Add or Edit Task Templates
You can use the Task Templates page to configure task templates. The task templates will then be available for selection when staff members add tasks.
The properties you can specify depend on the event type. For example, if you select an Event Type of:
Incoming Phone Call or Outgoing Phone Call, you can also specify a script so that all the staff members ask the same questions and gather the same basic information during the call
Letter, you can download, draft, and then upload a letter
SMS-Text Message, you can specify the message that Anthology Student sends
For emails, letters, text messages, and alerts on Portal, you can insert fields from the Anthology Student database into the body of the message. For example, you can insert the <campusphone> field and it will be replaced with the phone number for the campus in the database when Anthology Student generates the correspondence.
You must have Contact Manager - Configuration - Manage authorization.
Your institution must have configured task categories. (Select the Lists tile > locate Contact Manager > select Task Categories.)
To edit an item associated with more than one campus, you must have access to all the campuses. For example, if the item is configured to be available at three campuses and you only have access to two of the campuses, you can view, but cannot edit it. (When you add an item, you can only select campuses to which you have access.)
To edit the campuses, the task template must not be associated with a scheduled task.
You must have the following permissions to assign advisors from the respective modules:
Module | Task Permissions |
Academics Records | Academics - Student Enrollment Period - View |
Admissions | Admissions - Student Applications - View |
Career Services | Career Services - Placement Statuses - View |
Financial Aid | Financial Aid - Academic Years - View |
International | Contact Manager - Student International - View |
Other | Contact Manager - Student Advisor - View |
Student Accounts | Student Accounts - Student Account Transaction - View |
The table shows the prerequisites for specific event types.
Event Type | Prerequisite |
Auto Disb. Cancellation/Disb. To Re-expect Alert E-Mail Staff Job Notification E-mail Waitlist Email to Student E-Mail Organization E-Mail Student E-Mail to Employer |
To add or edit the HTML source in the Email Message area, you must have the Allow Editing of Task Template HTML Source
Letter |
To download and create a letter: • Your institution must have configured the path for letters and you must have permission to the location • You must have Microsoft Word installed on your system To upload a letter, the document must be a maximum of 15 MB. |
Incoming Phone Call Meeting Outgoing Phone Call |
To edit the questions for a script, there must not be student answers to the questions already in the system. |
Access Method
Select the Configuration tile > expand Contact Manager > select Task Templates.
Procedure to Add or Edit Items
A minimum of one task template must be configured to add Incidents. ( Select the Processes tile > locate Contact Manager > select Incidents.)
If you want to:
Add a new list item, select the New button on the toolbar
Edit an existing list item, select the name in the list
Add a new list item by copying and modifying an existing list item, select the row in the list and the Duplicate button on the toolbar
Review, specify, or change the following values.
The actions you take and the remaining values you specify, depend on the type of task you selected in the Event Type list. For information about mail merge codes, see Background for Mail Merge Codes.
Event Type Action to Take Auto Disb. Cancellation/Disb. To Re-expect Alert
E-Mail Staff
Job Notification E-mail
Waitlist Email to Student
1. Specify or change the Email Subject
2. If you are creating a new task template, select the Save button on the toolbar.
3. Under Additional Information, specify or change the values.
4. If you want to preview the email and test any hyperlinks you added in the message text, select the Preview (
) button.
E-Mail Organization
E-Mail Student
E-Mail to Employer
1. Specify or change the values.
2. If you are creating a new task template, select the Save button on the toolbar.
3. Under Additional Information, specify or change the values.
4. If you want to preview the email and test any hyperlinks you added in the message text, select the Preview (
) button.
1. Specify or change the values.
2. If you are creating a new task template, select the Save button on the toolbar.
3. Specify or change the values.
Incoming Phone Call
Outgoing Phone Call
1. Specify or change the values.
Show comments online with task
(Meetings only)
2. If you are creating a new task template, select the Save button on the toolbar.
3. Under Additional Information, select the New button in the Questions grid. Anthology Student displays a dialog.
4. On the dialog, specify the format and question.
5. If you selected List of Values for Question Type, select the Add button. (You can also remove and copy rows for List of Values. For all other types, Anthology Student populates the grid with rows appropriate for the type of question, and remove and copy are not available.)
6. Complete the Actions grid.
7. If you want to save and:
◦ Close the dialog, select the Save button
◦ Specify another question, select the Save & New button
8. If you want to preview and test the script, select the Preview button.
None Other Task
1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.
2. Specify or change the values.
1. If you are creating a new task template, select the Save button. Anthology Student displays Upload Letter and Download Letter next to Event Type.
2. To create the letter, select Download Letter. Anthology Student downloads a .docx and .txt file.
3. In your download location, right-select the .docx and .txt files and select Properties.
4. If there is an Unblock check box, select the check box and select OK.
5. Open the .docx file.
6. If you receive a message asking you:
If it is okay to place data from the database into your document, select Yes
To find a data source, select the Find Data Source button and select the .txt file with the same name as the .docx file that you opened
Anthology Student displays the document in Word.
7. Write the letter. If you want to insert fields from the Anthology Student database, select the Mailings tab and Insert Merge Fields. Word displays the fields in the database appropriate for letters and the value you selected for From Advisor.
