Occupation Insight Data
Occupation Insight reports are built using data from:
Anthology Student or external SIS (Student Information System)
The table provides an overview and indicates when the data is synched or refreshed.
Type of Data |
Source and Description |
When Synched or Refreshed |
Academic data for your institution from Anthology Student or external SIS |
So that it can be visually represented in Occupation Insight reports, the data is
For example, the programs, program versions, areas of study, courses, and skills data at your institution. |
Daily |
Job posting data from Lightcast |
Occupation Insight is integrated with Lightcast's daily job posting feed to provide more timely and regionally granular assessment of the labor market. This feature was prioritized in response to the rapid fluctuations occurring in the labor market today. Active job posting details, and 12-months trend data for those job postings related to your institution’s programs can now be visualized. Two canned reports focused on active job postings and 12-months trends are now available in your report listing. Job postings are active for 60 days. After 60 days, they expire. The following scenario, among other scenarios that may occur, enables you to gain an insight into how job posting dates will change or will remain active for a fresh duration of 60 days: Scenario
As a result:
This change will also mean that the updated job post will be active for a fresh duration of 60 days beginning December 15. |
Daily |
Labor market data from Lightcast |
Labor market data from Lightcast is derived from hundreds of millions of job postings collected by Lightcast. This data is then supplemented with government labor market data to provide a comprehensive picture of the current and emerging job market. |
Monthly |
Field Sources
The following table lists fields and their source.
Data Source |
Anthology Student or External SIS |
Lightcast Job Posting |
Lightcast Labor Market |
AreaOfStudy(Major), AreaOfStudy(Minor), AreaOfStudy(Other), AreaOfStudy(Concentration)
X |
AreaOfStudyCatalog, AreaOfStudyCourses, AreaOfStudyCourseSkills, AreaOfStudyElectivePoolCourses, AreaOfStudyElectivePoolCourseSkills, AreaOfStudySubstitutePoolCourses, AreaOfStudySubstitutePoolCourseSkills |
X |
Campuses |
X |
CatalogCourseCategories (Replaced by fields specific to program versions, areas of study, and major concentrations.) |
X |
Certifications, CertificationByOccupation |
X |
CipCodes |
X |
CityCountyStates |
X |
Courses, Course Skills (Replaced by fields specific to program versions, areas of study, and major concentrations.) |
X |
Employers, EmployersBymsa,EmployersByNational, EmployersByState |
X |
X |
JobPostings,JobPostingsByCityCountryState, JobPostingsByMsa, JobPostingsByNational, JobPostingsByState, Job PostingsByZipCode |
X |
JobPostingURL |
X |
JobRequiredAcademicMajors, JobRequiredCertifications, JobRequiredDegreeLevels, JobRequiredSkills |
X |
MajorConcentrationCourses, MajorConcentrationCourseSkills, MajorConcentrationElectivePoolCourses, MajorConcentrationElectivePoolCourseSkills, MajorConcentrations, MajorConcentrationSubstitutePoolCourses, MajorConcentrationSubstitute PoolCourseSkills |
X |
Msas |
X |
OccupationDistributionStats, OccupationGroups, OccupationNationalProjections, Occupations, OccupationProgramExplorer, OccupationStateProjections |
X |
ProgramAreasOfInterest |
X |
Programs |
X |
ProgramSkills (Replaced by fields specific to program versions, areas of study, and major concentrations.) |
X |
ProgramVersionCourses, ProgramVersionCourseSkills, ProgramVersionElectivePoolCourses, ProgramVersionElectivePoolCourseSkills, ProgramVersions, ProgramVersionSkills, ProgramVersionSubstitutePoolCourses, ProgramVersionSubstitutePoolCourseSkills |
X |
SalariesByMsa, SalariesByNational, SalariesByState |
X |
Skills, SkillClusters, SkillClusterStats, and SkillStats |
X |
X |
SnapshotMonthYear |
X |
States |
X |
X |
SubOccupations |
X |
X |
ZipCodes |
X |
Anthology Student Data
In Anthology Student, the source of the data for:
Campuses is the Settings tile > expand System > select Campuses
All the remaining items for Anthology Student are from the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select the item in the tree (such as Programs or Areas of Study)
The skills from Occupation Insight are associated to:
Program versions from the Configuration tile > expand Career Services > select Skills
- Courses from the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Courses > select a course in the list > Attributes, Skills & Resources tile
Localized Labor Market Demand Indicators
A host of local indicators of labor market demand are available. All the variables below are available nationally, by state, and by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). They are also available for individual occupations and aggregated for occupation groups and career areas. The variables and their definitions are listed below.
