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The topic "FAQ Model - Sorted by Category" is not available in Version 1.1.0

FAQ Model - Sorted by Category

Question and answer pairs for the FAQ model are stored in the file and imported into the Bot Question Responses Entity in Anthology Reach. For each question there are additional utterances that will trigger the same answer as the main question.

The table below shows default answers. Digital Assistant allows users can customize the answers to match the requirements of the institution. See Manage Answers.

RENEE FAQ Question and Answer Pairs (sorted by Category)
Category Question Generic Response (Default Answer) Additional Utterances ID


Academics What skills will this major help me develop?
Choosing a college major can be a demanding task. Not only must you identify the kind of career you want to pursue, but you also have to get clear about what you enjoy and value right here and now. When you understand the skills that you possess and the ways that you perform well in a learning environment, you can narrow down your list of potential schools and majors.
1. First, Assess Your Skills
2. Determine which College Degrees Fit Your Skill Set
3. Identify Your Interests
4. Choose a Major You'll Love
5. Understand Your Values
What classes should I take to get the skills I need?
What skills do I need for my major?
How do I know what skills I need for my career?
Academics Am I on track to graduate? You can log into the student portal and review your degree progress or you can seek out your academic advisor to receive an update on your progress. Am I going to graduate? 0009
Academics How can I register for classes?
You can register for your classes by logging into the student portal. You will need to confirm your registration window before you can start registration. What are the steps for registration?
Where do I register for classes?
I need to register for classes.
Academics Do the classes required for this major have labs and/or lab fees or additional fees associated with them? You can access Tuition and Fees on our school website. Additional fees will be noted based on program. How much will I be charged for registering additional courses?
What is the fee per class?
Are there upfront fees I need to know about?
Academics Is it typical for students to graduate from this major in four years? Your graduation date will be based on your course load. What is the tenure to graduate from this major?
What is the duration to get graduated from this degree?
How long will it take me to graduate?
Academics If I drop this class, when will I be expected to graduate? The number of courses you may take in a semester is dependent on many factors, such as your time availability and how quickly you want to complete your degree. To be considered full-time as an undergraduate, you will need to take at least 12 credit hours per semester. If you want to complete your degree on time or sooner, you can take more than 12 credit hours. Will dropping a course affect me?
Will I still graduate on time if I drop a class?
Am I allowed to drop a course?
Academics Do I have outstanding documents required for registration?
You can check your registration status by logging into the student portal. What documents do I need to submit?
Do I need to submit any other proofs for registration?
Do I need to submit documents?
Academics What is a hold?
Holds are placed on your student record to provide you with information about possible restrictions to college services. What's a hold?
What's a hold?
What does a hold mean?
Academics How do I know if I have a hold on my record?
You will be able to view any holds that you have on your record by accessing the student portal. Am I on hold?
Do I have a hold?
Is there a hold on file for me?
Academics How long is the program? The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. What amount of time does it take to complete my course?
What is the tenure of my course?
What is the duration of my degree?
Academics What do students do after graduation? After graduation you will want to maximize your future success and launch your post-baccalaureate career. You can do this by:
1. Updating your resume
2. Budget and plan for paying any student loans
3. Volunteer
4. Try new things
5. Network
After graduation what can I do?
What can I do after I graduate to be successful?
What can I do to launch my career?
Academics What is the average class size? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
Are classes big in size?
Are there a lot of students in a class?
What number of students are in a class?
Academics Show me the schedule for next semester? You will be able to view your schedule for next semester by logging into the student portal. What does my schedule look like?
Can I see my detailed schedule?
Where can I view my detailed schedule?
Academics How do I apply for graduation? You will need to complete an Application to Graduate and submit to your Academic Advisor. You can find the requirements and deadlines on our school website. What steps do I need to take prior to graduation?
What is the process I need to take to graduate?
In-order to apply for graduation what process do I have to undergo?
In order to graduate what process do I have to complete?
Academics How do I check my registration status?
You can check your registration status by logging into the student portal. What is my registration status?
When can I register?
Can I find out my registration status?
Academics How do I request an enrollment verification letter?
You can contact the Office of the Registrar to obtain an Enrollment Verification letter. You can find contact information on our school website. I need an enrollment verification letter.
Can I get an enrollment verification letter?
I need to verify my enrollment.
Academics How do I view the college catalog?
The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. Where can I find the college catalog?
I need to find the catalog.
Tell me where the college catalog is.


