Create and Manage All Student Groups

You can use the Groups list to display a list of all of your student groups and view, create, and manage those groups. Groups organize students based on a common characteristic so that you can take actions for multiple students at once instead of each student individually.

You can also:

  • Manually add or remove students to or from a group

  • Schedule tasks for the members of the group

By default, the list displays:

  • All active and inactive public groups

  • Active private groups where the owner has given you access to view the group

The expiration date for an expired group is displayed in red. If you are authorized and there are multiple expired groups, a message is also displayed. You can use the link in the message to delete all expired groups at once. The list is also sorted alphabetically by group name.


To view groups, you must have:

  • Common - Show Student Groups tile authorization

  • Common - Student Group - View authorization

Access Method

Select the Groups tile.

Background and Actions Available


ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

Expiration DateClosed The date when the item no longer valid. If you are specifying the value, specify the value in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select the calendar button to select the date. For student groups, the default is configured for the campus by your institution.

Group VisibilityClosed Specifies whether a group is public or private. A public group can be accessed and used by all staff members who have view authorization. A private group can only be accessed and used by the owner and the staff members with view authorization that the owner specifies. If you are filtering, select the option "Is true" to display only the public groups and the option "Is false" to display only the private groups.

Hold ActionClosed Indicates the action to be blocked while a student is a member of the hold group.

Hold GroupClosed Specifies whether a Hold Code has been associated with the group. Being in a hold group prevents actions for students (such as preventing a student from registering). Hold Codes are associated with groups on the Hold Codes tab. You can set hold codes using the Settings tile for Financial Aid, Academic Records, Career Services, and so on.

NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

OwnerClosed The staff member who adds and owns the group.

Type of GroupClosed Specifies the type of group. The options are Manual (M), Frozen (F), Static (S). or Dynamic (D). Dynamic is available if the Allow Dynamic Groups check box was selected when the system was configured. Once you have created or changed a group to manual, you cannot change it back to static, dynamic, or frozen. Once you change it to Manual, the field is disabled.


You can filter the list by specifying one or more of the following parameters and selecting the Apply Filters button.

AllClosed When selected, displays all groups (both expired and not expired)., Non-ExpiredClosed When selected, displays only groups that have not exceeded their expiration date., or ExpiredClosed When selected, displays only groups that have not exceeded their expiration date.

All Public/Private GroupsClosed Select to display all of the public groups and the private groups you own or have been given access by the owner to use. It does not include private groups that you do not own or that the owner has not granted you access.

CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

Created Date: From and ToClosed Specifies that the group was created in the specified date range. You can specify the value in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select the calendar button to select the date. The default is today.

OwnerClosed The staff member who adds and owns the group.