Integrated Entities

Records of entities integrated between Anthology Student and Anthology Reach are categorized as operational data and reference data. Reference data is used to qualify operational data.

Reference Data

Anthology Student is the system of record ("source of truth") for reference data items. Records of the reference data entities are created in Anthology Reach as a result of unidirectional synchronization from Anthology Student.

DataFlow Directions - Reference Data

Examples of reference data entities include:

  • Academic Period
  • Area of Interest
  • Area of Study
  • Course
  • Course Section
  • Education Level
  • Extra-curricular Activity
  • Program
  • Program Level
  • Program Version
  • Program Version Details
  • Registration Status
  • Shifts
  • Student Status



  • Records of the following entities must be imported manually into Anthology Reach:
    • Campus​
    • School Status​
    • User​
    • Registration Status​
    • Student Program Type​
    • Grade Level
  • Option set mapping must be performed manually for the following fields:

    Entity Fields
    • Country
    • State
    • Last Permanent Residence
    • Country
    • Nationality
    • Race​
    • County​
    • State​
    • Country
    • Address Type
    • Country
    • State
    • County
    Academic Period Details
    • Attendance Type
    • Mail Type

Operational Data

Operational data or transactional data is maintained in both Anthology Reach and Anthology Student.

Depending on the entities, operational data can be integrated:

  • Uni-directionally from Anthology Student to Anthology Reach

  • Uni-directionally from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student

  • Bi-directionally between Anthology Reach and Anthology Student

DataFlow Directions - Operational Data

Examples of operational data entities include:

  • Account
  • Address
  • Contact
  • Enrollment
  • Previous Education
  • Student Group

Records of the following operational entities are created in Anthology Reach as a result of uni-directional integration from Anthology Student.

  • Academic Progress
  • Account (High School, College, Agency Branch)
  • Address
  • Document status
  • Hold Groups
  • Previous Education
  • Student
  • Student Courses
  • Student Group Memberships
  • Student Status History

Special handling applies to several entities:

  • Address - When an application record is synced from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student, address records associated with the contact in the application record are synced from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student. When address records, that were synced as a result of application sync, are updated in Anthology Reach, the address updates are integrated from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student.

  • Application - On syncing from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student, equivalent Enrollment records are created in Anthology Student.

  • Contact - This entity is synced bi-directionally.

  • Enrollment - Integration occurs from Anthology Student to Anthology Reach. Further updates to instances of the Enrollment entity occur only in Anthology Student. Such updates are then synced with equivalent enrollment records in Anthology Reach.

    Note: Enrollment records in Anthology Reach are displayed in read-only mode.

  • Previous Education - This entity is updated bi-directionally.

  • Test Scores are updated via triggers (instead of flows) from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student.