Updates a student's school status to an Enrolled category.
UpdateStudentStatusToGraduate Updates a student's school status to a Graduate (P -Permanent Out) category.
UpdateStudentStatusToLead Updates a student's school status to a Lead (C - Applicant Processing) category.
UpdateStudentStatusToTempOut Updates a student's school status to a Temporary Out category.
Activity Description
UpdateStudentStatusToApplicant (V1) Updates a student's school status to an Applicant category.
Activity Description
CreateCharge (V1) Creates a charge to a person's account.
SaveCharge (V1) Saves a charge to a person's account and displays a validation message.
Activity Description
CreateStudentDisabilityDetail (V1) Creates an instance of a Student Disability Service record so that it can be passed to a SaveStudentDisabilityService activity.
CreateStudentSportsService (V1) Creates an instance of a Student Sports Service record so that it can be passed to a SaveStudentSportsService activity.
CreateStudentVeteranDetail (V1) Creates an instance of a Student Veteran Service record so that it can be passed to a SaveStudentVeteranService activity.
LookupServiceListItem A function that captures the Service List Item Id from an event and returns the Service List Item.
SaveStudentDisabilityDetail (V1) Saves a Student Disability Service record.
SaveStudentSportsService (V1) Saved a Student Sports Service record.
SaveStudentVeteranDetail (V1) Saves a Student Veteran Service record.