Edit Automated Budget Packaging Options

You can edit the specific packaging options of a Cost of Attendance (COA) on the Packaging Options tab of the Edit Automated Budget and Packaging Options form.


You must have:

  • Common - Configuration - View authorization

  • Financial Aid Automation - Configuration - Automated Budget and Packaging Options - Edit, Save, and View authorization.

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Automated Budget and Packaging Options.

Procedure to Edit Automated Budget and Packaging Options

  1. On the Automated Budget and Packaging Options form, specify the values.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Program VersionsClosed Select a specific program version to narrow your search.

  2. Click the Apply Filters button.

  3. Review the following values in the results grid.

    Academic CalendarClosed The academic calendar. The values correspond to calendar options required by the Department of Education. They are non-standard terms, standard terms of quarters, standard terms of semesters, standard terms of trimesters, clock hours, and credit hours without terms. The default is the academic calendar configured for the program version. If you are configuring program versions from Financial Aid, the list is filtered to show the academic calendars appropriate for the Curriculum Standard selected when the program version was configured from Academic Records.

    Area of StudyClosed The various areas such as Major, Minor, or Concentration that the students have taken to complete their degree. The areas of study are configured by your institution.

    Award DisbursementClosed Used to configure the scheduled disbursement dates for all aid that has been awarded. You can select the following options: Scheduled Disbursement Days From Start of Payment Period or Scheduled Disbursement Using Configured Disbursement Scheduled.

    Award Level MethodologyClosed Configure the awarding up to the cost of either the Cost of Attendance or Institutional Charges.

    Award Loan FeesClosed Indicates whether fees apply to the loan award. Select Yes or No.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Default COAClosed The selected COA configured by an administrator. The system uses this COA only and ignores all other when calculating and allocating a budget.

    Default Payment PeriodsClosed Payment periods configured in the Default COA.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Package by Award YearsClosed Indicates whether auto packaging applies to the Current award year or Multiple award years.

    Package by Academic YearsClosed Indicates whether auto packaging applies to a Single academic year or Multiple academic years.

    Payment MethodologyClosed The Payment Methodology that applies to the program version (ex. Credit Hrs Standard Term, Clock Hr/Credit Hr without terms, etc...).

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program Version CodeClosed Code configured in the system for that program version.

    Repackaging TriggersClosed Triggers that will cause the auto-awarding process to award or recalculate a student financial aid award.

    Student Enrollment Status UsingClosed What to use in regard to the student enrollment: select Default COA, Packaged To, or Prior Completed Term.

    Student GroupClosed The name of the student group. If you are selecting a group and your institution has configured Anthology Student to limit groups to campuses, you can only select groups for the campus that you are assigned to. If you are selecting a group, it can also be filtered to display groups where you are the owner, public groups, and private groups where you have been given access.

    Title IV EligibleClosed A "Yes" indicates that the program version is configured as Title IV eligible. "No" indicates that the program version is not Title IV eligible. The column is read-only. Users can filter the results by using "Title IV Eligible" as the filter criteria. Users can hide/unhide this column.

    Note: The terms in an academic year are determined based on the program version's term association during Auto Packaging/Repackaging. This is done by using the academic year Start and End dates and not the student's academic year sequence number to calculate the student's budget or award funding. When the Advanced Feature for 'Enable Advanced Auto Packaging' is disabled, the Award Disbursement field appears in the Automated Awarding Campus Settings form. When the Advanced Feature for 'Enable Advanced Auto Packaging' is enabled, the Award Disbursement field appears in the Automated Budget and Packaging Options form.

  4. Click the link on a Program Version name.

    The Edit Automated Budget and Packaging Options form is displayed. The Campus, Program Version Code, Area of Study, and Student Group are displayed at the top of the form.

    If an expand icon () is displayed in the left column, click the icon to view Enrollment Status details and dates associated with the program.

