Types of Student Groups and Methods for Creating Them

Groups organize students based on a common characteristic so that you can take actions for multiple students at once instead of each student individually. For example. you can: 

  • Select student groups when you generate reports

  • Add the same task for all students in a student group

Types of Groups and Methods

There are 4 types of groups.

  • Dynamic
  • Static
  • Manual
  • Frozen

There are 3 methods for creating groups.

  • Using a view that contains students

  • Using a report output that contains students (Report output can also be used to refresh the students for any type of group.)

  • Using the Groups tile

Determine the Group Type

Use the table to determine the group type.

Characteristic of the Group
Group Type
Options for Maintaining the Students in the Group
Large number of students that changes infrequently or irregularly Static

You can:

  • Refresh the students when needed by accessing the group from the Groups page or by selecting the Refresh Group Members button on the list for the group
  • Use a report to add, remove, or replace the students

  • Add and remove students manually

Large number of students that changes frequently or regularly Dynamic

You can: 

  • Refresh students by having Anthology Student automatically rerun the query for the view on a regular interval you specify. For information about scheduling the job that automatically refreshes the students, see Add or Edit Scheduled Jobs.

  • Refresh the students when needed by accessing the group from the Groups page or by selecting the Refresh Group Members button on the list for the group

  • Change the query for the view to add, remove, or replace students

  • Use a report to add, remove, or replace the students

  • Add and remove students manually
Large number of students that never or almost never changes Frozen

You can:

  • Use a report to add, remove, or replace the students

  • Add and remove students manually

Smaller number of students that you can track without automating Manual

You can:

  • Use a report to add, remove, or replace the students
  • Add and remove students manually

Determine the Method for the Type of Group

The table shows the methods that can be used for the type of group and their prerequisites.

Method Prerequisites Dynamic Static Manual Frozen

Using a view that contains students

In addition to the authorizations for the Views page, you must have created a view or have access to the view that lists the students.




You must create it as dynamic or static. Once it is created, you can
change it to a frozen group.

Using a report output that contains students

In addition to the authorization for the report, you must have a predefined report or custom report you can use to generate the list of students.




Using the Groups tile

Only requires authorization for the Groups tile.




If you create:

  • A dynamic group using a view, the view is associated with the group. Anthology Student uses the query for the view to refresh the students. The members of the group can change if you change the query. It can also change if you change the owner because the view contains members for the owner authorized campuses. You can create a maximum of 1 dynamic group per view.

  • A manual group using a view, Anthology Student does not associate the view with the group because you have chosen to manually maintain the group. Because the view is not associated once it is created, there is not limit to the number of manual groups you can create for a view.

  • A static or manual group using a report, the report is not associated with the group. You can still use the report to add, delete, or replace the students.

Managing and Working with the Groups

Once you have created the group any of the methods, you can use the Groups tile to display a list of all of your student groups and use the list to view and manage those groups. For example, you can specify the frequency you want Anthology Student to refresh a dynamic group once you have created it using the view.

You can also use the page to add the same task for all of the students in a student group

For all types of groups, you can customize the Students grid to display a column that indicates which students were manually added or removed. For dynamic and static groups. you also have the option to keep the manually added and removed students when you refresh the group. 

Changing the Type of Group

Once you create a manual group or change a group to manual, you cannot change it back to another type (such as frozen or static).

For the other types of groups, you can change to another type of group. If you change a: 

  • Dynamic or static group to frozen, Anthology Student disassociates the view used to create and update it. While you can change frozen back to dynamic or static, the group is no longer dynamic or static.

  • Dynamic group to static, Anthology Student keeps the view associated, but the group is not refreshed on an interval like a dynamic group. If you change it back to dynamic again and the view is still associated, it becomes dynamic again.

Locating Information for the Type of Group and Method

Method Where Located Topic to Use

Using a view that contains students

Select the Views tile > Explore Views tile.

Create Student and Employer Groups Using Views

Using a report output that contains students (Report output can also be used to refresh the students for any type of group.)

Select the Reports tile.

Create or Update a Student Group Using a Report

Using the Groups tile

Select the Groups tile.

Create and Manage All Student Groups