Flows and Procedures

The following flows integrate data from Anthology Reach entities with Anthology Student entities.

Anthology Reach Flows Description
CNE-CNS Application-Enrollment Integration (Engage)

Creates equivalent Enrollment records in Anthology Student from records of the Application entity in Anthology Reach.

The CMC Application Integration Trigger updates the Integration Flag field in the Application entity. Updates to this field trigger the CNE-CNS Application-Enrollment Integration (Engage) flow.

Institutions can modify conditions in the flow to control the integration of applications from Anthology Reach to Anthology Student.

CNE-CNS Contact-Student Integration (Engage) Updates records of the Student entity in Anthology Student from records of the Contact entity in Anthology Reach.
CNE-CNS Previous Education - Student Previous Education Integration - Create/Update (Engage) Creates or updates equivalent Previous Education records in Anthology Student.

Note: Shipped Anthology Reach flows are maintained within a Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution. Before modifying a flow, we recommend that you disable the default flow, and then create a new flow for the entity. System upgrades will overwrite flows, which would cause changes to be lost if default flows are modified.

For additional information about integration flows and procedures details, refer to the topics listed below.


Topics in this section: