Configure Advanced Features for Anthology Student
You can use the Advanced Features page to specify the advanced features for Anthology Student. Advanced Feature settings affect the way Anthology Student works. By default, these features are disabled.
Be cautious when using this feature:
- Enabling an advanced feature will force deprecation of forms in the legacy interface as the functionality will change significantly
If you enable any advanced feature, you cannot disable it
You must have:
To view the page, System - Settings - Advanced Feature – View authorization
To specify advanced features, System - Settings - Advanced Feature – Manage authorization
Access Method
Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Advanced Features.Procedure to Edit Items
Review the values in the list.
Review or change the values for the settings in the list. Anthology Student displays the edit dialog box.
Change the Value
Click the Save button on the dialog. Anthology Student displays multiple warning messages to caution you that once the feature is enabled in Anthology Student, it cannot be disabled nor can the functionality of the legacy interface be reinstated. Once you opt in, the change is irreversible and it will deprecate behavior in the legacy interface.
Click the Yes button on the dialog. Anthology Student saves the changes.
Best Practice for the Academic Records Features
The best practice for the Academic Records advanced features is to either enable or disable all the advanced features.
Implications in the API if You Select Yes for Allow Advanced Transfer Credits
If you want to use the API and you select:
Yes for Allow Advanced Transfer Credit, you must use REST APIs. For information about how to access the Swagger UI, see (logon required)
No for Allow Advanced Transfer Credit, you can use or continue to use the CampusLink API. For information, see (logon also required)
Implications in the Legacy Interface if You Select Yes for Enable Additional Payment Gateway Provider for electronic processing?
Verify before you enable the above Advanced Feature since performing the tasks related to this feature in the Student Web App interface disables the forms and processes mentioned below in the legacy interface.
When you enable this option, it permanently disables configuration forms and processes that are related to credit card and ACH processing in the legacy interface.
Configuration forms and features that are disabled in the legacy interface include:
Post Payments – through Ledger Card and through Daily menu. You can no longer post any payments in the legacy interface.
Post FA Disbursements - Daily > Student Accounts
Post/Schedule Refunds - through Ledger Card or through Daily > Student Accounts > Post Individual Refunds
Payment Information for students - View menu > Student Accounts > Payment Info
Payment Information for Agencies - Daily > Contact Manager > Agency/Third Party > Edit an agency and agency branch > Payment Info
Process Electronic Drafts - Daily > Student Accounts
Admissions Deposits - View menu > Admissions > Deposit
Housing Deposits - View menu > Housing > Deposit
Process Online Applicants - Daily > Admissions
Credit card processor configuration for single credit card payments - Setup > Campus Locations > Edit campus > Electronic Processing tab
Credit card processor for batch payments/refunds and ACH processors - Setup > Student Accounts > Additional tab
You can filter the list by specifying all or part of the name in the search box at the top of the page.