CampusNexus CRM Integrations
Integrate Forms Builder 3.x with CampusNexus CRM 11.1 or Later
The Higher Ed and Web Client components must be installed.
If you're using CampusNexus CRM 11.1:
In the Web Client installation folder, in the NexusCrm.config file, set the value of the EdmModelGeneration BuildMode parameter to Enabled, and then restart the Cmc.Crm.Workspaces application pool.
If you're using CampusNexus CRM 12.0:
In the Web Client installation folder, in the web.config file, set the value of the EdmModelGeneration BuildMode parameter to Enabled, and then restart the Cmc.Crm.Workspaces application pool.
Copy the Cmc.NexusCrm.Contracts.dll file from the \bin folder of Web Client to the installation folder of Workflow Composer and Forms Renderer.
All operational and reference objects are wrapped in this file Cmc.NexusCrm.Contracts.dll. When new properties are created in CampusNexus CRM or an existing property definition (metadata) is changed, this file is regenerated. For example, it is regenerated when creating or updating an object, a tab, a property or a relationship.
The regenerated file needs to be copied to the installation folder of Workflow Composer and to the \bin folder of Forms Renderer.
Do not copy the Cmc.NexusCrm.Contracts.dll to the \bin folder of Forms Builder Designer.
Clients using CampusNexus Student and CampusNexus CRM can use a single installation of Workflow Composer and Forms Builder 3.x to work with both applications.
In CampusNexus CRM, a maximum of 1024 properties can be published for use with Forms Builder 3.x. If additional properties are needed, unpublish previously published properties and then publish new properties. The maximum count of 1024 properties cannot be exceeded. For more information about publishing and unpublishing object properties, see the description of the sproc_GetPropertiesPublishStatusForObject and sproc_SetPropertiesPublishStatusForObject stored procedures in the CampusNexus CRM Integration guide.
CampusNexus CRM 11.1:
To consume events triggered from Web Client and iServices in Workflow Composer, set the value of the Workflow Integrated parameter to “True” in the NexusCRM.config file in the Web Client installation folder. By default, its value is “False”.
CampusNexus CRM 12.0:
To consume events triggered from Web Client and iServices in Workflow Composer, set the value of the Workflow Integrated parameter to “True” in the web.config file in the Web Client installation folder. By default, its value is “False”.
Integrate Workflow Composer 2.x with CampusNexus CRM 11.1 or Later
In Workflow Composer, download and install the Activities and Contracts (CRM) package corresponding to the installed version.
Copy the Cmc.NexusCrm.Contracts.dll and Cmc.NexusCrm.WcfProxy.dll files from the \bin folder of Web Client to the installation folder of Workflow Composer and to the \bin folder of Forms Renderer.
Do not copy the Cmc.NexusCrm.Contracts.dll to the \bin folder of Forms Builder Designer.
In the installation path of Workflow Composer, open the WorkflowComposer.exe.config file using a text editor (e.g., Notepad) and navigate to the <appSettings> tag.
Verify that the value of the ConfigureCampusNexusWcfProxy key is “true”. Change its value to “true” if a different value is set.
Add a new key, CmcNexusCrmWebUrl, and specify the Web Client URL as its value.
Updated code in the <appSettings> tag will now be as follows:
<add key=”ConfigureCampusNexusWcfProxy” value=”true”/>
<add key=”CmcNexusCrmWebUrl” value=”<Web Client URL>”/>
Save and close the WorkflowComposer.exe.config file.
Run an OData Query in the Web Client
System integrators can view the results of a lookup query that is available in the Web Client for CampusNexus CRM. Prior to integrating with CampusNexus CRM, this functionality helps an integrator to verify the list of values that will be displayed in their query.
View Lookup Query Results
Suffix the Web Client URL as follows: http://<web client url>/nexuscrmodata/$metadata.
The web page that is displayed includes lookup queries that are available by default.
Search for the text “lookup” and then navigate to the query that you want to run.
You want to run the following query to verify the list of available Account types:
LookupQueryName="EnumAccountAccountTypes?$select=Id,DisplayValue&$filter=IsActive eq 1&$orderby=DisplayOrder"
Copy the following text from the query:
EnumAccountAccountTypes?$select=Id,DisplayValue&$filter=IsActive eq 1&$orderby=DisplayOrder
Append the copied text to the Web Client URL as follows:
http://<Web Client URL>/nexuscrmodata/EnumAccountAccountTypes?$select=Id,DisplayValue&$filter=IsActive%20eq%201&$orderby=DisplayOrder
Press ENTER.
The list of values available in the Account Type property is displayed.