
The following table shows the mapping of classes and properties in the Cmc.Nexus.Sis entity to tables and fields in the Anthology Student database.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis Mapping
Anthology Class Anthology Property Anthology Student Table.Field Name Comments
  AdmissionsRepTypeId SyStaff.AmReptypeId  
  CampusGroupId SyStaff.SyCampusGrpId  
  Code SyStaff.Code  
  Department SyStaff.Department  
  HiredDate SyStaff.HiredDate  
  Id SyStaff.SyStaffId  
  IsActive SyStaff.Active  
  Note SyStaff.Comments  
  PersonId SyStaff.SyStaffId (CONVERTED)  
  Position SyStaff.Position  
  TaskPolicyyId SyStaff.CmPolicyId  
  Title SyStaff.Title  
  AdvisorModule SyStaffGroup.AdvisorModule  
  Code SyStaffGroup.Code  
  Id SyStaffGroup.SyStaffGroupId  
  IsActive SyStaffGroup.Active  
  IsSystemCode SyStaffGroup.System  
  Name SyStaffGroup.Descrip  
  Id SyStaffByGroup.SyStaffByGroupId  
  StaffGroupId SyStaffByGroup.SyStaffGroupId  
  StaffId SyStaffByGroup.SyStaffId  
  AssociatedBusinessUnits AdEnroll.SyCampusId The contract allows for multiple Business Unit IDs. Anthology Student has only a single Campus ID that is populated in this property.
  AthleticIdentifier SyStudent.AthleticId  
  Id AdEnroll.SyStudentId  
  PersonId AdEnroll.SyStudentId (CONVERTED)  
  ShiftId AdEnroll.AdShiftId  
  StudentEnrollmentPeriods Collection of StudentEnrollmentPeriod When the Student Enrollment Wizard uses a Person Saving event, each step only fills out a few fields in the Person.Students(0).StudentEnrollmentPeriods(0) entity based on the step Context.
  StudentExtraCurriculars Collection of StudentExtraCurricular  
  StudentNumber AdEnroll.Stunum  
StudentAdvisor The StudentAdvisor entity is created for the sole purpose of supporting the current domain of Anthology Student. In the long term vision, student advisors will be persisted as Relationships. The specific members of the Relationship class in Anthology as well as all of the details around the Relationships feature in general have not yet been finalized. Thus it is premature to use the Relationship entity and contract to support the needed workflow functionality for Advisors in Anthology Student 17.0. For now, the StudentAdvisor class/entity is available and aligned completely with the existing Anthology Student domain.
  AdvisorModule SyAdvisorByEnroll.AdvisorModule  
  Id SyAdvisorByEnroll.SyAdvisorByEnrollId  
  StaffGroupId SyAdvisorByEnroll.SyStaffGroupId  
  StaffId SyAdvisorByEnroll.SyStaffId  
  StudentEnrollmentPeriodId SyAdvisorByEnroll.AdEnrollId  
  ExtraCurricularId AmprospectExtraCurr.AmExtraCurrId  
  IsPrimary AmprospectExtraCurr.PrimaryExtraCurr  
  StudentId AmprospectExtraCurr.SyStudentId
Anthology Class Anthology Property Anthology Student Table.Field Name Comments
Students AssociatedBusinessUnits AdEnroll.SyCampusId The contract allows for multiple business unit IDs. Anthology Student has only a single Campus ID that is populated in this property.
  Id AdEnroll.AdEnrollId  
  PersonId AdEnroll.SyStudentId (CONVERTED) Mapping occurs between Anthology Student and Anthology.

For Student, PersonId = (SyStudentId * 10 ) + 1.
Other entities: SyStaffId + '2', SyAddressId + ‘3’,PlEmployerContactId + ‘4’,AmAgencyContactId + ‘5’,SyOrganizationContactId + ‘6’,AmOnlineApplicantId + ‘7’

  ShiftId AdEnroll.AdShiftId  
  StudentEnrollmentPeriods See StudentEnrollmentPeriod class in CMC.Nexus.Sis.Academics.  
  StudentNumber AdEnroll.Stunum