  5. Select the Packaging Options tab.

    Depending on the selected program and system configuration, the following collapsible sections can be displayed on the form:

    • Awarding Options
    • Pell COA
    • Packaging Options
    • Auto Repackaging Trigger Actions
    • Term Repackaging Effective Dates
    • COA Adjustment By Billing
  6. In the Awarding Options section, review and/or configure the following values.

    Award DisbursementClosed Used to configure the scheduled disbursement dates for all aid that has been awarded. You can select the following options: Scheduled Disbursement Days From Start of Payment Period or Scheduled Disbursement Using Configured Disbursement Scheduled.

    Award MethodologyClosed Configure the awarding up to the cost of either the Cost of Attendance or Institutional Charges.

    Disbursement SchedulesClosed Select the configured disbursement schedule for the disbursement you are packaging.

    Number of DaysClosed The number of scheduled disbursement days from the start of the payment period that you are packaging.

    In the Award Disbursement field, configure date awarding options so that disbursements are awarded by Payment Period or by Disbursement Schedule. Both Auto Packaging and Auto Repackaging will then award disbursements based on your configuration.

    • If you select Payment Period, disbursements are awarded based on the number of days from the start of the payment period for all funds being awarded. Select the exact number of days in the Number of Days field.

      • Term Programs must have term association configured. Otherwise, an exception will prevent awarding of all funds.

      • Non-Term Programs will be awarded based on the academic year definition configured.

      This field accepts values from -10 to 99. When the program is configured to use Not SE9W, the disbursement date is calculated based on the value entered here.

    • If you select Disbursement Schedules, disbursements are awarded based on the active disbursement schedule for the selected program version. In the Disbursement Schedules field, select the disbursement schedule you wish to use as the basis for awarding the disbursements. This awards each disbursement for the configured dates by the academic year start date, configured program version(s), and configured fund source(s).

      Term and Non-Term disbursement schedules must start within the academic year but the disbursement dates can be configured for before, during, or after the academic year.

      All funds anticipated to be awarded, except cash payment plans and federal work study, must be enabled for the disbursement schedule. Otherwise, an exception will be generated to let a user know a student is eligible for funds that cannot be awarded.

    Reminder: The Number of Days and Disbursement Schedules fields only appear based on the selection in the Award Disbursement field.

  7. Expand the Pell COA section.

    • To add a Pell COA record, click Add in the toolbar.

    • To edit an existing Pell COA record, select a record in the grid.

    Specify or change the following values.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Effective DateClosed The date the fee or charge is active.

    Effective Date TypeClosed This field automatically defaults to Academic Year Start.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Off CampusClosed The Pell COA amount if the student lives off campus.

    On CampusClosed The Pell COA amount if the student lives on campus.

    With ParentClosed The Pell COA amount if the student lives at home with their parents.

    Note: The Effective Date must be on or after the Automated Awarding Effective Date.

    To remove a Pell COA record, select the record in the grid and click Remove in the toolbar.

    Students are awarded Pell COA based on the combination of the Program Version, Area of Study, and Student Group(s) associated with that Pell COA. The possible combinations follow an ordered hierarchy for how the system applies a configured set of budget and packaging options. The combination of Program Version, Area of Study, and Student Group(s) that matches the COA configuration and has the highest priority number determines which budget and packaging options are applied. The table below lists the combinations by priority.

    Priority Requirements Budget and Packaging Options Results
      If the student is in a Program Version... The system...
    # 1 ...and no Area of Study or Student Group is configured... ...applies the Program Version budget and packaging options
    # 2 ...and Area of Study is configured... ...applies the Program Version and Area of Study budget and packaging options.
    # 3 ...and an Area of Study with a Student Group is configured... ...applies the Program Version and Area of Study with Student Group budget and packaging options
    # 4 ...with Student Group(s) configured... ...evaluates each Student Group to determine the most recent Date Added to apply the budget and packaging options for that Program Version with Student Group
    # 5 ...and Area of Study and multiple Student Groups (St Grp @ and St Grp #) are configured... ...evaluates each Student Group to determine the most recent Date Added to apply the budget and packaging options for that Program Version with Student Group

    Automated awarding calculates the Pell COA per the following combinations:

    • If the Automated Budget does not have a Pell COA configured but the Program Version does have the Pell COA configured, then the student’s award form will give the Program Version's Pell COA.

