Background for Mail Merge Codes
Mail merge codes are used to merge data from Anthology Student into letters, e-mails, labels, and other documents created in Microsoft Word. Select the codes from a drop-down list while composing or editing your document. When the time comes to print the document, Word extracts the data from the Anthology Student databases and substitutes it where you have placed the merge codes.
The data fields can range from a simple name field to a complex data table of financial aid data. Some codes, such as StudentFirstName, result in data from a single field in the database. Others, such as StudentCourseSchedule, result in data being listed from several records.
Available Merge Field Codes for Letter Task Templates
The table below contains an alphabetic listing of merge field codes available in Anthology Student. It is intended to serve as an overview of the codes available to you through Microsoft Word when you compose or edit your document. When the time comes to print the document, Word extracts the corresponding data from the Anthology Student databases and substitutes it where you have placed the merge codes.
<AdEnrollID> <AttachmentDetail> <AttachmentSummary> <Benefits> <BillingAddress> <BillingCity> <BillingCountry> <BillingFirstName> <BillingLastName> <BillingState> <BillingZip> <CampusAddress> <CampusBusinessOffice> <CampusCity> <CampusCountry> <CampusDirectorofAdmissions> <CampusDirectorOfCareer> <CampusDirectorOfEducation> <CampusDirectorofFA> <CampusName> <CampusOfficialSchoolName> <CampusPhone> <CampusPresident> <CampusState> <CampusURL> <CampusZip> <CashAmountPastDue> <ClockHours> <CmEventID> <cumGPA> <EmployerAddress> <EmployerCity> <EmployerContactEmail> <EmployerContactFaxNumber> <EmployerContactFirstName> <EmployerContactLastName> <EmployerContactName> <EmployerContactPhoneNumber> <EmployerContactTitle> <EmployerCountry> <EmployerEmailAddress> <EmployerFaxNumber> <EmployerLocation> <EmployerName> |
<EmployerPhone> <EmployerState> <EmployerZip> <EnrollmentDescription> <EnrollmentExpectedEnd> <EnrollmentLDA> <EnrollmentNumber> <EnrollmentStartDate> <EnrollmentStartTerm> <EnrollmentStatus> <ExpectedStartDate> <FailedSAPReason> <HoursPerWeek> <HousingBuilding> <HousingBuildingAddress> <HousingBuildingPhone> <HousingRoom> <HousingRoomMates> <IncGrade> <IncGradeCourse> <IncGradeExpDate> <IncGradeReplaced> <IncGradeTerm> <InstructionalWeek> <JobComments> <JobLocation> <JobSkills> <JobTitle> <LedgerAmount> <LedgerDate> <LedgerDescrip> <LOAEndDate> <LOAStartDate> <MissingDocuments> <MissingDocumentsAD> <MissingDocumentsAL> <MissingDocumentsAM> <MissingDocumentsAMComments> <MissingDocumentsBS> <MissingDocumentsCM> <MissingDocumentsFA> <MissingDocumentsFAComments> <MissingDocumentsHO> <MissingDocumentsLM> |
<MissingDocumentsPL> <MissingDocumentsSA> <MissingDocumentsSY> <OrgPrimaryContactAddress> <OrgPrimaryContactName> <PermitDocCourse> <PermitDocExpDate> <PermitDocSections> <PermitDocStatus> <PermitDocTerms> <PermitDocument> <PermitType> <PlEmployerID> <Prerequisitecourse> <ProgramVersion> <ProgramVersionCode> <ProgramVersionDegreeType> <ProgramVersionDesc> <RemittanceAddress> <RemittanceCity> <RemittanceCountry> <RemittanceState> <RemittanceZip> <SchoolStatus> <SchoolStatusDate> <SemesterHours> <Shift> <ShiftDesc> <StudentAddress1> <StudentARBalance> <StudentCity> <StudentCollegeAddress> <StudentCountry> <StudentCourseCatalog> <StudentCourseResources> <StudentCourseSchedule> <StudentCurrentEmployerAddress> <StudentCurrentEmployerContact> <StudentCurrentEmployerContactTitle> <StudentCurrentEmployerName> <StudentCurrentEmployerPhone> <StudentDOB> <StudentDropDate> <StudentEMail> |
<StudentExpectedBalance> <StudentExternSiteAddress> <StudentExternSiteContact> <StudentExternSiteContactTitle> <StudentExternSiteName> <StudentExternSitePhone> <StudentExternSiteSupervisor> <StudentExtraCurr> <StudentFeeScheduleInfo> <StudentFirstName> <StudentGender> <StudentHighSchoolAddress> <StudentHighSchoolName> <StudentHomePhone> <StudentID> <StudentInterest> <StudentLastName> <StudentLeadDate> <StudentLeadSource> <StudentLeadType> <StudentMI> <StudentMiddleName> <StudentName> <StudentNickName> <StudentOtherEmail> <StudentOtherPhone> <StudentOverdueDocument> <StudentPIN> <StudentPreferredName> <StudentProgram> <StudentProgramCode> <StudentPronouns> <StudentSSN> <StudentState> <StudentTitle> <StudentWorkPhone> <StudentZip> <StudPrimaryContactAddress> <StudPrimaryContactName> <SyCampusID> <SyStudentID> <TermSequence> |
Available Merge Field Codes for E-mail Task Templates
Below is a table listing all currently available merge field codes for e-mail task templates within Anthology Student. The codes are arranged in groups, depending upon their function in the application.