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Number of Postings | Number of unique postings. | Numeric | Lightcast Postings |
Projected Growth | Projected ten-year growth using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and individual states. | Numeric | Public |
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
BLS Median Salary | Median Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported salary. | Numeric | Public |
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Employers | Name of employer, and number of postings, for any employer posting at least 10 positions nationally or at least 5 positions in a state or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). | Text | Lightcast Postings |
Occupation Groups, Occupations, and Specialized Occupations
Lightcast characterizes occupations by a host of variables that guide learners, workers, employers, educators, trainers, and content providers in taking action. In some cases, the variables can be used to characterize not only individual occupations, but also occupation groups and career areas. The variable definitions, data format, and data source are available below.
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Occupation Code | Occupation coding system derived from Lightcast’s proprietary triangulation of real-time postings data, Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occupation data and O*NET occupation data. There are approximately 657 individual occupation codes. | Text | Lightcast |
Occupation Description | Narrative description of the occupation. | Text | Lightcast |
Occupation Group | All occupations are grouped into an occupation group. There are 160 occupation groups, which represent a set of related occupations based on common training requirements and the ability for workers to move laterally or advance within the occupation group. For example, Software Development is an occupation group that includes occupations such as software engineer, programmer, and web developer. | Text | Lightcast |
Career Area | Each occupation group and its associated occupations are assigned to one of 23 broad career areas. | Text | Lightcast |
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Employer Requested Certifications and Licenses | A ranked list of certifications and licenses specified on postings. | Text | Lightcast Postings |
Education Distribution | The percent of postings specifying education requirements at four levels: certificate/high school diploma, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, graduate/professional degree. | Numeric (HS/Cert, AA, BA, Grad) | Lightcast Postings |
Most Common Education Path for Entry | The most common education path into an occupation, when multiple education paths are available. For example, surveyors may graduate from associate’s or bachelor’s programs; associate’s programs are most common. | Text (HS, Cert, AA, BA, Grad, Multi) | Lightcast |
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Skills | A ranked list of relevant skills for each occupation. Skills fall into three broad categories: specialized (specific to the occupation), software, and foundation (baseline skills such as problem-solving, organization, collaboration). | Number of Postings for a Skill Cluster | Text |
Skill Clusters | Groups of similar skills which typically train together or are easily substitutable for one another. Skills within a single cluster will fall into the same broad skill category (specialized, software, foundation). Skills within a single cluster never cross these broad categories. | Number of Postings for a Skill Cluster | Text |
Variable | Definition | Format | Source |
Experience Distribution | The percent of postings specifying experience at four levels: 2 years or less, 3-5 years, 6-8 years, and 8+ years. | Categorical (<2 years, 3-5, 6-8, 8+) | Lightcast Postings |
Skill Status
The following describes how Occupation Insight handles skill statuses.
Occupation Insight receives updates to labor market skills from Lightcast on a monthly basis. As part of these updates Lightcast will provide new skills emergent in the market, update skills for changes in market demand, and remove skills no longer in demand. If Lightcast removes a skill, Occupation Insight maintains that skill and updates the status to Inactive.
Occupation Insight represents a skills status as Active when the demand threshold is 3% or above for any given occupation. This means that at least 3% of employer postings for an occupation are requesting that skill. If the demand threshold drops below 3%, then Occupation Insight will update the skill status to Inactive.
Measures within Occupation Insight that compare skills to occupations will only consider Active skills. Occupation Insight reports maintain both Active and Inactive skills in the main Skills table for visibility. Canned visuals referencing the main Skills table will have a filter applied by default to only reflect Active skills.
Institutional administrators of Occupation Insight are encouraged to evaluate changes in skill status and newly added skills over time to ensure skill to program and course mappings are kept up to date. Details can be found in product version Release Notes.