    • If the Automated Budget does have a Pell COA configured but the Program Version does not have the Pell COA configured, then the student’s award form will give the Automated Budget Pell COA.

    • If the Automated Budget does have a Pell COA configured but the Program Version does have the Pell COA configured, then the student’s award form will give the Automated Budget Pell COA.

    • If the Automated Budget does not have a Pell COA configured and the Program Version does not have the Pell COA configured, then the student’s award form will convert the Cost of Attendance into a 9 month Pell COA (i.e., the COA is divided by the month's in AY and then multiplied by 9 in this conversion).

  8. In the Packaging Options section, review and/or configure the following values.

    The fields displayed in this section depend on the options enabled for the campus under Automated Process Activation, e.g., the Auto Repacking Triggers are displayed only if Auto Repacking is enabled.

    Auto Repackaging TriggersClosed Select one or more triggers for auto repackaging from the list configured within your system.

    Award Loan FeesClosed Indicates whether fees apply to the loan award. Select Yes or No.

    Direct Loan COA CalculationClosed Select Pell COA, AY COA, or None. The system automatically updates the Direct Loan Cost of Attendance field value during Auto Awarding when you select Pell COA or AY COA. Note: When the Advanced Feature for Enable Advanced Auto Packaging is disabled, this field appears in the Automated Campus Settings form. When the Advanced Feature for Enable Advanced Auto Packaging is enabled, this field appears in the Automated Budget and Packaging form.


    Package by Academic YearsClosed Indicates whether auto packaging applies to a Single academic year or Multiple academic years.

    Package by Award YearsClosed Indicates whether auto packaging applies to the Current award year or Multiple award years.

    Student Enrollment Status UsingClosed What to use in regard to the student enrollment: select Default COA, Packaged To, or Prior Completed Term.

    Note: Auto Awarding calculates the Direct Loan COA by taking the Pell COA or AY COA amount for the student's academic year being awarded and prorates it based on the number of terms the loan period includes by the standard number of terms in an academic year as defined on the Program Version. Normal rounding rules apply for this amount: .50 cents and up rounds up. The Pell COA is gathered from the student's financial aid Awards form. The AY COA is gathered from the student's financial aid Academic Year total budget.

    Auto Awarding calculates the Direct Loan COA by taking either the Pell COA or the AY COA amount for the students academic year being awarded and updates the Direct Loan COA with the full amount when the Loan Period is for the full academic year and encompasses the full standard AY number of terms. If a loan period has more terms than the standard academic year number of terms (SAY with summer) then the Direct Loan COA will be the full amount. The system will never exceed 100% of the Pell COA or AY COA.

    If the Direct Loan COA Calculation is configured as None, Auto Awarding leaves the field value as $0.00. This allows the user to manually update any value as required.

    The system will update the Direct Loan COA each time the loan is auto packaged or repackaged but NOT when the loan is Locked or the status is Batch to Send or Rejected.

    Auto Repackaging Triggers
    Trigger Details
    Academic Year Criteria Changes A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging based on changes made to the academic year dates.
    Census Date The auto-awarding logic will trigger the Census options to be presented so you can configure a single or multiple period(s) of time to have the student's aid evaluated for auto-repackaging for that program version.

    The Census Date triggers are mutually exclusive, e.g., if you select Census Date by Fund Source, you cannot also select the Census Date trigger

    Census Date by Fund Source The auto-awarding logic will trigger the Census options to be presented so you can configure a single or multiple period(s) of time to have the student's aid evaluated against individual or multiple fund sources for auto-repackaging for that program version.

