Manage Refund Calculation Records
After selecting a refund calculation record in the Automated Refund Calculation Review form, you can use this form to manage that Title IV Refund or IR Refund calculation. You can:
Approve a refund calculation (the record has a current calculation status of 'Review') for posting and transmission of refunds to COD.
Reject the refund calculation.
Mark the refund calculation as No Longer Needed.
Print as Worksheet.
History - review the refund calculation's history (this is only available for Title IV Refunds, not IR Refunds).
- Update Policy for an IR Refund (only available for IR Refunds).
These options all appear in the toolbar at the top of the form and change based on the Calculation Status of the refund calculation you selected in the Results grid or the type of refund calculation (Title IV or IR) you selected.
Review the training (Anthology Academy registration and login required):
- Viewing Automated Refund Calculations (8 min.)
- Viewing Cash Payment Plan Processing (4 min.)
- Viewing Institutional Refund Calculations (4 min.)
Details Regarding Approving Multiple R2T4 for an Active Student
- You can approve R2T4 multiple times for active students if the student is put back into the group each time (since R2T4 removes students from the group when the calculation is approved). You can approve:
A single R2T4 period with different NSLDS WD for an attendance taking institution or DOD in case of no NSLDS WD.
A different R2T4 period.
You can see multiple R2T4s for a student, which you can differentiate between by using the Date Last Modified or by using the Refund Calculation Date on the Refund Calculation Summary grid.
Once R2T4 is approved, any refunds/PWD/IOPWD and cash payments will be generated.
Users can process refunds/PWD/IOPWD.
Processed refunds/PWD/IOPWD will be considered in the subsequent calculation when R2T4 is calculated within the same period.
R2T4 calculation that is performed in a new period will be calculated considering all disbursements, charges, refunds that are posted within that new period.
You can review or compare all subsequent calculations for the active student.
If R2T4 is marked No Longer Needed, you cannot perform a R2T4 calculation for that period. However, R2T4 can be calculated for the same student for different period.
Any Rejected calculation can be re-calculated.
Any unprocessed PWD or IOPWD record found in the PWD Tracking form will only be marked Inactive when a subsequent calculation is performed within the same period and the same fund has a PWD or IOPWD record created.
A PWD or IOPWD generated from the prior calculation will be marked Inactive if the new R2T4 may have or may not have PWD or IOPWD for the same fund source within the same R2T4 period.
A PWD or IOPWD generated from the prior calculation will not be marked Inactive if the new R2T4 has PWD or IOPWD for the same fund source but for a different R2T4 period.
Any R2T4 Notifications and Cash Promissory Notes generated from the prior calculation will be marked Inactive if the new R2T4 may have or may not have R2T4 Notification and Cash Promissory Note for the same type within the same R2T4 period.
Any R2T4 Notifications and Cash Promissory Notes generated from the prior calculation will not be marked Inactive if the new R2T4 has R2T4 Notification and Cash Promissory Note for the same type but for a different R2T4 period.
Any origination changes created during the approval of R2T4 and that are not processed yet (not sent to COD) will be overridden/modified/deleted by the new calculation, provided there is a PWD for the same fund source for the same period.
A subsequent R2T4 calculation cannot be performed when the prior calculation is in Review status.
Recommended Best Practices
Do not run Auto Refund Calculation for those students whose Origination Change status is in Pending to Receive From COD.
Process refunds/PWD/IOPWD before scheduling/performing a subsequent R2T4 calculation.
Automated R2T4 Freeze Date Audit
Automated Refund Calculation captures the Freeze Date and does an audit to record all the courses registered or factored into the refund calculation. The report details are based on the student’s individual course level so it is recommended that you filter the R2T4 term period to get the list of student’s who have undergone the R2T4 calculation and total days calculation. For more details on the Freeze Date Predefined View, please see Data Views.
