Anthology Student & Custom Payment Gateway Provider


PDF Payment Gateway Integrations - Help Guide (PDF version of this help section)

The purpose of the document is to provide clients with technical details for a successful integration between Anthology Student and any payment gateway providers that operate under the following concepts:

  • Allow consumers to add a credit card or bank account on a dedicated funding page.

  • The funding page returns a unique identifier for the host application to be stored.

  • An endpoint (URL) exists to receive payment requests from the host application.

At a high level, this solution relies on existing payment services in Anthology Student to send transaction requests to the payment gateway providers to be processed. Once the requests are processed successfully, Anthology APIs can be used to post the processed transactions to Anthology Student to complete the process.

Limitations & Practice Recommendations

  • This is phase 1 and the scope is limited to:

    • Allow configuration of Credit Card and ACH electronic processors with “Custom” payment gateway provider

    • Allow URL configuration (funding URL and Post URL) for the “Custom” payment gateway provider

    • Add students’ credit cards and bank accounts to the Anthology Student web app

    • Make single credit card/ACH payments through the student’s ledger card.

  • Clients must develop their own funding page that can communicate with Anthology Student and be able to use Anthology APIs to insert data into the Anthology Student database.

Process Flow

Process Flow - Custom Payment Gateway Provider


Continue with Anthology Student Configurations.