Admissions What are the admission requirements? You can find detailed information on the Admissions process on our school website. What are the steps for admissions?
What do I need to do for admissions?
What is the admissions process?
Admissions What is the application process? You can find detailed information on the Admissions process on our school website. What steps are involved in the application process?
I need information on the application process. Where can I find the application process?
Admissions How do I apply for Admissions? You can find detailed information on the Admissions process on our school website. Please let me know how to enroll for admissions.
Where should I enroll for Admissions?
I want to enroll for Admissions.
Admissions What is the application fee? You can find detailed information on the Admissions process on our school website. Is there an application fee?
Do I need to pay an application fee?
When do I pay the application fee?
Admissions Have you received my HS transcript? You can find detailed information on the Admissions process on our school website. Have you received my High School transcripts?
What is the progress of my transcripts?
Did you get my HS transcripts?
Did you get my High School transcripts?
Admissions When is the next admissions event that I can attend? You can find the planned orientation dates and other important dates on our school website. Is there an admissions event?
Do you have an admissions event?
I need to find an admissions event.
Admissions How can I send a transcript to an employer? You can submit a transcript request by accessing our school website.

My employer needs my transcript.
I need to request a transcript be sent to my employer.
I need my employer to receive my transcript.

Admissions Are there study materials for the placement test?
A thorough preparation for the placement test has the potential to optimize your results. There are various resources online that provide tools that will help you prepare for the placement test. Some online resources are available at:
1. TestPrep-Online:
2. Amazon:
How do I prepare to take the placement test?
What is the placement test process?
Tell me about the placement test process.
Admissions Can I make an appointment for a test?
You can make an appointment for a test by contacting your advisor. How can I book an appointment for a test?
How do I book a test?
I need to schedule an appointment for a test.
Admissions Do placement test scores expire?
Test scores expire for placement purposes after two years. Do I only take the placement test once?
How long is my placement test score valid?
Admissions How do I get my student ID number?
You can contact your Admissions Advisor to obtain your student ID number. I need a student ID number. Where do I get my student ID?
Tell me how to get a student ID.
Admissions How do I order my ACT/SAT scores?
You can order your ACT/SAT scores through the Online Registration websites.
For ACT, access the following URL:
For SAT, access the following URL:
How do I receive my ACT scores?
How do I receive my SAT scores?
I need my ACT and SAT scores.
Admissions How do I order official transcripts?
You can submit a transcript request by accessing our school website. I need to order my official transcript.
Can you order my official transcript?
I need to submit a request for my official transcript.
Admissions What are the hours of the assessment & testing center?
You can find detailed information for the Assessment and Testing Center on our school website. I need to go to the testing center.
I need to get an assessment.
Is the testing center open?
Is the assessment center open?