Merge Field Groups | Merge Field Codes (E-mails) | ||
Campus Details |
<campusurl> <campusname> <campusaddress> <campusbusinessoffice> <campuscity> <campuscountry> |
<campusdirectorofadmissions> <campusdirectorofcareer> <campusdirectorofeducation> <campusdirectoroffa> <campusofficialschoolname> |
<campusphone> <campuspresident> <campusstate> <campuszip> |
Disb. Details |
<fundsourcecode> <awardyear> <awardamount> |
<disbursementnumber> <disbursementdate> |
<expectedamount> <disbursementstatus> |
Employer |
<employername> <employeraddress> <employercity> <employerstate> <employerzip> <employercountry> <employerphonenumber> <employerfaxnumber> <employeremailaddress> <employercode> |
<employerpin> <employercontacttitle> <employercontactfirstname> <employercontactlastname> <employercontactemailaddress> <employercontactphonenumber> <employercontactfaxnumber> <plemployerjobid> <pljobtitleid> <jobtitle> |
<jobdescription> <days> <time> <jobcomment> <jobskills> <benefits> <joblocation> <location> |
Enrollment Details |
<enrollmentexpectedend> <enrollmentstartterm> <enrollmentstartdate> <schoolstatus> <schoolstatusdate> |
<enrollmentstatus> <studentdropdate> <expectedstartdate> <programversiondesc> <loastartdate> |
<loaenddate> <hoursperweek> <failedsapreason> <programversion> <enrollmentdescription> |
General Details |
<attachmentsummary> |
<attachmentdetail> |
Housing Details |
<housingroommates> <housingbuilding> |
<housingroom> <housingbuildingaddress> |
<housingbuildingphone> |
Incomplete Grade Details |
<IncompleteGradeCourse> <IncompleteGradeCourseTerm> |
<IncompleteGradeExpirationDate> <IncompleteGrade> |
<IncompleteGradeReplaced> |
Ledger Information Note: In the case of ledger information (date, amount, description), each e-mail activity that is added will show separate transaction details. There will be one e-mail activity for each payment posted, regardless of the time the job runs. |
<ledgerdescrip> <ledgeramount> <ledgerdate> |
Missing Documents |
<missingdocumentam> <missingdocumentamcomments> |
Other Advisors (examples only) Replace XXXXX in code as follows: System Administrator: ADMIN Athletic Advisor: ATHLETIC Other: OTHER |
<studentothXXXXXadvisorlastname> <studentothXXXXXadvisorfirstname> <studentothXXXXXadvisoraddress> <studentothXXXXXadvisorcity> |
<studentothXXXXXadvisorstate> <studentothXXXXXadvisorzip> <studentothXXXXXadvisoremail> <studentothXXXXXadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentothXXXXXadvisorphone> <studentothXXXXXadvisorofficenumber> <studentothXXXXXadvisorextension>
Permit Documents |
<PermitDocument> <PermitDocStatus> <PermitDocExpDate> |
<PermitDocCourse> <PermitDocTerms> |
<PermitDocSections> <PermitType> |
Registration Details |
<registrationpassword> <registrationterm> |
<registrationstartdate> <registrationenddate> |
<registrationstarttime> <registrationendtime> |
Remittance Address Details |
<remittanceaddress> <remittancecity> |
<remittancestate> <remittancezip> |
<remittancecountry> |
Student Admissions Rep |
<studentamreplastname> <studentamrepfirstname> <studentamrepaddress> <studentamrepcity> |
<studentamrepstate> <studentamrepzip> <studentamrepemail> <studentamrepemailreplyto> |
<studentamrepphone> <studentamrepofficenumber> <studentamrepextension> |
Student Academic Advisor |
<studentadadvisorlastname> <studentadadvisorfirstname> <studentadadvisoraddress> <studentadadvisorcity> |
<studentadadvisorstate> <studentadadvisorzip> <studentadadvisoremail> <studentadadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentadadvisorphone> <studentadadvisorofficenumber> <studentadadvisorextension> |
Student Accounts Advisor |
<studentsaadvisorlastname> <studentsaadvisorfirstname> <studentsaadvisoraddress> <studentsaadvisorcity> |
<studentsaadvisorstate> <studentsaadvisorzip> <studentsaadvisoremail> <studentsaadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentsaadvisorphone> <studentsaadvisorofficenumber> <studentsaadvisorextension> |
