Edit an Enrollment

You can manually edit an enrollment for a student.

Your institution can define custom properties that are unique to your institution using the Extended Properties page. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Extended Properties.)

The extended properties section on this page displays all the fields that your institution has defined so that you can view, complete, and edit the fields. Because the fields vary by institution, your institution will provide any tooltips or additional information you need to complete or edit the fields. If your institution has not configured extended properties, this section is not visible.

Academy icon   Review the training (Anthology Academy registration and login required):

GPA Recalculation  (3 min.)


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Academics - Student Enrollment Period - Edit authorization

  • To preview an application response, Academics - Student Enrollment Period - Preview authorization

To enable Application Response for a student, you must have saved the enrollment.

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Enrollments tile.

Procedure to Edit an Enrollment

  1. If there is:

    • More than one enrollment, select the enrollment in the Program Version list in the header of the Student Profile

    • Only one enrollment, select the enrollment in the list

  2. In Date/Status, specify or verify the following values.

    Academic AdvisorClosed Name of the student's academic advisor.

    Application DateClosed The date when the application was processed.

    CampusClosed The campus where the student or students were enrolled.

    Date BilledClosed The date when the student was billed using the billing method configured for the program version.

    Determination DateClosed The date when the student dropped the enrollment.

    Enrollment DateClosed The actual date when the student enrolled in the program version.

    Enrollment Expected Start DateClosed The date the student is expected to start the enrollment at your institution.

    Enrollment NumberClosed The number assigned during the enrollment based on the parameters specified by the institution.

    Enrollment StatusClosed The enrollment status included in the student's Enrollment record. For example, Full Time.

    Externship Start DateClosed The start date of the training or externship.

    Financial Aid Exit DateClosed The date when the Financial Aid Exit Interview was conducted with the student.

    Graduation DateClosed The date when the student graduated or is scheduled to graduate from the program version.

    Last Day of AttendanceClosed The day the student last attended a class in this program version. In Anthology Student, audit courses are courses that do not require course work or participation. While you can take attendance for audit courses, they do not update the last day of attendance (LDA) per the guidelines of the U.S. Department of Education. If you want a course to update the LDA for students, a course must take attendance and not be an audit course (such as a course taken, retaken, or repeated). The updated LDA value will be populated immediately in all forms that have the LDA field (Student Profile, Enrollment, Status History, etc.).

    Midpoint DateClosed The estimated midpoint date for the program version for the listed start date.

    NSLDS StatusClosed The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) status associated with the System Status. The status is assigned by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) to be used for SSCR Processing.

    NSLDS Withdrawal DateClosed The effective date, stored in SSCR and Clearinghouse records, when a student withdrew from the institution.

    Original Expected Graduation DateClosed The original expected graduation date at the time of enrollment. This date cannot be edited.

    Original Expected Start DateClosed This is the original expected start date of the enrollment. The date is captured when enrolling a student or upon the completion of the application process. If the student has multiple enrollments, then this date will reflect the original expected start date for each enrollment. If the enrollment is transferred then the value for Original Student Expected Start Date and this date will be the same.

    Original Student Expected Start DateClosed This is the original student expected start date at the time of enrollment. The date is determined at the time of the student's first enrollment. This date is frozen.

    Program Version Start DateClosed The date when the student started the program version.

    Reason (Import)Closed Reason for the change in a record or a value in the record.

    Re-entry DateClosed The date when the student reentered the program version.

    Refund Process DateClosed The date when the refund was processed.

    Status DateClosed The date when the status was last changed.

    Student StatusClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.

    Transfer DateClosed The date when the student was transferred out of the program version.

    Version Start DateClosed If the system is configured to Require the Start Date (under Settings > Academic Records > General > Require Start Date) the Version Start Date field will be flagged as required and the user must select a Version Start Date when adding a new enrollment.

  3. If your institution has configured extended properties, complete the fields under Extended Properties.

  4. In Enrollment Information, specify the following values.

    Admissions RepresentativeClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record.

    Areas of StudyClosed The various areas such as Major, Minor, or Concentration that the students have taken to complete their degree. The areas of study are configured by your institution.

