Ledger Card Report

You can use the Ledger Card report to create a batch that gathers specific records from the student ledger cards.

Generating the report involves two tabs on the Report Selection Information - Ledger Card page.

  • On the Process tab, specify the data selection criteria and queue the job. The job will run in the background.

  • On the History tab, review the result of the background job.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Either Reports - Student Accounts - Ledger Card or
    Student Accounts - All Reports authorization (All Reports provides authorization to view all reports for Student Accounts.) 

If you selected the SSN option in Student ID to PrintClosed Specifies the ID that is printed. The values are Student Number, SSN, Enrollment Number, and None. and want Anthology Student to display the SSN details, your institution must have selected Allow reporting access to Social Security NumberClosed Select the check box if you want the staff member to view, print, and export social security numbers (SSNs) for all reports from the Reports tile and when they export lists that contain columns with the social security number. The social security number will be a selectable option from the Student ID to Print drop-down list on the Report Selection Information page, will appear on the selected report, and will be available for export. This feature applies to custom reports which use Anthology Student stored procedures. If the SSN is a specified field on the report and the staff member or staff group does not have permission, the phrase "SSN Blocked" is printed on the report instead of the social security number. The SSN is also not displayed for export. on the Staff page. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff > select the New button and specify the general information or select an existing staff member in the list > select the Specialized Permissions tile.).

To configure the timeout duration for the Export to Excel button, your institution must have configured Export to Excel Timeout in SecondsClosed Enter the Timeout Value in seconds (0-900) for all the SSRS Export to Excel. under SettingsSystemGeneral.

Access Method

Select the Reports tile > expand Student Accounts > select Ledger Card.

Procedure to Generate a Ledger Card Report

Process Tab

Use the Process tab to specify the selection criteria and queue the Ledger Card report.

  1. Specify the data selection criteria.

    AR BalanceClosed Select the condition you want for AR Balance output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Between' and enter the range (300 ; 400) in the respective value field, the report displays the AR Balance value between 300 and 400 only.

    AR Balance ValueClosed The amount due for the statement period.

    Billing MethodsClosed The method used to bill for the student. For example, monthly, term, course, and so on. They are configured by your institution.

    CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Graduation DateClosed The date when the student graduated or is scheduled to graduate from the program version. From and To

    Include Course Detail?Closed Indicates that course detail information needs to be included.

    Pending Charges?Closed Indicates that pending charges need to be included.

    Print Graduation DateClosed Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want to include the Graduation Date. By default, the Graduation Date is included.

    Program VersionsClosed The program version associated with the student or item.

    Report TypeClosed Select the type of report output you want to generate. The values are PDF and Excel (Micrsoft Excel).

    Student StatusesClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.

    Start DateClosed The date the student is expected to start enrollment at your institution. From and To

    Status CategoriesClosed The category for the status. It can include more than one student status. They are defined by the system and selected for the student statuses configured by your institution.

    Student GroupsClosed The name of the student group. If you are selecting a group and your institution has configured Anthology Student to limit groups to campuses, you can only select groups for the campus that you are assigned to. If you are selecting a group, it can also be filtered to display groups where you are the owner, public groups, and private groups to which you have been given access.

    Student ID to PrintClosed Specifies the ID that is printed. The values are Student Number, SSN, Enrollment Number, and None.

    TermsClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

  2. Select the Queue Ledger Card Report button.

  3. On the queue batch dialog, review or change the name of the batch and select the Queue button.

    Anthology Student processes the selection criteria in the background. When the job is complete, Anthology Student notifies you that the Ledger Card report has been successfully queued.

  1. Continue with the History tab.

History Tab

Use the History tab to generate and download the Ledger Card report.

Batches on this tab are available for 28 days by default. Anthology Student removes them after 28 days. If you need to keep the information for a batch, use the Export (Export button) button on the toolbar.

  1. Review the status and values for the batches in the list.

    Billing MethodsClosed The method used to bill for the student. For example, monthly, term, course, and so on. They are configured by your institution.

    CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    DurationClosed The amount of time it took to process the job or batch.

    File NameClosed The name of the file. In some cases, it is the name you want to use, or previously specified, for the file. In some cases, it is the name specified by Anthology Student.

    Graduation DateClosed The date when the student graduated or is scheduled to graduate from the program version. From and To

    Course DetailsClosed Indicates that course detail information needs to be included.

    Pending ChargesClosed Indicates that pending charges need to be included.

    Program VersionsClosed The program version associated with the student or item.

    Report TypeClosed Select the type of report output you want to generate. The values are PDF and Excel (Micrsoft Excel).

    StartedClosed The date and time when the first job within the batch started executing.

    StatusClosed Indicates the status of processing for the student or item in the job. If all of the awards were successfully processed and approved, it displays Succeeded. If one or more awards were not approved, it displays Completed.

    Student StatusClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.

    Start DateClosed The date the student is expected to start enrollment at your institution. From and To

    Status CategoryClosed The category for the status. It can include more than one student status. They are defined by the system and selected for the student statuses configured by your institution.

    Student GroupClosed The name of the student group. If you are selecting a group and your institution has configured Anthology Student to limit groups to campuses, you can only select groups for the campus that you are assigned to. If you are selecting a group, it can also be filtered to display groups where you are the owner, public groups, and private groups to which you have been given access.

    Submitted ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the batch for processing.

    TermsClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

  2. Select the check box next to the batch. If the batch is successful, Anthology Student enables the Generate Ledger Card Report button on the toolbar.

  3. Select the Generate Ledger Card Report button on the toolbar to generate and download the report.

  4. If the job status is Failed, select the Retry Batch button in the grid toolbar to resubmit the job.

  5. To remove a batch, select the Cancel Batch button in the grid toolbar.

Details for the Report

In the report: 

  • Items are displayed in alphabetical order of student name

  • In PDF output, the student name is linked to the student profile. For more information, see Access a Profile from a Report.