Advising How many classes should I take every semester?
The number of courses you may take in a semester is dependent on many factors, such as your time availability and how quickly you want to complete your degree. To be considered full-time as an undergraduate, you will need to take at least 12 credit hours per semester. If you want to complete your degree on time or sooner, you can take more than 12 credit hours. Should I take a lot of classes each term?
What kind of load should I carry each term?
How many credits should I take?
Can I take more than 12 credits a semester?
Advising What kind of careers (jobs, occupations) can I pursue with a degree in this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor and/or Career Services advisor to help with planning your career path and understanding the types of careers that you can pursue within your major. What Kind of jobs will I be getting with this major?
What will I become with this major?
What is my career path with this major?
Advising How can I change my degree/major? Before changing your degree/major, it is recommended to follow these steps:
1. Read and understand major descriptions in the school catalog.
2. Talk with your Academic Advisor.
3. Discuss career options with a Career Services advisor.
4. Submit your request.
How to modify my curriculum?
Can I upgrade my major?
I want to change my major.
I want to get a different degree.
Advising What minor would be most beneficial for my career path? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor and/or Career Services advisor to help with planning your career path. You can also read and understand minor descriptions in the school catalog located on our school website. Which minor can I choose?
Can I choose my minor?
What minor is best for my degree?
What minor should I choose?
Advising Is an internship required for this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to understand the internship requirements for your major. Do I need an internship?
What kind of internships can I take for this major?
Do I have to take an internship?
Advising If I’m struggling academically, what resources should I utilize?
There are many resources that you can utilize to help you academically.
1. Reach out to your professor for assistance.
2. Talk to your Academic Advisor
3. Inquire about receiving academic support through tutoring.
I am struggling in my classes, who can help?
What are the resources I can utilize?
What are the resources I can use for my major?
Advising What academic goals should I set for myself?
Studies have shown that students who have set academic goals for themselves are more likely to complete their college education. Some example Academic Goals are:
1. Go to class
2. Get plenty of sleep
3. Never settle for less
4. Overcome failures
5. Participate in class or group discussions and other scholastic activities
How can I learn more about participating in class?
What actions should I take so I graduate on time?
What steps should I follow to be successful?
Advising Is there a guide to help me plan the courses I need to take for my degree?
The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. I need help setting my academic goals, can you help me?
How long will it take for me to complete my degree?
What are the degree requirements?
Advising Is there a Freshman Orientation course that I can take?
You can find the planned orientation dates and other important dates on our school website. I need to find an orientation course.
Where can I find out about orientation courses?
Is an orientation course required?
Advising What are the specific course requirements for this major? The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. What kinds of courses do I need for this major?
What classes do I need to take for my degree?
Where can I find the description of the courses?
Advising Is there a foreign language requirement associated with this major? The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. Do I need to take a foreign language?
What foreign languages can I take?
Do you offer French?
Do you offer German?
Do you offer Spanish?
Advising What is the math requirement for this major? The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. How many math classes do I need to take?
Do I have to take math?
Is math a requirement?
Advising Are there undergraduate research opportunities associated with this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to understand any undergraduate research opportunities available for your major. Are there research opportunities?
Can I do research?
How can I inquire about doing research?
Advising What kinds of jobs do students who graduate with this major typically pursue? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor and/or Career Services advisor to help with planning your career path and understanding the types of careers that you can pursue within your major. What are the job opportunities available for my career?
What job will I get when I graduate?
Can I get a good job?
Advising Is graduate school usually required to work in the fields associated with this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to get more information on graduate school requirements. Do I need to go to graduate school to get a career with this major?
Is graduate school required?
Do I need to pursue graduate school?
Advising Do you have an honors college? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to get more information on honors college. Please let me know the procedure to be placed in the honors college.
I want to know more about the honors college.
Do I qualify for honors college?
Advising Are there internship opportunities for this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to understand the internship requirements for your major. Where can I find internship information?
What are my internship options?
Do I have options for an internship?
Advising How are advisors assigned? Advisors are assigned to all students. You can find out your advisor by logging into your student portal. Am I assigned an advisor?
Can I choose my advisor?
Advising What Programs are available to an incoming freshman student? The college catalog can assist you in planning your educational goals. The catalog contains descriptions of the courses of instruction and degree requirements. The catalog can be found on our school website. Can I see a list of Programs available to freshman students?
Where can I access a list of Programs for incoming freshman?
Do incoming freshman have Program options?
Advising When is the next Campus Visit Scheduled for? You can find the planned orientation dates and other important dates on our school website. Is there a Campus Visit I can schedule?
How can I visit the campus?
I want to visit the campus.
Advising What are my advisor's office hours? You can find detailed information on the Advising Offices and Hours on our school website. What is a suitable time to get in contact with an advisor?
Can I reach an advisor today?
How do I know the time I can contact an advisor?
Advising What is the Student to Faculty ratio? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
Is there a good amount of faculty available to support the students?
Do you have enough faculty to teach students?
Can the faculty manage the volume of students in a classroom?
Advising Where can I go for help? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
I can I reach out for support?
I need to talk to someone.
Advising How many students on average does an advisor work with? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
Does my advisor have enough time to look at my concerns?
Can my advisor make time for me?
Does my advisor have time to see me?
Advising Who is my advisor?
Advisors are assigned to all students. You can find out your advisor by logging into your student portal. How can I find my advisor?
Do I have an advisor?
Give me my advisor.
Advising How do I transfer classes to apply to my degree? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
I need to transfer classes.
Can I transfer classes toward my degree?
What is the process for transferring classes toward my degree?
Advising How will study abroad affect my graduation date? Study abroad programs are an optional experience for students. If you are interested in applying, you should consult with your advisor to find out how the experience will complement your degree plan and help you reach your graduation goals. Will study abroad impact my degree plan?
What is the expense for study abroad?
Can I study abroad and still graduate on time?
Advising How can I share feedback on a professor? I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
I have a complaint against my professor.
I want to raise a complaint against my professor.
How can I share something positive about my professor?
Advising Do you offer tutoring?
There are many resources that you can utilize to help you academically.
1. Reach out to your professor for assistance.
2. Talk to your Academic Advisor
3. Inquire about receiving academic support through tutoring.
I need a tutor.
How do I find a tutor?
Can I search for tutors available?
Advising How can I meet with someone in financial aid?
You can make an appointment directly with your advisor to discuss any financial aid needs. I need support financially so I can continue my degree.
I need to pay for my degree.
I need money to pay for college.
Advising How can I schedule an appointment with an advisor?
You will need to contact your advisor by phone or email to schedule an appointment. How do I make an appointment?
Please send my advisor details so I can contact.
How do I reach my advisor?
Advising What are the hours of the advising center?
You can find detailed information on the Advising Offices and Hours on our school website. When can I go to the advising center?
I need to go to the advising center.
Is the advising center open?
Advising Are there opportunities for study abroad associated with this major? You can reach out to your Academic Advisor to learn of study abroad opportunities that are available for your major. How can I get more information on study abroad for my major?
I would like to study abroad.
How can I learn more about study abroad?

