UpdateStudentStatusToApplicant (V2)

You can use the UpdateStudentStatusToApplicant activity to change the school status of a student from a Lead or Applicant category to an Applicant Processing (C) category so that you can trigger status changes when certain conditions occur.

For example, you could change the status 'Being Processed' to 'Applicant' when a student is added to the Applicants groups. You can use a LookupReferenceItem activity with "Reference Item Type = School Status" and "Reference Item = <status>" to find the status within the Future Start category that is to be changed in the workflow.

Status categories in Anthology Student are defined in the Setup > Status Codes > Status Codes tab. To determine Applicant category status values in the database, use the following SQL query:

Select S.Category, SS.*

from SySchoolStatus SS(nolock)

JOIN SyStatus S(nolock) ON SS.SyStatuSID = S.SyStatusID

Where S.Category = 'C' Order by ss.Descrip

To determine StudentId values, use the following SQL query:

Select SyStudentId, syschoolstatusid, addenrollid, * from AdEnroll where SySchoolStatusID IN (Select SS.syschoolstatusid

from SySchoolStatus SS(nolock)

JOIN SyStatus S(nolock) ON SS.SyStatuSID = S.SyStatusID

Where S.Category = 'C')

update student status to applicant


UpdateStudentStatusToApplicant Properties
Property Value Required Notes
Comment InArgument<String> No Specify a comment if applicable.
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
EffectiveDate InArgument<DateTime> Yes Specify a date using a VB expression or variable. For example, to change the School Status whenever the event occurs, specify: DateTime.Now
StudentEnrollmentPeriodId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Student Enrollment Period Id using a VB expression or variable.
StudentId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify a Student Id using a VB expression or variable.
StudentStatusId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Student Status Id using a VB expression or variable.
ValidationMessages InOutArgument
No Specify a variable that can be used to capture validation messages. For more information, see Capture Validation Errors.