Address Record in Anthology Reach

When typing address details in the address, account or contact forms, drop-down values will be available for selection in the Country, State/Province and County fields. In each case, values in a child field will be dependent on the selected parent field. For example, if the value of the Country field is United States of America, the following values will be available in child fields:

  • State/Province – By default, the 2-character label of states in the United States of America will be available for selection.
  • County – The list of counties of the selected state will be available.

This framework of dependent fields is enabled by default in the following forms:

Entity Form
Account Account(Reach - New)
Address Information(Reach - New)
  • Contact(Reach - New)
  • Quick Create: Contact form

Exception: For a selected value in a parent field, if values are not available in a dependent field, users can type text values in such a field. For instance, if the selected Country is Japan, users will need to type text values in the State/Province field because the states of Japan are not available for selection out-of-the-box.

The Country, State, and County fields on Reach forms (default and custom) must be organized in the following sequence:
  • Country

  • State

  • County