Payment Information

You can add and remove credit card and bank account information in Student Portal.

Depending on the payment gateway configuration at your institution, the payment information form will provide slightly different options.

  • If TouchNet is configured in Anthology Student, you can add a credit card and/or a bank account. For more details about the TouchNet forms, see Make Payment Online.

  • If PayPal or ACI is configured, you can add a credit card and/or a checking account as described below.

Credit Card

To add credit card information:

  1. Navigate to My Finances > Payment Information. Details of your credit cards are displayed.

    Payment Information

  2. Click Add a New Credit Card.

    Depending on the configuration of your institution's Portal, the payment page of the payment gateway provider (ACI or PayPal) is displayed.

    If TouchNet is configured, see Make Payment Online.

    When adding a credit card though ACI’s funding Portal, you can use the Save this information for use with future payments option to choose whether you want to use a credit card for one-time payment or for future payments as well.

    • If the Save this information for use with future payments option is selected , then the card shall be available for use to make multiple credit card payments

    • If the Save this information for use with future payments option is not selected , then the card shall be available for a one-time payment only

    • ACI Closed

      ACI form

    • PayPal Closed

      PayPal form

  3. Specify the required details for your credit card and billing address.

  4. Click the appropriate button to save your settings and make the payment.

  5. A confirmation page from the payment gateway provider is displayed. Click the merchant link to return to the Portal.

To edit credit card information:

  1. Click a credit card name. Details of your credit card are displayed in edit mode.

  2. Modify the required details. Items marked with an asterisk are required.

  3. Click Save. Details of your credit card are updated.

To remove credit card information:

You can only remove credit card information if no scheduled payments are required to be made using the card.

  1. Click Remove next to a credit card to delete information of the credit card.

Checking Account

To add checking account information:

  1. Navigate to My Finances > Payment Information. Details of your checking accounts are displayed.

    Payment Information

  2. Click Add a Checking Account. The Checking Account Information page is displayed.

  3. Specify the required details. Items marked with an asterisk are required.

  4. Click Save. Details of your checking account are saved.