    The Census Date triggers are mutually exclusive, e.g., if you select Census Date by Fund Source, you cannot also select the Census Date trigger

    Document Status Assign a specific document status option with a repackaging trigger configured against the program's program version. Automated budget program versions cannot be updated with a document that is not assigned to them.
    Eligibility A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging if there is a refund, cancellation, or reduction of a disbursement that fails the eligibility criteria set.
    Enroll Status Change This trigger causes a student's aid to be evaluated for repackaging when changes to the student's enrollment status are detected in the Enroll Status field on the Student Enrollment Periods form. This is included as part of the rules defined for the Eligibility Process.

    Note: A change in an enrollment status that results in a repackage can also change the institutional charges.

    Enrollment Connected or Disconnected When an institution has multiple enrollments and two enrollments are connected, the default enrollment will be reevaluated for awarding. In addition, if two enrollments are disconnected the Auto Awarding logic will perform a reevaluation and remove awarding if applicable.
    Grade Level Change A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging based on grade Level Changes.

    For example, in a Standard Term program a student may advance to the next grade level within an academic year. When this occurs, a student is eligible for the difference between the original Stafford loan limit and the maximum limit based on the subsequent grade level.

    The Auto Awarding logic will be triggered to award the increased Stafford amount and make any necessary adjustments to the student's award package. This will be based on an existing configuration in Anthology Student.

    Institutional Charge Change This trigger causes a student's aid to be evaluated for repackaging when the system detects changes to institutional charges that were originally assessed and had aid awarded. The charges tied to this trigger are direct charges posted to the student's ledger card (posted charges or adjusted charges).
    ISIR Corrections A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging based on the import of a valid ISIR correction. The ISIR Import trigger shall be queued when a student's ISIR Import file has field #173 with any value other than 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 4J, 4K, 6C.
    ISIR Import A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging upon importation of a valid ISIR and the linking of that ISIR to a student.
    Manual Awards A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging when a user manually adds aid or adjusts the aid in a student's existing award package. A user can click "Auto Package" on the Award Screen to initiate the automated awarding process after entering a manual award.
    NSLDS Change A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging based on the import of a subsequent ISIR that contains information resulting in a student losing eligibility for aid that has already been packaged.

    For example, if a student was previously awarded a Stafford Loan and the NSLDS history contained on a subsequent ISIR resulted in the student being ineligible for that Stafford loan (Defaulted on prior loan for example), the awarding logic would award GAP funding for the loss of the Stafford already awarded.

    SFM Fund Source A student is queued to be evaluated for repackaging when a student edits a fund source or has a fund source added to the Student Fund Management form.

    Note: Be aware that Process Activation must be enabled for all the triggers listed above to queue the student for Auto Repackaging. If it is not enabled, the student will not be queued for repackaging.

    Document Status Options section

    This section appears when you select Document Status in the Auto Repackaging TriggersClosed Select one or more triggers for auto repackaging from the list configured within your system. field. Click Add to select a specific document(s) to act as the document status trigger.

    The following values are displayed in the grid:

    ActiveClosed Notates whether the listed Document Status trigger is Active or not.

    CodeClosed The internal code assigned to the selected document.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Document TypeClosed The type of document to be sent to the student or parent (Financial Aid Waiver, Promissory Note, Intent to Retuirn, etc...)

    Document StatusClosed Indicates the status of the selected document ("Received", "Ready to Send", etc...).

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    ModuleClosed The various categories that pertain to functional areas within an institution. For example, Academic Records, Financial Aid, and so on. If the list contains All, it includes all areas.

    NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

    Select the desired status in the Document Status column for all necessary entries and click Save.

    Auto Repackaging Trigger Actions section

    After you make a selection(s) within the Auto Repackaging Triggers field, a grid is displayed enabling you modify the details of certain repackaging triggers (not all repackaging triggers have configurable trigger actions).