Student Financial Aid Advisor |
<studentfaadvisorlastname> <studentfaadvisorfirstname> <studentfaadvisoraddress> <studentfaadvisorcity> |
<studentfaadvisorstate> <studentfaadvisorzip> <studentfaadvisoremail> <studentfaadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentfaadvisorphone> <studentfaadvisorofficenumber> <studentfaadvisorextension> |
Student Career Advisor |
<studentcsadvisorlastname> <studentcsadvisorfirstname> <studentcsadvisoraddress> <studentcsadvisorcity> |
<studentcsadvisorstate> <studentcsadvisorzip> <studentcsadvisoremail> <studentcsadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentcsadvisorphone> <studentcsadvisorofficenumber> <studentcsadvisorextension> |
Student Contact Manager Advisor |
<studentcmdvisorlastname> <studentcmadvisorfirstname> <studentcmadvisoraddress> <studentcmadvisorcity> |
<studentcmadvisorstate> <studentcmadvisorzip> <studentcmadvisoremail> <studentcmadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentcmadvisorphone> <studentcmadvisorofficenumber> <studentcmadvisorextension> |
Student Loan Management Advisor |
<studentlmadvisorlastname> <studentlmadvisorfirstname> <studentlmadvisoraddress> <studentlmadvisorcity> |
<studentlmadvisorstate> <studentlmadvisorzip> <studentlmadvisoremail> <studentlmadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentlmadvisorphone> <studentlmadvisorofficenumber> <studentlmadvisorextension> |
Student Housing Services Advisor |
<studenthsadvisorlastname> <studenthsadvisorfirstname> <studenthsadvisoraddress> <studenthsadvisorcity> |
<studenthsadvisorstate> <studenthsadvisorzip> <studenthsadvisoremail> <studenthsadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studenthsadvisorphone> <studenthsadvisorofficenumber> <studenthsadvisorextension> |
Student International Advisor |
<studentniadvisorlastname> <studentniadvisorfirstname> <studentniadvisoraddress> <studentniadvisorcity> |
<studentniadvisorstate> <studentniadvisorzip> <studentniadvisoremail> <studentniadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentniadvisorphone> <studentniadvisorofficenumber> <studentniadvisorextension> |
Student Services Advisor |
<studentssadvisorlastname> <studentssadvisorfirstname> <studentssadvisoraddress> <studentssadvisorcity> |
<studentssadvisorstate> <studentssadvisorzip> <studentssadvisoremail> <studentssadvisoremailreplyto> |
<studentssadvisorphone> <studentssadvisorofficenumber> <studentssadvisorextension> |
Student Details |
<studentname> <studentprogram> <studentlastname> <studentfirstname> <studentnickname> <studentstartterm> <studentleaddate> <studentid> <studentaddress> <studentaddr> <studentcity> <studentstate> <studentcountry> |
<studentzip> <studentphone> <studentotherphone> <studentemail> <studentpin> <studenthighschoolname> <studentexpectedstartdate> <studentschoolstatus> <enrollmentapplicantschoolstatus> <studentshift> <studentshiftdescription> <prerequisitecourse> <studentinterest> |
<studentcourseschedule> <cashamountpastdue> <studentcurrentemployername> <studentcurrentemployeraddress> <studentcurrentemployerphone> <studentcurrentemployercontact> <studentcurrentemployercontacttitle> <studentagencysponsorname> <studentmiddlename> <studentpreferredname> <studentpronouns> <studentsarbalance> |
User (School) Defined Fields Any merge field code ending with _SDF |
Examples: <FormerRoomates_SDF> <LicensePlate_SDF> |
<ParkingSpace_SDF> <AnySchoolDefinedField_SDF> |
The expiration deadline date is required to populate the Incomplete grade mail merge fields on template. The Final Grades form will always have the expiration deadline date, even if the Incomplete grade is replaced prior to the expiration date. The Incomplete expiration deadline date will be compared to the Date Posted using the full Month/Day/Year date format and not just the Month/Day format, as this is used to determine if the expiration date is in the past.
