Manage the SAP Batch History
You can use the History tab on the SAP Calculation page to review and manage the batches that you created to evaluate the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) of students as well as batch jobs that were run automatically.
For example, you can:
Cancel batches that have been queued, but have not been executed and completed yet
Retry batches that failed to process
Review the results for the students in the batch
Batches for automatic evaluations are never removed from the list.
Batches on this tab are available for ) button on the toolbar.
You must have:
Common - Processes - View authorization
- Financial Aid – Processes - SAP Calculation authorization
For automatic SAP calculations, Anthology Student must be configured appropriately. See Configure SAP & Alerts Settings for Campuses.
You should be familiar with the Background for SAP.
Access Method
Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select SAP Calculation.
Procedure to Manage and Review SAP Batches
Click the History tab.
Filter the batches by specifying the following values.
Click the Apply Filters button. Anthology Student displays a list of SAP calculation jobs during the range of time you specified.
Review the status and values for the batches. The Mode column indicates if the process was triggered manually or automatically.
SAP Type=Cumulative only checks the student's progress as of the day you run SAP. It does not look at any previous SAP statuses.
For SAP to run on a term (Type=Term), all grades must be posted for that term and the grading dates must fall within the term dates.
For SAP to cover multiple enrollments, the Linked SAP Enrollment option must be selected on the student's enrollment.
Transfer Credits need to have an end date within the term that SAP is being run for.
For students that have changed enrollments, you can include courses from a previous enrollment in the new enrollment by:
Setting up SAP Linked Enrollments (see Add an Enrollment or Edit an Enrollment)
Associating courses that are applicable to the new program which are counted towards the rate of progress
Click a Name link of a batch in the Batches grid. Anthology Student displays the details for the job in the Job Results grid.
Review the values in the Job Results grid.
To cancel batches that have been queued, but have not been executed and completed yet, click the Cancel Batch button.
To retry batch jobs that failed, click the Retry Batch button. Anthology Student follows the same process it did when you first queued the batch.