
 This activity was not migrated to the new namespaces of the Anthology object model.

The CreateStudentEnrollmentPeriod activity enables you to create a Student Enrollment Period.

This activity creates an instance of a Student Enrollment Period; it does not save it to the database. To persist the Student Enrollment Period in the database, insert a SaveStudentEnrollmentPeriod activity.


Use the LookupListItem activity to find many of the values needed to create a Student Enrollment Period.


CreateStudentEnrollmentPeriod Properties
Property Value Required Notes
ApplicationReceivedDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify the date when the application was received using a VB expression or variable,



AreaOfStudyId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Area of Study Id using a VB expression or variable.
BillingMethodId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Billing Method Id using a VB expression or variable.
Business Unit Id InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Business Unit Id using a VB expression or variable.

Note: The Business Id is the Campus Id in Anthology Student.

CatalogYearId InArgument<Int32> No Specify the Catalog Year Id using a VB expression or variable.
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
EnrollDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify the Enrollment Date using a VB expression or variable.
ExpectedStartDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify the Expected Start Date using a VB expression or variable.



The enrollment date is 14 days after the current date.

GradeLevelId InArgument<Int32> No Specify the Grade Level Id using a VB expression or variable.
GraduationDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify the Graduation Date using a VB expression or variable.



The enrollment date is 2 years after the current date.

IpedsStateId InArgument<Int32> No Specify the IPEDS State of Residence Id using a VB expression or variable.
MidpointDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify the Midpoint Date using a VB expression or variable.
ShiftId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Shift Id using a VB expression or variable.
StartDateId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Start Date Id using a VB expression or variable.
StudentEnrollmentPeriod OutArgument<StudentEnrollmentPeriod> Yes The Student Enrollment Period created by this workflow activity. This is a variable that can be used as input for subsequent workflow activities.
StudentId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Student Id using a VB expression or variable.

Note: If a preceding activity in a workflow returns a Person Id, insert a PersonIdToCVueIdActivity into the workflow before using this property.

StudentStatusId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Student Status Id using a VB expression or variable.