Student Listing

You can use the Student Listing report to generate: 

  • Detailed information from the student profile (Report Type - Detail Report)

  • Summary information from the student profile (Report Type - Summary Report) 

You can also remove students on the report from an existing student group.

Leads are not displayed in the Student Listing Detail report.

If you frequently generate reports with the same selection criteria, you can save the selection criteria under a name. This makes it easier to generate reports in the future with the same selection criteria.

When you are opening export files, if you select "Convert" in the Microsoft Excel pop-up fields that start with Zero (0), it will have the zeros (0) removed. If your file contains fields like Zip Code, the leading zeros will be removed. It is recommended when prompted with the Microsoft Excel pop-up, select "Don't Convert."

  • When Convert is selected, the system removes the leading zeros.

  • When Don't Convert is selected, the system does not remove the leading zeros.

Shows the message dialog with options for converting.


You must have: 

  • Common - Reports - View authorization

  • Either Reports - Academic Records - Student Listing or Academic Records - All Reports authorization (All Reports provides authorization to view all reports for Academic Records.) 

If you selected the SSN option in Student ID to PrintClosed Specifies the ID that is printed. The values are Student Number, SSN, Enrollment Number, and None. and want Anthology Student to display the SSN details, your institution must have selected Allow reporting access to Social Security NumberClosed Select the check box if you want the staff member to view, print, and export social security numbers (SSNs) for all reports from the Reports tile and when they export lists that contain columns with the social security number. The social security number will be a selectable option from the Student ID to Print drop-down list on the Report Selection Information page, will appear on the selected report, and will be available for export. This feature applies to custom reports which use Anthology Student stored procedures. If the SSN is a specified field on the report and the staff member or staff group does not have permission, the phrase "SSN Blocked" is printed on the report instead of the social security number. The SSN is also not displayed for export. on the Staff page. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff > select the New button and specify the general information or select an existing staff member in the list > select the Specialized Permissions tile.).

To configure the timeout duration for the Export to Excel button, your institution must have configured Export to Excel Timeout in SecondsClosed Enter the Timeout Value in seconds (0-900) for all the SSRS Export to Excel. under SettingsSystemGeneral.

Access Method

Select the Reports tile > locate Academic Records > select Student Listing.

Procedure to Generate the Report

  1. Specify the data selection criteria.

    Academic Advisor Closed Name of the student's academic advisor.

    Admissions RepresentativesClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record.

    Agencies/SponsorsClosed The agency or sponsor that the student is associated with. If you want to add additional agencies or specify specific branches of the agencies, use the Agency Affiliations tile (Select the Students tile > select the student name in the list > expand Contact Manager).

    Application DateClosed The date when the application was processed. From and To

    Area of StudyClosed The various areas such as Major, Minor, or Concentration that the students have taken to complete their degree. The areas of study are configured by your institution.

    Area of Study TypesClosed The type of area of study (such as major, minor, or concentration).

    Bad AddressClosed When selected, specifies that there are one more errors in the address for the student (such as the address is incomplete or mail has been returned).

    Bad PhoneClosed When selected, specifies that there is an error in the phone number for the student.

    Billing MethodsClosed The method used to bill for the student. For example, monthly, term, course, and so on. They are configured by your institution.

    Birthday MonthClosed The student's birthday month.

    CampusesClosed The campus where the student or students were enrolled.

    Catalog YearsClosed The catalog configured by your institution. The catalog contains the courses required for a program version or area of study. The Default - None catalog should not be used.

    CitizenshipClosed Indicates the type of US citizenship or if the student is not a citizen.

    CityClosed Select the condition for the City output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Contains' and enter the characters (Al) in the respective value field, the report displays all City values containing the entered characters.

    City ValueClosed The name of the city.

    CountriesClosed The country of residence. If you are specifying a country, it defaults to the country for the campus. The country also determines the format of phone numbers. If you change the country, the phone numbers are automatically reformatted to the format for that country.

    CountiesClosed The county for the address.

    DegreesClosed The academic degree.

    DisabledClosed Disability status of the student. When you are adding the Student Profile, Unspecified is the default.

    Driv. Lic StateClosed Select the condition for the Driving License output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Contains' and enter the characters (Al) in the respective value field, the report displays all the Driving License State value containing the entered characters.

    Driv Lic ValueClosed The driving license state.

    EmployersClosed The name of the employer. If you are selecting the employer from a list, it contains the names of all the employers configured for your institution.

    Enroll StatusesClosed The student's enrollment status.

    Ethnic GroupsClosed The ethnic group that best describes the lead or student.

    Exp. Credits per TermClosed Select the condition for the Expected Credits per Term output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Between' and enter the range (10 ; 12) in the respective value field, the report displays the Expected Credits per Term values between 5 and 10 only.

    Exp. Credits per Term ValueClosed The expected credits per term for a program version.

    Exp. Extern. Hrs Per WeekClosed Select the condition for the Expected Hours of Externship per Week output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Between' and enter the range (8 ; 12) in the respective value field, the report displays the Expected Hours of Externship per Week Values between 8 and 12 only.

    Exp. Extern. Hrs Per Week ValueClosed The expected hours of externship or training per week that the student is expected to take.

    Expected StartClosed The date the student is expected to start enrollment at your institution. From and To

    Extern Begin DateClosed The start date of the student's externship. From and To

    Extracurricular ActivitiesClosed The student's extracurricular activities.

    GenderClosed The gender of the student or person. The values that can be selected are configured by your institution.

