Background for Views

You can use views to display the data that you have in the Anthology Student database. Views is a feature unique to Anthology Student. You can use Views to create views in grid and chart formats containing data from most of the modules in Anthology Student (such as the Contact Manager and Financial Aid module).

For example, you can create views that enable you to:

  • Quickly access the data that you refer to frequently

  • Track and complete your work faster

  • Compile and analyze data more efficiently

You can create a view using all of the related data available in the database. Once saved, the views are available on demand and can be pinned to the Views page for quick and easy access.

For example, program data from Admissions is related to data from Academic Records because:

  • A prospect becomes a student
  • A student is associated with a program

You can include the program data from Academic Records in an Admissions view because it is related.

Data Available in Views

In the current release, views can access the most commonly used data and any of its related data in the following modules.

  • Academic Records
  • Admissions
  • Career Services
  • Contact Manager
  • Financial Aid
  • Student Accounts
  • Student Services

The data in views and lists is automatically filtered so that the data displayed is for the campuses (CampusIds) that are associated with your user ID. For example, if your user ID is associated with three campuses, the views and lists will contain data for those three campuses.

View Types

While a view refers to a collection of data, a view type is the format used to display the data. The table explains the view types and the icons that you can use to distinguish between them. Reports are no longer supported.

View Type Description Icon
Chart Displays the view in a chart. Icon for the pie chart.
Grid Displays the view in a grid. Icon for a grid.

When a view is predefined and installed with Anthology Student, the name will be prefixed with Anthology -.

Once you have created a view, you can easily switch between the view types.

Predefined Views Installed With Anthology Student

So that you have examples to review and views that you can use immediately, there are predefined views installed with Anthology Student. Predefined views cannot be deleted, removed, or renamed like the custom views that you create.

The table lists the names of the predefined views, their folders, the audience, type of data included, and shows all the types of views that are predefined.

Audience Data Included


View Types


View Name



Departments engaged in managing and/or reporting Area of Study CIP Codes

Area of Study identifiers and the 2010 and 2020 CIP Codes configured.

Note: To identify when CIP Codes changed between 2010 and 2020, filter/sort the 2020 CIP Note field to those containing “deleted” or “moved to”.


Anthology – CIP Codes – Area of Study



Departments engaged in managing and/or reporting Program CIP Codes

Program identifiers and the 2010 and 2020 CIP Codes configured.

Note: To identify when CIP Codes changed between 2010 and 2020, filter/sort the 2020 CIP Note field to those containing “deleted” or “moved to”.


Anthology – CIP Codes – Program



Departments engaged in managing and/or reporting Program Version CIP Codes

Program Version identifiers and the 2010 and 2020 CIP Codes configured.

Note: To identify when CIP Codes changed between 2010 and 2020, filter/sort the 2020 CIP Note field to those containing “deleted” or “moved to”.


Anthology – CIP Codes – Program Version



Admissions departments and processes

Detailed data on prospect inquiries


Anthology - Prospect Master Listing



Data that can be used to track the prospects who have not yet been interviewed


Anthology - Prospects Not Interviewed



A summary count of total prospects and data about prospects that are currently in a system status category of Lead


Anthology - Total Prospects



All departments leveraging or managing active programs

A summary count of all active programs and data for all active programs in the system


Anthology - Total Active Programs



All departments working with the active student population

A summary count of total active students and data about students that are currently in an system status category of Attending


Anthology - Total Active Students



All departments that perform tasks or send out communication to students (Tasks correspond to activities in Anthology Student.) 

Data for tasks associated with a staff member or student

Contact Manager

Anthology – Tasks Detail



Departments engaged in auditing Automated refund calculation based on Freeze Date. All type of program deliverables that are using Freeze Date to determine the Total Days scheduled during Automated Refund calculation. Financial Aid Anthology - Automated Refund Calculation Freeze Date Audit Report X X
Departments engaged in managing Student's MPN Association to Loans. Direct Loans packaged by Auto Awarding process and source MPN. Financial Aid Anthology – Automated MPN Service X X
Departments engaged in verifying the MPNs incoming from COD. All MPNs for a student that were imported during the import process. Financial Aid Anthology - FA MPN Details X X
Departments engaged in managing financial aid loan disbursements Direct Loan Disbursements  Closed

Object - Direct Loan Disbursements

Financial Aid COD Direct Loans X X
Departments engaged in managing financial aid Pell disbursements Pell Disbursements  Closed

Object - Pell Disbursement

Financial Aid COD Pell Disbs X X
Departments engaged in managing financial aid COD grant disbursements COD Grant Disbursements (TEACH)  Closed



Financial Aid COD TEACH Disbs X X