Whenever a configured E-mail task template is triggered and the student's grade changes from any grade to Incomplete, the following mail merge fields will appear and be populated with data within the E-mail body:
Whenever a configured E-mail task template is triggered and the student's grade changes from Incomplete to any grade, the following mail merge field will appear and be populated with data within the E-mail body:
Merge Field Codes for Job Notification E-mail Task Templates
When creating a Job Notification E-mail template, you can configure advisor groups as From Advisor on the Task Templates. Advisor-related merge field codes are available for groups beginning with <Student##Advisor...>, where ## represents modules AM, FA, SA, AD, CS, LM, and Other.
In addition, the following merge field codes are available for Job Notification E-mail templates:
Merge Field Codes for Faculty Contract Templates
You can use the merge field codes to design faculty contracts templates within Anthology Student. Once you select the Download Template button in the Faculty Contract Templates page (Select the Configuration tile > locate Faculty Workload > select Faculty Contract Templates.), Anthology Student downloads two files (.docx and .txt).
You must:
Unblock both the downloaded files by right-selecting both the files > Properties > select Unblock check box > select OK and open .docx file first. In the dialog box, select Yes button > Find Data Source... button. Navigate to the appropriate .txt file and select Open. Anthology Student displays the document in Word.Draft the contract.
If you want to insert fields from the Anthology Student database, select the Mailings tab and Insert Merge Fields. Word displays the fields in the database appropriate for contract. If completed, save the work.
Return to the Faculty Contract Templates page (Select the Configuration tile > locate Faculty Workload > select Faculty Contract Templates.) in Anthology Student.
Add either of the merge field codes from Assignment group or Assignment LoadType group in the respective tables when you design the faculty contract templates. If you combine and add merge field codes from Assignment and Assignment LoadType group in the same table then the merged results will not be populated and the merge field codes in the table will be retained.
Convert any sample contracts defined into the Office 365 Word version and then upload
As part of best practices, you must not hard code any value in the empty columns of the table for faculty contract template.
The table lists all currently available merge field group and their codes for faculty contracts templates:
Merge Field Group | Merge Field Codes | |
Staff |
<S_Address> <S_City> <S_Code> <S_Country> <S_Email> <S_EmployeeNumber> <S_FirstName> <S_LastName> <S_PositionCode> |
<S_PositionName> <S_PositionTypeClassification> <S_PositionTypeCode> <S_PositionTypeName> <S_StaffFullName> <S_State> <S_Title> <S_ZipCode> |
Assignment |
<A_TermName> <A_AssignmentEndDate> <A_AssignmentStartDate> <A_AssignmentTotal> <A_Building> <A_Campus> <A_CourseName> <A_CourseCode> <A_Day> <A_EnrollStatusCredits> <A_EnrollStatusHours> <A_FinalRegisteredStudents> <A_IsTeaching> <A_MaximumNoStudents> |
<A_NonTeachingCampus> <A_NonTeachingActivityName> <A_OnloadAssignmentTypeName> <A_OverloadAssignmentTypeName> <A_PayCycleFrequency> <A_PayCycleName> <A_RegisteredStudents> <A_Room> <A_Section> <A_Time> <A_TeachingActivityName> <A_TermStartDate> <A_TermEndDate> |
Assignment LoadType |
<ALT_AssignmentValue> <ALT_AssignmentTotal> <ALT_Building> <ALT_Campus> <ALT_CourseCode> <ALT_Day> <ALT_LoadTypeName> <ALT_NonTeachingActivityName> <ALT_NonTeachingCampus> <ALT_OnloadEarningCodeName> <ALT_OnloadRate> |
<ALT_OverloadAssignmentValue> <ALT_OverloadEarningCodeName> <ALT_OverloadRate> <ALT_Room> <ALT_TeachingActivityName> <ALT_Time> <ALT_TermStartDate> <ALT_TermEndDate> |
- |
<Date> Format of date: MMMM dd,yyyy Example:July 06, 2021 |
Staff is a single record merge field group whereas Assignment and Assignment LoadType both are collections of records, it returns multiple records. One Staff can have multiple Assignments and one Assignment can have multiple load types.
We recommend to use Assignment and Assignment LoadType groups within the table. If you use these outside the table, it returns the first value of a collection of the merge field.