Campus Logistics

Campus Logistics What campus services should I be aware of? You can find a list of campus services on our school website. Are there campus services available?
Where can I find the campus services?
What services are available to me?
Campus Logistics What activities are offered to students? You can find a list of events happening on or near campus on our school website. What is going on at campus?
What's happening at campus?
Is there something happening at campus tonight?
Campus Logistics Where’s the Student Union? You can access a campus map on our school website. Do you have a Student Union?
Where can I find the Student Union?
Is the Student Union on campus?
Campus Logistics Show me a campus map? You can access a campus map on our school website. How do I know where things are on campus?
How do I find my way around campus?
Is there a map?
Campus Logistics What’s happening on/near campus this weekend/tonight?
You can find a list of events happening on or near campus on our school website. Is there anything to do on campus tonight?
What can I do on campus?
What's going on around campus?
Campus Logistics What clubs are active on campus?
You can access our school website to get a detailed list of clubs that are offered on campus and the criteria for joining each club. How do I join a club?
Are there many clubs on campus?
Can I access a list of clubs?
Campus Logistics What can I do on campus outside of the classroom? You can find a list of events happening on or near campus on our school website. What is there to do in the surrounding area?
What can I do off campus?
Are there events I can attend?
Campus Logistics Where is the Health Center located? You can access a campus map on our school website. How do I get to the Health Center?
I can't find the Health Center. Where is the Health Center?
Campus Logistics How do I register for the event? You can find a list of events happening on or near campus on our school website. I need to register for an event. Can I register for an event?
Where can I find event registration?
Campus Logistics How do I access the online library?
I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
How do I use the online library?
Is there an online library available?
I need a library.


Deadlines I need a list of school Deadlines. You can access a list of school Deadlines on our school website. What are the school deadlines?
May I know the deadlines for all the schools.
Deadlines for this Academic year.
What are the deadlines?
Deadlines When can I register (sign up) for classes? You can access a list of school Deadlines on our school website. When can I register for the next class?
Can I register for classes?
Am I eligible to register for classes?
Deadlines What is the application deadline? You can access a list of school Deadlines on our school website. Is there a deadline for the application?
Where can I find the application deadline?
Am I late to complete the application?
Deadlines When is orientation? You can find the planned orientation dates and other important dates on our school website. How long is orientation?
Do I have to go to orientation?
Where can I find additional information about orientation?
Deadlines When is the registration deadline date? You can access a list of school Deadlines on our school website.

Is there a deadline for registration?
What are the deadlines for registration?