    Auto Charges TermClosed You should populate this field if auto-charges are configured. The term selected on this field will be used to post the auto charges to the student's ledger card. The Auto Charges Term field will display all active terms: - Regular Terms, if parent/child terms are not configured - Parent Term, if parent/child terms are configured

    Billing MethodClosed The method used to bill for the student. For example, monthly, term, course, and so on. They are configured by your institution.

    CampusClosed The campus where the student or students were enrolled.

    CatalogClosed The catalog configured by your institution. The catalog contains the courses required for a program version or area of study. The Default - None catalog should not be used.

    2010 CIP CodeClosed The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code associated with the record.

    2020 CIP CodeClosed The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code associated with the record.

    IPEDS StateClosed The state included in the permanent address submitted by the student at the time of application.

    NoteClosed Area that displays, or that you can use, to specify comments or additional information.

    Previous EducationClosed The education level of the student. They are configured by your institution. The value you select will depend on the policies and procedures at your institution.

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program Version NameClosed The name of the program version.

    ShiftClosed The shift during which the student will attend classes (such as days or evenings). Shifts are configured by your institution.

    Start TermClosed If a Start Term is selected, the system will use the weeks configured on the program version to calculate the Mid-Point and Graduation Date for the enrollment.

    Transfer Student (for IPEDS reporting)Closed The check box is selected only if the student has transfer credits with a transfer type set to "Include as Transfer Student (for IPEDS reporting).

    In Areas of StudyClosed The various areas such as Major, Minor, or Concentration that the students have taken to complete their degree. The areas of study are configured by your institution. review the following values.

    Area of Study CodeClosed The code specified for the area of study. Area of Study is configured by your institution.

    Area of Study NameClosed The name of the area of study. Areas of study are configured by your institution.

    Effective DateClosed Specifies the date when the Area of Study (AOS) is added or removed. It defaults to the current date and is editable. The Effective Date entered on the Enrollments page is included in the AOS Audit.

    Take the appropriate action.

    Task Action to Take


    1.  If you want to:

    • Add a new area of study, click the Add button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays select areas of study dialog box.

      You can add more than one areas of study at a time.

    • Click the Select button. The areas of study get added.



    1.  Select the area of study records in the list.

    2.  Click the Remove button. Anthology Student displays the remove area of study dialog box. You can remove more than one areas of study at a time.

    3.  Specify the Effective DateClosed Specifies the date when the Area of Study (AOS) is added or removed. It defaults to the current date and is editable. The Effective Date entered on the Enrollments page is included in the AOS Audit. and click Select. The selected areas of study get removed.

  5. In Progress, specify the following values for Credits/Hours, Cumulative Grade Averages, and Attendance.

    Credits AttemptedClosed The number of credits attempted by the student to date.

    Credits EarnedClosed The number of credits earned by the student to date.

    Credits RequiredClosed The number of credits or hours required for the course or enrollment.

    Credit ScheduledClosed The total number of credits for courses in the current term with a status of Scheduled, Current, Grade Posted, or LOA.

    Days AbsentClosed The number of complete days that the student was absent from the campus or institution.

    Enrollment Cumulative GPAClosed The overall GPA for the student's current enrollment.

    Expected Credits per TermClosed The total number of credits that the student is expected to complete per term.

    Expected Hours per Week for ExternshipClosed The number of hours per week that the student is expected to complete in the training or externship. The number of hours specified must be less than the Total Hours for Externship.

    Grade LevelClosed The grade level for the student. Grade levels are configured by your institution and do not have to correspond to the option on the FAFSA or Stafford loan forms. The grade level is assigned to a student under Academic Records > Enrollment > Progress section. For a student to qualify for federal financial aid, a college grade level (1st year, 2nd year, etc.) must be assigned. For a Graduate PLUS loan, the grade level must be configured with the Department of Education ID 7 (Graduate/Professional or beyond).

    Grade ScaleClosed The grading parameters used by your institution to evaluate the academic achievements of the students.

    Hours AttemptedClosed The number of hours attempted by the student to date.

    Hours EarnedClosed The total hours earned by the student for the course.

    Hours RequiredClosed The number of credits or hours required for the course or enrollment.

    House ScheduledClosed The total number of hours for courses in the current term with a status of Scheduled, Current, Grade Posted, or LOA.

    Linked SAP EnrollmentClosed The name of the program version for a linked satisfactory academic progress (SAP) enrollment.