The columns displayed in the report:
You must have:
Common - Processes - View authorization
Financial Aid Automation - Processes - Automated Refund Calculation Review - Cash Payment Plan - Resend authorization
Financial Aid Automation - Processes - Automated Refund Calculation Review - Institutional Refund Calculation - Print, Save, and Update Policy authorization
Financial Aid Automation - Processes - Automated Refund Calculation Review - Reassign, Unlock, and View authorization
Financial Aid Automation - Processes - Automated Refund Calculation Review - Return of Title 4 Calculation - Print and Save authorization
Access Method
Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Automated Refund Calculation Review.
Procedure to Manage Refund Calculations
Select the student name in the Results grid of the Automated Refund Calculation Review form and then, under the calculation status field, click the link of the refund calculation type that you wish to manage; either Title IV Refund or IR Refund. In the new form that opens, details for the student and the specific refund calculation are displayed under the toolbar.
For Title IV Refund calculations, review the following fields as necessary.
Calculation Results - 24 related non-selectable fields showing all the specific details for the refund calculation.
Note: The letters for the Calculation Results list are clickable. These are hyperlinks that will open the step in the Calculation Steps list that is directly related to the calculation result you want more details on. (e.g. If you click the letter "L", "Step 5: Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the School" automatically expands on the right showing the hidden/collapsed graph and fields.)
Calculation Steps - 11 steps. You can click on and expand each step that has applicable data towards the refund calculation. When specific criteria are not met during a step of the Return to Title IV process, then all subsequent steps after that are grayed out and unavailable. The only exception to this is in regard to an eligible post withdrawal disbursement. In that case, step 11: Post Withdrawal Disbursement Tracking, is available for viewing.
Note: When the Automated Refund Calculation job is run, the system calculates the sum of the total number of days as well as the number of completed days in a given module attended by a student within a non-term payment period or within a term SE9W payment period. Both of these totals are displayed in the Completed Days field and the Total Days field under Step 2 of the Calculation Steps section (as well as within the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) worksheet).
A module is a period of time where classes are schedule that is within a non-term payment period using a class schedule. Modules with no scheduled coursework in the payment period for total days are included in the calculation. Modules in the future where the scheduled coursework was dropped prior to the withdrawal date in a payment period for total days are included as well. The total number of days and number of Days Completed are also provided on all current Automated Refund Calculation reports.
Note: The system counts the total number of days and number of Days Completed in a payment period for modules being delivered concurrently as one distinct number and does not duplicate the count due to overlapping modules.
For IR Refunds calculations, review the following sections and non-selectable fields as necessary.
Overall Calculation Summary
Institutional Policy Properties
Payment Period Summary
Percentage Earned/Refund Summary
The following sections are expandable, with the accompanying grid and fields underneath.
Charges/Adjustment Summary
Title IV Refund Summary
Non Title IV Refund Summary
Choose your action from the options in the tool bar.
Refund Type Status Actions To Take Title IV Refund
Review Approve
No Longer Needed
Print as Worksheet
Approved Print as Worksheet
Not Approved Print as Worksheet
No Longer Needed Approve
Print as Worksheet
IR Refund
Review Approve
No Longer Needed
Print as Worksheet
* Update Policy
Print as Worksheet
Not Approved Approve
Print as Worksheet
No Longer Needed
No Longer Needed
Print as Worksheet
* Update Policy is only for IR Refunds. If there are different versions of the refund policy available, they will be displayed in individual tabs labeled by the policy name configured in the system. If you wish to switch policies:
- Click the desired policy tab.
- Review the new sections/fields as necessary.
- Select the Use This Calculation check box.
- Click Update Policy in the tool bar.
Note: Options in the toolbar are that unavailable for the calculation you chose or that you do not have authorization to perform will not be selectable.
Click your desired action in the toolbar.
If you choose Approve,, Reject, or No Longer Needed, enter any details necessary in the Note field in the pop-up form that appears, then click the button for the action you chose to complete the process.
If you choose History, a pop-up form is displayed showing the student number, type of refund calculation, and the history of all actions taken for that refund calculation to date.
If you choose Print as Worksheet, a pop-up form is displayed showing the Refund Calculation Worksheet . You can click the save icon in the toolbar to save the worksheet in a variety of formats, or click the print icon to save the worksheet as a printable PDF file.
Choose Cancel to return to the Automated Refund Calculation Review form and the Results grid.