Deadlines What is the payment due date deadline?
You can access a list of school Deadlines on our school website. When do I need to pay by?
When is my balance due?
I need to make a payment.
Deadlines How do I find the academic calendar?
You can access the Academic Calendar on our school website. When is the first day of class?
When do classes start?
When do I go to class?

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Are there scholarships available specifically for students in this major? Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for an undergraduate degree. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and provide money for students each semester or school year. These awards differ from student loans in that they don't have to be repaid.

Also see:

Does the school provide scholarships to students for my major?
Can I get a scholarship for my degree?
Is there a scholarship for my degree or major?
Financial Aid What are the tuition and fees? The cost of attendance (COA) is not the bill that you may get from your college; it is the total amount it will cost you to go to college each year. The COA includes tuition and fees; on-campus room and board (or a housing and food allowance for off-campus students); and allowances for books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and, if applicable, dependent care. It can also include other expenses like an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer, costs related to a disability, or costs for eligible study-abroad programs. What makes up the tuition and fees?
Does tuition and fees include books?
Does tuition and fees include housing?
Does tuition and fees include food costs?
Financial Aid How can I afford school? There are many options to help you afford to go to college. A few of the common ones are:
1. Scholarships - There are many scholarships available to college students that can assist with the offset of college costs.
2. State Aid - Many states have college funding programs.
3. Grants - Grants are free money that do not have to be repaid.
4. Loans - Student loans are real loans that need to be repaid with interest after graduation.
5. Work-study - A work-study job gives you the opportunity to earn money to help pay your educational expenses.
How can I pay for school?
Can I get help to pay for school?
Can I get financial assistance?
Financial Aid What is the financial aid process?
The first step in the financial aid process is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This will help determine your eligibility for federal student aid.

To complete the FAFSA, go to: You can also read more on the financial aid process on this site.

How do I apply for FA?
What is FA?
Where do I fill out (complete) the FAFSA?
Financial Aid Do you offer scholarships? Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for an undergraduate degree. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and provide money for students each semester or school year. These awards differ from student loans in that they don't have to be repaid.

Also see:

What types of scholarships do you offer?
Are scholarships available?
How do I inquire about a scholarship?
Financial Aid What kind of Financial Aid is available? The four main sources for financial aid are the federal government, the state government, postsecondary institutions, and private organizations. The types of aid are:
1. Federal Aid which consists of Grants, Scholarships, Loans, and Work-Study Funds
2. State Aid where state governments offer grants, scholarships, work-study funds, state loans and tuition assistance.
3. Institutional Aid which consists of aid that individual colleges and universities provided to their students.
4. Private Aid which is typically in the form of loans and scholarships or private financial aid which comes from corporations, religious organizations, cultural organizations, professional and service organizations, and more.
What kind of FA is available?
Can I get Financial Aid?
Can I get FA?
Is Financial Aid available to me?
Is FA available to me?
Financial Aid What is a direct subsidized loan?
Direct Subsidized Loans (sometimes called Subsidized Stafford Loans) are federal student loans borrowed through the Direct Loans program that offer undergraduate students a low, fixed interest rate and flexible repayment terms.

Also see:

What is a direct sub loan?
Can I get a sub loan?
Am I eligible for a subsidized Stafford loan?
Financial Aid What is a direct unsubsidized loan?
Direct Unsubsidized Loans (sometimes called Unsubsidized Stafford Loans) are low-cost, fixed-rate federal student loans available to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Also see:

What is a direct unsub loan?
Can I get an unsub loan?
Am I eligible for an unsubsidized Stafford loan?
Financial Aid What is cost of attendance?
The cost of attendance (COA) is not the bill that you may get from your college; it is the total amount it will cost you to go to college each year. The COA includes tuition and fees; on-campus room and board (or a housing and food allowance for off-campus students); and allowances for books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and, if applicable, dependent care. It can also include other expenses like an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer, costs related to a disability, or costs for eligible study-abroad programs. How much does it cost to go to school here?
What is COA?
What is my COA?
What does COA mean?
How much is tuition?
Financial Aid What is expected family contribution (EFC)?
The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a measure of your family’s financial strength and is calculated according to a formula established by law. Your family’s taxed and untaxed income, assets, and benefits (such as unemployment or Social Security) are all considered in the formula. Also considered are your family size and the number of family members who will attend college during the year. The information you report on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to calculate your EFC. Schools use the EFC to determine your federal student aid eligibility and financial aid award. What is EFC?
What does EFC mean?
What is my EFC?
Financial Aid What is federal work study?
Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses.

