
You can use the Grid component to implement a grid or table within a rendered form. The property settings for the Grid component allow you to define the table structure and presentation, that is, the number of columns, column headings, data types, formatting, etc. Additional settings allow you to specify if the grid will be read-only or editable.

All contents of the grid should be bound via the Model property so that it will be displayed correctly when converted to PDF. This applies to a PDF file saved as attachment to a document tracking record or a PDF file displayed in e-sign processes. Use the PrintUrlToPdf activity to create the PDF.

To feed a grid with data, you can use the Model, Model Data, or OData Query properties:

  • The Model property can be used to populate the grid with data from Anthology Student or CampusNexus CRM entities.

  • The Model Data property can be used to define the initial grid data as a JSON string.

  • The OData query property can retrieve data from the CampusNexus CRM or Anthology Student database. You can then configure the Grid to display specific columns and perform sorting, paging, and filtering operations via its built-in property settings.

alert To handle add, edit, and delete cases, Grids should be workflow initialized.
Added rows can be determined by their Id value.
ODdata queries will not return the entityState and are limited to read-only grids.

For details about all available grid properties, see Grid Property Settings and Grid Columns Properties.

For use case examples, see:

For workflow arguments used with the Grid in Forms Builder 3.5 and later, see Default Argument Types for Components.