Create the RENEEESCALATE Skill

In this part of the procedure you will create a skill named RENEEESCALATE and associate this skill with a human agent.


You must have completed the procedure Add Campaign and Engagement Details.

  1. Log in to the Live Assist Administration Portal and select Links > Engagement PortalClosed

    Engagement Portal

  2. In the Engagement Portal, select Manage users and skills from the left menu.

  3. Select the Skills tab.

    1. Click Add skill.

    2. Create the RENEEESCALATE skill.

      Note: The skill name 'RENEEESCALATE' must be specified exactly as provided since it is mapped to code.

    3. In the Transfer to skills section, select the Bot user skill named ‘Renee’ and click Save.  Closed

    Create Renee Escalate skill

  4. After you clicked Save, the RENEEESCALATE skill will be created.  Closed

    Renee Escalate skill created

  5. Select the Users tab, click on a Human Agent, and select the RENEEESCALATE skill.  Closed

    Note: All users that will be setup as Live Assist Chat Agents need to be assigned the RENEEESCALATE skill.

    Associate Renee Escalate skill

  6. After you clicked Save, the user will have with the RENEEESCALATE skill. Agents that are assigned this skill will be able to be assigned a chat from Anthology Digital AssistantClosed

     Renee Escalate skill associated with human

If your Digital Assistant provides multi-language support, proceed to Create the Multi-Language RENEEESCALATE Skill.

Continue with Configure the TPC Portal.