Also see:

What is FWS?
What does FWS mean?
What is work-study?
Financial Aid What is financial need and how is it calculated?
The financial aid staff starts by deciding upon your cost of attendance (COA) at that school. They then consider your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). They subtract your EFC from your COA to determine the amount of your financial need and therefore how much need-based aid you can get. What is need?
How do you calculate my financial need?
Do I have financial need?
Financial Aid What is a pell grant? Federal Pell Grants are another source of financial aid to help you pay for college. Unlike loans, the money you get from Federal Pell Grants doesn’t need to be paid back. Pell Grants are usually reserved for undergraduate students.

Also see:

What is pell?
What is a federal pell grant?
Do I pay pell back?
Financial Aid What is a scholarship? Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for an undergraduate degree. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and provide money for students each semester or school year. These awards differ from student loans in that they don't have to be repaid.

Also see:

Where can I find information about scholarships?
Is there information about scholarships?
Where can I find scholarship information?
Financial Aid What is the federal school code?
I need it for my FAFSA.
When completing your FAFSA online at: you will be able to look up and add the federal school code to your FAFSA for all schools that you want to receive your information. How do I get the federal school code?
What is your federal school code?
Give me your school code.
Financial Aid What is a parent plus loan?
Direct PLUS Loans are federal loans that graduate or professional students and parents of dependent undergraduate students can use to help pay for college or career school.

PLUS loans can help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. The U.S. Department of Education makes Direct PLUS Loans to eligible parents and graduate or professional students through schools participating in the Direct Loan Program.

Note: A Direct PLUS Loan is commonly referred to as a parent PLUS loan when made to a parent, and as a grad PLUS loan when made to a graduate or professional student.

Also see:

What is a plus loan?
What is a direct plus loan?
Can I get a plus loan?

Student Services

Student Services Do you have a writing center and how do I access it? You can contact or visit the Student Services Center to get more information on the writing center. Where is the writing center?
Does the school have a writing center?
Is there a writing center on campus?
Student Services What services do you have for students with learning disabilities? You can contact or visit the Student Services Center to get more information on the services we offer to students with disabilities. What services do you have for students with disabilities?
Are there services for disabilities?
Are there services for students with disabilities?
Student Services What are my job prospects with a Business degree? If you are graduating with a degree in a business-related area, you will find a range of careers that are directly related to your qualification. Some of the areas of employing business graduates are:
1. Accountancy
2. Advertising
3. Banking, Investment and Financial Services
4. General Management
5. HR/Personnel
6. Management Consultancy
7. Public Relations
8. Retail Management
9. Sales and Marketing
If I have graduated with a Business degree what opportunities do I get?
Do I have a lot of job opportunities with a Business degree?
What careers can I have with a Business degree?
Student Services Are there work study positions available? Once you start school, you can find work-study jobs through postings by the Financial Aid and/or Career Services offices. Does your school support work study options?
What types of work study positions are available?
Can I apply for work study?
Student Services Do you offer health insurance for students?
I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
Can I get health insurance?
I need to get health insurance. What insurance is available for me?
Student Services Do you offer housing for students?
I am sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that. Could you try rephrasing your question or providing more detail?
You can also ask to speak to a human at any time.
What housing is available to me?
Is there housing on campus?
Is there housing off campus?
Student Services How can I find an on- or off-campus job to compliment my class schedule?
You can work with your Career Services office to get current job postings. Is there part time jobs available?
What kind of job can I get while in school?
Are there job opportunities while I am in school?
Student Services How do I apply for an on-campus job?
You can work with your Career Services office to get current job postings. I need a job.
Can I get a job on campus?
What are the current job postings?
Student Services How do I get an ID card and parking decal?
You can contact or visit the Student Services Center to get more information on how to obtain a parking decal. How do I get a pass for parking?
How do I get a parking pass?
How much is a parking pass?
Student Services How do I learn more about benefits for veterans?
You can contact or visit the Student Services Center to get more information on the services we offer to veterans. I am a veteran.
I need to get veterans benefits.
Can I get veterans benefits?