    Numeric AvgClosed The current numeric average of class sections graded for the specified student. If the institution does not use numeric grading, this value will be zero.

    Outside Course Work HoursClosed The number of hours invested in outside course work.

    SAPClosed The status assigned to the student during the SAP evaluation process.

    Time AbsentClosed The number of hours that the student was absent from class.

    Time AttendedClosed The number of hours attended by the student. Hours must be posted or these fields are blank.

    Total Financial Aid HoursClosed The total number of hours specified in the student financial aid. It is a read-only field that displays the total of the academic hours or enrollment statuses and outside coursework hours.

    Total Makeup HoursClosed The number of makeup hours accumulated by the student.

    Transfer CreditsClosed The number of approved transfer credits applied to the program version.

  6. In Term Summary, verify the displayed information.

    Blind Grade IDClosed The blind grade ID generated by Anthology Student to conceal the student names for the class. This value is generated when a student registers for the first course that requires blind grading within a term.

    Credits AttemptedClosed This is the number of credits attempted by the student during this term. For clock-hour schools, this column will show hours attempted.

    Credits AuditedClosed The number of credits or hours for audited courses in the term.

    Credits EarnedClosed The number of credits earned by the student to date.

    Credits Per TermClosed The number of credits registered for the specified term and enrollment.

    Cumulative GPAClosed The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the benchmark. The cumulated GPA for an enrollment is calculated from the time the student entered the institution under that enrollment. The Cumulative GPA column includes all courses taken that are selected to be included in the GPA calculation. In the case of a cumulative GPA displayed on a term, it consists of all the courses taken up to and within the terms that are also selected to be included in the GPA calculation. The current GPA is made up of only the courses that occurred in that term.

    Curriculum GPAClosed The grade point average (GPA) for the specified curriculum.

    Enrollment StatusClosed The enrollment status included in the student's Enrollment record. For example, Full Time.

    FAClosed Indicates that the student receives financial aid for the specified term.

    HonorsClosed The honors and badges awarded to the student during the selected term. For example, Dean's list.

    SAP StatusClosed The status assigned to the student during the SAP evaluation process.

    Term CodeClosed The code for the term.

    Term ConfirmationClosed Specifies the term confirmation status for that student in a term. If your institution has configured to automatically unconfirm a term when a student unregisters for all of the courses in the term, Anthology Student changes the term to unconfirmed when all the courses are unregistered. Otherwise, a term remains confirmed when a student unregisters for all of the courses in the term unless it is manually unconfirmed.

    Term GroupClosed The group created to connect terms that are not shared.

  7. In Application Responses, review the following values.

    CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

    Name Closed The descriptive name of the item.

    Take the appropriate action.

    Task Action to Take

    Add or edit a application response

    1.  If you want to:

    • Add a new list item, click the Add button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays add application response dialog box.

      In the dialog box, specify the following value.

      ApplicationClosed Displays only the applications which have at least one question configured by your institution. Students use these applications during the admission process.

      Click the OK button. Anthology Student displays the add application response dialog box.

    • Edit an existing list item, click the name in the list

    2.  In Add Application Response dialog box, review, specify, or change the values. The values depend on the selected application.

    3.  If you want to:

    • Save and close, click the Save & Close button

    • Clear, click the Clear Answers button

    If you want to delete application response, you can select the records in the grid and click the Remove button.

    Preview or print the application response

    1.  Select the application in the list.

    2.  Click the Preview button. Anthology Student displays the preview dialog box.

    3.  If you also want to print the application, click the Print button. Review the print settings and click the Print button to complete the print.

  8. If your changes cause the GPA or attendance to change, click the Recalculate GPA and Attendance button. For example, if you have the Students Courses page for the student open in another browser window and you change the GPA or attendance, you can click the Recalculate GPA and Attendance button to update the Enrollment page with the changes.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, click the Save button

    • Close, click the Save & Close button

When you enroll a student in a program version and any areas of study, Anthology Student adds the courses and requirement rules configured for the program version and areas of study to their enrollment and displays the courses on their:

  • Course list (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Student Courses tile.)

  • Degree progress audit (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Degree Progress Audit tile.)

  • If a template is configured, their degree pathway (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Degree Pathway tile.)