Flow-based Integration
The flow-based integration between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach uses:
Anthology Workflow events to integrate data from Anthology Student to Anthology Reach
Microsoft Flows on the Anthology Reach system and command model APIs of Anthology Student to integrate data from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student
The data flow between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach is bidirectional for fully integrated entities such as Student and Contact. The data transfer is unidirectional for Reference data such as Programs, Academic Periods, and Course History. Reference data can be used as a look-up field within other entities. Some Reference data requires manual synchronization between the systems.
For information on the entities integrated between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach, see Integrated Entities.
Entity Integration Mappings are used to create Option Set mappings for the Option set fields which are integrated. See Import Integration Mapping Templates.
Data Integration Process Flow
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for integrating data between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach.
The data integration between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach process flow is as follows:
Workflows for an Anthology Student entity are created based on saved and deleted events.
Workflows post the entity data to the corresponding Power Automate flow by sending an HTTP request to the flow.
The Power Automate flow, which is configured to trigger on the HTTP request, captures the Anthology Student entity data, executes the required data transformations of Lookup and Option Set mappings, and pushes the data into Anthology Reach via Common Data Service (CDS) connectors.
The flow identifies if an integration record already exists in Anthology Reach based on the external identifier field which maps to the ID record in Anthology Student.
After resolving the record, a Create or Update command is issued.
The Integration Log entity in the system logs the status of the integration message.
Anthology Reach Integration Flows
The following table lists current Power Automate flows for Anthology Reach and associated Anthology Student workflows.
Integration flows are added in the periodic Anthology Reach releases and can be customized as needed. For more details, see Flows and Procedures.