Payment Processing with IATS

The Forms Builder settings below are required to use IATS as a vendor for credit card payment processing. For additional setup requirements, please contact your Anthology Inc. account representative.

Populate Forms Builder Settings

In the Forms Builder Settings workspace, populate the Payment setting fields. Closed

Provide the Password, User, and Vendor values. The remaining fields are preset. If you change the credit card payment provider later, you must update the URLs, remove the Partner entry, and update the Password, User, and Vendor. The values specified in the Settings workspace are saved to the web.config file for Form Designer.

Name Value
HostedPageUrl URL that identifies the location of the payment processor's page:
Partner Partner for your IATS account.
Password Specify the Password (case sensitive) used to log in to your IATS account.
PaymentUrl Url that identifies the payment page:
Provider Name of the credit card payment provider: Iats.
User Specify the User (case sensitive) used to log in to your IATS account. It can be the same as the Vendor.
Vendor Specify the Vendor (case sensitive) used to log in to your IATS account.

alert Whenever you edit a field in a Settings panel with hidden fields (i.e., sensitive data that are removed from the client-side view like passwords, keys, and secrets), you must re-enter the hidden values, otherwise they will get cleared upon update and resave of all the Settings.

Configure the Hosted Payment Page

The default IATS payment page can be customized as needed. To do so, log in to the IATS Customer Portal at and navigate to Aurora Form Setup.