8. When you are done writing the letter, save your work.
9. Return to the Task Templates page in Anthology Student.
10. Select Upload Letter, then select the Select Letter button, and select the .docx file.
11. Select the Upload button. Anthology Student uploads the letter and displays the name in the Task Template field.
12. Specify or change the values.
13. Under Additional Information, specify or change the values.
14. Add the Documents
and Linked Letters
15. Select the Save button on the toolbar.
If you need to remove a letter, select the Upload Letter button, review the document name on the dialog, and select the Clear Letter button.
SMS-Text Message
1. Select a value for Sms Sent As Email
2. Select the Save button on the toolbar.
3. Specify or change the SMS Message
Job Notification Alert
Student Alert
Waitlist Web Alert To Student
1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.
2. Specify or change the Message
If the campus is configured so that it is integrated with CampusNexus CRM, specify or change the values.
If you want to save and:
Continue making changes, select the Save button
Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button
Close, select the Save & Close button
If You Want to Format Data Merged for Mail Merge Codes in Letters
In letters, you can format the data merged into the document using the mail merge codes. For example, you can add the decimal separator (,) in amounts.
You can specify any format supported in Microsoft Word.
Follow this process to format a mail merge code in a letter.
In the letter you downloaded, select the mail merge code.
Right select and select Toggle Field Codes. Microsoft Word displays the code in the following format.
{ MERGEFIELD mergecodename }
Specify the formatting.
For example, if you want to add a decimal separator (,) in the amount displayed for the StudentARBalance mail merge code, specify:
{ MERGEFIELD StudentARBalance \# #,##0.00 }
Select the code.
Right select and select Update Field.
Save the document and follow the steps to upload it again.
You cannot edit the values for Code and Active for list items that have a Yes in the System column. These items are defined by Anthology Student.
System Templates for Financial Aid Overview Notifications
The Anthology Student system provides out-of-the-box templates for notifications related to a student's interactions with the Financial Aid Overview (FAO) page in the Student Portal. These templates can be duplicated (with a different Code value) but cannot be deleted or deactivated. You can select the templates by Description/Name and modify the notification details as needed. The templates include mail merge codes and variables that retrieve specific values from the database.
Note: Altering the text in E-Mail or SMS notifications will affect the message being sent to the student or staff member. It may not be the same as what was originally intended.
FAO Submitted Template
This is an E-Mail template for staff members. Some of its properties are system-defined while others can be modified.
Description: FAO Submitted
Code: FS
Campuses: All Campuses
Active: Yes
Event Type: Other Task
Note: This can be configured as suitable.
Below is/are the status of the funds as submitted by Student - <studentfirstname> <studentlastname> - <studentid>
{FundName} {AcademicYearSequence} {OriginalAmount} {FinalAmount} {FundStatus}
Student Alert Template
This is an task template for student alerts. Some of its properties are system-defined while others can be modified.
Description: Student FAO Alert
Code: SA
Campuses: All Campuses
Active: Yes
Category: Alert Emails
Event Type: Student Alert
Message: This can be configured as suitable. The URL to take the student to Financial Aid Overview page should be available.
Dear <studentfirstname> <studentlastname>,
Your packaging of Awards is complete for the <programversiondesc>. Please visit the Financial Aid Overview page - {FinancialAidOverviewPageLink}
(Passive Acceptance ON)
Please review your Awards, Grants & Scholarship and provide your consent within {PassiveAcceptanceDays}. Please provide your response within {PassiveAcceptanceDays} else all the awards will be marked as Approved automatically.
(Passive Acceptance OFF)
Please review your Awards, Grants & Scholarship and provide your response for the same.
For any discrepancies, please contact the Financial Aid Advisor.
Student E-Mail Template
This is an E-Mail template for students. Some of its properties are system-defined while others can be modified.
Description: Student FAO Notification
Code: SFN
Campuses: Selected Campuses
Active: Yes
Category: Alert Emails
Event Type: E-Mail Student
Email Subject: Student FAO Notification
Student Contact Flag: Required
Email Message: This can be configured as suitable. The URL to take the student to Financial Aid Overview page should be available.
Dear <studentfirstname> <studentlastname>,
Your packaging of Awards is complete for the <programversiondesc>. Please visit the Financial Aid Overview page - {FinancialAidOverviewPageLink}
(Passive Acceptance ON)
Please review your Awards, Grants & Scholarship and provide your consent within {PassiveAcceptanceDays}. Please provide your response within {PassiveAcceptanceDays} else all the awards will be marked as Approved automatically.
(Passive Acceptance OFF)
Please review your Awards, Grants & Scholarship and provide your response for the same.
For any discrepancies, please contact the Financial Aid Advisor.
Student SMS Template
This is an SMS text message template for students. Some of its properties are system-defined while others can be modified.
Description: Student FAO Notification
Campuses: Selected Campuses
Active: Yes
Category: SMS Category
Event Type: SMS - Text Message
SMS Sent as Email: No
SMS Message: This can be configured however it is suitable. The URL is not allowed to be embedded within a text in SMS.
(Passive Acceptance ON)
Kindly provide your response to FAO within {PassiveAcceptanceDays} Days.
(Passive Acceptance OFF)
Please review & respond to the Financial Aid Offer.