    Click the link for a trigger to open Auto Repackaging Triggers Actions pop-up where you can select one or more system configured Actions for that trigger. Any change to a trigger action for a repackaging trigger will result in the student being queued for repackaging.

    Review configure the following values.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Name of ActionsClosed The specific Action(s) configured for the selected Trigger.

    Trigger (Auto Awarding)Closed Configurable defined events that queue the Auto Repackaging feature.

    You can edit the Actions for these triggers:

    Repackaging Trigger Configurable Trigger Actions
    Academic Year
    Criteria Changes

    Academic Year form:

    • Months in AY field
    • Weeks In AY field
    • Weeks Enrolled In AY field
    • Credits In Academic Year field
    • Credits Exp To Complete field
    • Housing field
    • Start Date field
    • End Date field
    • Package To Status field
    • Award Year 1 field
    • Award Year 2 field
    • Unsubsidized HEAL field
    • Eligible Health Profession field
    • Dependency Status field
    • PLUS Credit Decision Status field
    • Grade Level field
    • Total Budget (Budget Information section)

    Awards form:

    • ISIR Being Paid On field
    • Verification Status field
    • EFC Override field
    • Institutional EFC (within the FaStudentPell Database table)
    • Parent unable to Obtain PLUS Loans (Borrower Information tab for the Direct Unsubsidized loan)
    Enroll Status Change
    • Term Enrollment Status (within AdAttStatId in the AdEnrollTerm table)
    • Academic Enrollment Status (within AdAttStatId in the AdEnroll table)
    Institutional Charge Change

    Student Ledger Card:

    • Post Charges
    • Debit Amount Change
    • Credit Amount Change
    ISIR Corrections
    • ISIR Corrections ISIR field #173
      • ISIR field #173 of 1C
      • ISIR field #173 of 2C
      • ISIR field #173 of 3C
      • ISIR field #173 of 4C
      • ISIR field #173 of 4J
      • ISIR field #173 of 4K
      • ISIR field #173 of 6C
    ISIR Import
    • Pushed ISIR from CPS
    • C-code
    • Invalid ISIR Codes
    • Matched ISIR (date when it is matched)
    Manual Awards
    • Award Status Change - any saved change to the Status field
    • Award Value Change - any saved change to the Amount Packaged field (this covers when a fund is added or altered)
    • Disbursement Enrollment Status Change
    • Pell Origination Status Change
    • Direct Loan Origination Status Change
    • TEACH Origination Status Change
    • Award Value Remove
    • Fund Source Cancel
    SFM Fund Source

    Fund Criteria:

    • Found Source Type
    • Fund Source
    • Award Year
    • Max Amount Type
    • Agency
    • Agency Branch
    • Max Amount
    • Min Credit Load
    • Payment Periods
    • Fund Can Pay Stipend

    Awarding Criteria: (Only Editable when the Max Amount Type = Lifetime)

    • Max Paid Credit Limit
    • Range: Min Credit Hours
    • Max Credit Hours

    Fund Attributes:

    • Effective Date (Non-Editable)
    • Re-Award Fund

    Military VA Benefits and Tuition Assistance:

    • VA Benefit
    • State
    • Program Enroll-Category
    • Credit Hours
    • Military Branch
    • Tuition Assistance Credit Type
    • Tuition Assistance Credit Amount
    • Award Top up Benefits

    Veteran Points:

    • Max
    • Used
    • Balance (Non-Editable)

    Transaction Priority:

    • Restrict Fund to Transaction Category Priority Only
    • Grid Values (Add & Edit)

    Census Options section

    Census PeriodClosed Select the Census Period: Course, Payment Period, or Child Term/Module.

    Census Recurrence Closed When the Census occurs. Select either Number of Days, Add/Drop Date, or Percentage of Period. Note: the fields underneath Census Recurrence change based on your selection - either multiple Days fields display when Number of Days is chosen or multiple Value fields display when Percentage of Period is chosen.