    Grad YearClosed The year of the student's graduation.

    Graduation DateClosed The date when the student graduated or is scheduled to graduate from the program version. From and To

    Hispanic/LatinoClosed Indicates whether a student is of Spanish or Latin American descent.

    InterestsClosed The program group that the student is interested in. Program groups classify program versions that have some common characteristic and are configured by your institution. The interest determines that program related documents and required tests that are added to the student profile.

    Last Day AttClosed The last day of attendance. In Anthology Student, audit courses are courses that do not require coursework or participation. While you can take attendance for audit courses, they do not update the last day of attendance (LDA) per the guidelines of the U.S. Department of Education. If you want a course to update the LDA for students, a course must take attendance and not be an audit course (such as a course taken, retaken, or repeated). From and To

    Load Saved CriteriaClosed Select the required saved criteria that you want to load in the selection criteria fields.

    Marital StatusesClosed The marital status of the student. The values are configured by your institution.

    NationalitiesClosed If your institution enrolls international students, the nationality of the student. The values can be configured by your institution.

    Orig Enroll Exp StartClosed This is the original expected start date of the enrollment. The date is captured when enrolling a student or upon the completion of the application process. If the student has multiple enrollments, then this date will reflect the original expected start date for each enrollment. If the enrollment is transferred, then the value for Original Student Expected Start Date and this date will be the same. From and To

    Orig Student Exp StartClosed This is the original student expected start date at the time of enrollment. The date is determined at the time of the student's first enrollment. This date is frozen. From and To

    Payment TypesClosed Specifies how the payment was made. The values are Cash and Check.

    Placement StatusesClosed The placement status of the student.

    Postal CodeClosed Select the condition for the Postal Code output in the report. For example, if you select condition 'Is not equal to' and enter code (83456) in the value field, the report displays all the Postal Code values except the entered code.

    Postal Code ValueClosed The postal code for the address.

    Previous EducationClosed The education level of the student. They are configured by your institution. The value you select will depend on the policies and procedures at your institution.

    ProgramsClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program VersionsClosed The program version associated with the student or item.

    Prospect CategoriesClosed Category that classifies prospect sources into groups for the analysis of marketing effectiveness.

    Prospect SourcesClosed The source of the prospect specified on the Student Profile or inquiry. The values are configured by your institution and they indicate how a student heard about your institution. If you are specifying the value, the program displays a dialog that you can use to select more than one prospect source, vendor, or sub vendors.

    Prospect TypesClosed The type of prospect. The values are configured by your institution. They are categories that classify your prospects according to any grouping your institution might find useful. For example, you can classify prospect sources into groups to analyze market effectiveness and determine the category of prospect sources that generates most prospects.

    Report TypeClosed The type of report, that is, summary or detail report.

    School Status As OfClosed The school/student status as on the specified date.

    ShiftsClosed The shift during which the student will attend classes (such as days or evenings). Shifts are configured by your institution.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Status CategoriesClosed The category for the status. It can include more than one student status. They are defined by the system and selected for the student statuses configured by your institution.

    Status DateClosed The date when the status was last changed. From and To

    Student GroupsClosed The name of the student group. If you are selecting a group and your institution has configured Anthology Student to limit groups to campuses, you can only select groups for the campus that you are assigned to. If you are selecting a group, it can also be filtered to display groups where you are the owner, public groups, and private groups to which you have been given access.

    Student ID to PrintClosed Specifies the ID that is printed. The values are Student Number, SSN, Enrollment Number, and None.

    Student StatusesClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.

    Version Start DateClosed The start date of the program version for the campus that the student is enrolling in. From and To

    VeteranClosed The veteran status of the student.

  1. Take the appropriate action.

    Task Action to Take
    View the report

    1.  Select the View Report button. Anthology Student displays the generated report.

    Export the report

    1.  Select the Export to Excel button. Anthology Student displays the Export Report Data dialog box.

    2.  Review, specify, or change the following value.

    Export File NameClosed The name of the exported file.

    3.  Select the Export button.

    Anthology Student exports the generated report as a CSV file which may be viewed in Excel. In some cases, the exported file will contain additional data not displayed in the report on your screen.

    Note: If you entered special characters like *, -, !, (, or ) in the report fields, Anthology Student automatically prepends an apostrophe to those field values upon export to Excel or CSV. The apostrophe is added to reduce vulnerability, as these characters are perceived by Excel as an actionable formula. Once the report is exported to Excel, Anthology suggests using find and replace on the characters only if necessary to restore original values.

    Save the selection criteria

    1.  Select the Save Criteria button. Anthology Student displays the Save Criteria dialog box.

    2.  Specify the name to save the criteria.

    3.  Select the Save button. Anthology Student saves the selection criteria for the report.

    Delete the selection criteria

    1.  Select the Delete Saved Criteria button. Anthology Student displays the Delete Criteria dialog box.

    2.  Select the Delete button. Anthology Student deletes the selected saved criteria for the report.

If you want to remove the students on the report from an existing student group, select the Save Student Group button. Anthology Student displays the Save to Student Group dialog box.

  1. In Student Group Name, select the group you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete from Existing Group.

  3. Select Save. Anthology Student deletes the selected student group from the report.

You can also save to a student group. For more information, see Create or Update a Student Group Using a Report.

Details for the Report

In the report:

  • Student names are displayed in alphabetical order

  • Student name is linked to the student profile. For more information, see Access a Profile from a Report.