Add or Edit Tasks for Students from Your Tasks List
You can use the Tasks list to add or edit tasks for one or more students.
You must also have:
To add a task, Contact Manager - Task - New authorization
To edit a task, Contact Manager - Task - Edit authorization
If policies are enabled, you must have permission in the policy to add the task template.
You should also be familiar with the Background and Operation of Tasks.
The table show the prerequisites for specific Event Types for the tasks that you can add for employers and employer groups, organizations (high schools), and students and student groups.
All of these tasks can also be automated and scheduled by Anthology Student.
Event Type | Prerequisites |
Employers and Employer Groups |
Organization |
Students and Student Groups |
E-Mail Student | The student must have a valid email address on their Student Profile. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list.). |
X |
X |
E-Mail Staff | The staff member must be active. |
X |
X |
X |
E-Mail to Employer | The employer must have an email address. If the contact does not have an email address, Anthology Student sends the email to the email address specified for the employer. |
X |
X |
X |
E-Mail Organization | The high school must have a valid email address. (Select the Configuration tile > expand Admissions > select High Schools.) |
X |
Incoming Phone Call | The student must have an existing Student Profile. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list.) |
X |
X |
X |
Letter | The contact must have a valid address on their Student Profile. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list.) |
X |
X |
X |
Meeting | None |
X |
X |
X |
Message | None |
X |
X |
X |
Other Task | None |
X |
X |
Outgoing Phone Call | The student must have a valid phone number on their Student Profile. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list.) |
X |
X |
X |
SMS-Text Message |
On their Student Profile, the student must have:
An email is sent in place of an SMS message if the following conditions are met.
X |
X |
X |
Student Alert | None |
X |
X |
Access Method
Select the Tasks tile.
Procedure to Add or Edit a Task
If you want to:
Create a new task, select the New button
Edit a task, select the task in the list (Past due tasks are marked with and high priority task are marked with .)
Specify the association for the task.
Association Values to Select
Program Version in the Header
Inquiry List
With a specific program version Name of the program version <All Inquiries> With a specific inquiry All Program Versions Specific inquiry in the list General (applies to all program versions and inquiries) All Program Version <All Inquiries> -
Specify or change the remaining values on the page. The fields that are displayed will vary depending on the task template that you selected.
If you want to save and:
Continue making changes, select the Save button
Close, select the Save & Close button
Add another item to the list, select the Save & New button
If the Task Has Documents Attached
If you select a task template that your institution has defined with documents attached, Anthology Student also displays a dialog so that you can specify and save the due dates (such as an email with an application attached).
Anthology Student also checks:
If there is an existing task
Whether or not the documents are already in the folder for the student
If there is an existing task or documents, you can either:
Update the document due dates on the existing task or add the documents with the due dates (if missing)
Create a new task and keep or update the document due dates
If you create a new task with different dues dates:
The existing task is not canceled
There is only one instance of the document
The due dates on the documents for the tasks are the same
If There Are Conflicting Tasks
If a task that you are currently adding or editing is scheduled at the same time as a task previously scheduled for the staff member in Assigned To, Anthology Student displays a message warning you of the conflict. If you select:
Schedule, the current task is saved and both tasks are scheduled at the same time
Cancel, the form is redisplayed so that you can specify a new Due Date or From and To times to avoid the conflict