    If you select the Census Date trigger, the Census Options section displays 8 fields based on your selection:

    • Multiple Days fields when Number of Days is selected

    • Multiple Value fields when Percentage of Period is selected

    If you select the Census Date by Fund Source trigger, a grid is presented enabling you to configure a single or multiple period(s) of time to have the student's aid evaluated against individual or multiple fund sources for auto-repackaging. You can add new single or multiple fund sources or edit and/or remove existing fund sources using Add, Remove, and Edit in the toolbar.

    If the Number of Days or Percentage of Period is configured out of sequential order, the system will realign the sequential order when the form is saved.

    Note: When an Auto Repackaging Trigger is enabled, a student will be placed into the repackaging queue. Students are removed from the repackaging queue when the student's school status is Permanent Out or when the Date Last Modified for the student's placement in the repackaging queue is 365 days prior to the system date.

  9. When Auto Packaging is enabled in Automated Process Activation, a grid is displayed enabling you to configure the payment period's effective date or the number of effective days for auto packaging to occur related to the specific type of program (Term).

    If the Term Repackaging Effective Dates grid is displayed, you can configure the effective dates for the repackaging of a term. Review and/or configure the following values.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether or not the associated record is active.

    Effective Begin DateClosed The starting date the term can be eligible for repackaging.

    Effective End DateClosed The final date the term can be eligible for repackaging.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Modified By Closed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Payment PeriodClosed The payment period associated with the enrollment. Payment periods only apply to program versions configured with an academic year.

    Payment Period Start DateClosed The start date of the payment period. It must be before the end of the academic year and award year.

    To remove the settings for any Payment Period listed in the grid, select the Payment Period record and click Clear in the tool bar.

  10. The COA Adjustment by Billing grid is displayed when:

    • Auto Repackaging is enabled in Automated Process Activation


    • Repackage Method is configured as "Billing" for any fee type within the Common Fees and Charges, On Campus, Off Campus, or With Parent sections on the Cost of Attendance Options tab

    Use the COA Adjustment by Billing grid to configure transaction codes that can be auto repackaged into the student's AY budget based on the billing posted to the student's ledger card so that the default budget awarded during auto packaging can be repackaged to be based on exact billing charges and all awarding by Cost of Attendance is accurate and in compliance.

    Student Accounts Transaction CodeClosed The transaction code. The following items are applicable when posting charges: - If transaction code permissions are used, only transactions that you can process are displayed - When posting to the main student ledger, only transaction codes that are not associated with a subsidiary are displayed

    SA COA CategoryClosed The type of fee charged to the student (Room, books tuition, etc...).

    COA Fee TypeClosed The type of fee charged to the student (Room, books tuition, etc...).

    COA Fee NameClosed Name of the fee type. Note: Eneter the name assocaited to the specific fee type (up to 40 characters maximum). This is only available when the Advanced Feature for 'Enable Advanced Feature for Auto Packaging'.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    1. Click the Add button in the toolbar of the COA Adjustment by Billing grid.

    2. In the Select SA Transaction Codes pop-up, choose one or multiple Transaction Codes and click the Select button. The selected codes are added to the Student Account Transaction Codes field in the COA Adjustment by Billing grid.

    3. Select a value from the COA Fee Type drop-down. The associated COA Fee Name will be populated.

      If you select COA Fee Type "Other", you need to specify the COA Fee Name.

    4. Repeat steps a, b, and c to add transaction codes as needed. Use the Edit and Remove buttons in the grid toolbar to change your configuration.

    Note: COA Adjustment by Billing sums up the charges (positive and negative) to update the fee value on the automated budget for the net amount. The automated budget does not display negative amounts since amounts of less than $0 can never be reported. Auto repackaging reduces the COA budget fee to a $0 amount or resets the default value until future charges are posted to alter the actual budget.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, click the Save button

    • Close, click the Save & Close button

  1. Click the AUTOMATED BUDGET AND PACKAGING OPTIONS link at the top of the page to return to the Automated Budget and Packaging Options form.