Set Up Authenticated Chats

Live Assist provides support for authenticated chats and unauthenticated chats.

  • Authenticated chats require users to log in so authentication can occur and the information stored for the user at the institution can be retrieved and updated.

  • Unauthenticated chats do not require users to log in but when a chat is initiated, the user is prompted for first name, last name, and email address to determine if a record exists for the user at the institution. If a record exists, that record can be retrieved and updated. If no record exists, a new record can be created and updated.

You can configure Live Assist to implement Anthology Digital Assistant for authenticated chats or unauthenticated chats or both.


You must have completed the procedure Create a Bot User Skill.

  1. In the Live Assist Administration Portal, navigate to LINKS > Engagement Portal.  Closed

    Engagement Portal

  2. Select Manage campaigns and engagements in the left ribbon.  Closed

    Manage campaigns and engagements

  3. On the Campaigns page, click the Data sources link.  Closed

    Data sources

  4. On the Data Sources page, in the Consumer Identity Providers section, click ConfigureClosed

    Data Sources

  5. On the Authentication Server page, set up Live Assist for authenticated chats. Closed

    Authentication Server

    Configuration for Authenticated Chats
    Field Value
    URL Type oAuth 2.0 authentication (implicit)
    Authentication Endpoint Leave blank
    JWT Public Key RSA public key. See Generate RSA Keys.
    JS Method Name authorizeChatWithCallback (Use exact name as this is the name configured in the widget.)
    JS Context Leave blank

    Important: Live Assist only supports RS256 signed JWTs.

Continue with Add Campaign and Engagement Details.

Live Assist provides support for authenticated chats and unauthenticated chats.

  • Authenticated chats require users to log in so authentication can occur and the information stored for the user at the institution can be retrieved and updated.

  • Unauthenticated chats do not require users to log in but when a chat is initiated, the user is prompted for first name, last name, and email address to determine if a record exists for the user at the institution. If a record exists, that record can be retrieved and updated. If no record exists, a new record can be created and updated.

You can configure Live Assist to implement Anthology Digital Assistant for authenticated chats or unauthenticated chats or both.


You must have completed the procedure Create a Bot User Skill.

  1. In the Live Assist Administration Portal, navigate to LINKS > Engagement Portal. Closed

    Engagement Portal

  2. Select Manage campaigns and engagements in the left ribbon. Closed

    Manage campaigns and engagements

  3. On the Campaigns page, click the Data sources link. Closed

    Data sources

  4. On the Data Sources page, in the Authentication Server section, click Configure. Closed

    Data Sources

  5. On the Authentication Server page, set up Live Assist for authenticated chats. Closed

    Authentication Server

    Configuration for Authenticated Chats
    Field Value
    URL Type oAuth 2.0 authentication (implicit)
    Authentication Endpoint Leave blank
    JWT Public Key RSA public key. See Generate RSA Keys.
    JS Method Name authorizeChatWithCallback (Use exact name as this is the name configured in the widget.)
    JS Context Leave blank

    Important: Live Assist only supports RS256 signed JWTs.

Continue with Add Campaign and Engagement Details.

In this part of the procedure you will configure Live Assist for authenticated chats (by default Live Assist provides unauthenticated chats).


You must have completed the procedure Create a Bot User Skill.

  1. In the Live Assist Administration Portal, navigate to LINKS > Engagement Portal. Closed

    Engagement Portal

  2. Select Manage campaigns and engagements in the left ribbon. Closed

    Manage campaigns and engagements

  3. On the Campaigns page, click the Data sources link. Closed

    Data sources

  4. On the Data Sources page, in the Authentication Server section, click Edit. Closed

    Data Sources

  5. On the Authentication Server page, set up Live Assist for authenticated chats. Closed

    Authentication Server

    Configuration for Authenticated Chats
    Field Value
    URL Type oAuth 2.0 authentication (implicit)
    Authentication Endpoint Leave blank
    JWT Public Key RSA public key. See Generate RSA Keys.
    JS Method Name authorizeChatWithCallback (Use exact name as this is the name configured in the widget.)
    JS Context Leave blank

    Important: Live Assist only supports RS256 signed JWTs.

    As an alternative to the ssh-keygen commands used in Generate RSA Keys, you can use the following openssl commands:

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Continue with Add Campaign and Engagement Details.