Using the File Export Framework

The export framework can be extended to export records from entities unique to your institution. It is comprised of the following steps:

  1. Create integration mapping records for field mappings.
    They will define individual mapping of each field in the source record that’s exported with a field in the destination record.

  2. Create integration mapping records in the Information Mapping - Information Mapping form .

    The export framework enables the export of entity records at:

    • Root level
    • Records of its related entities on the one side
    • Records of its related entities on the many side

Example: Using the File Export Framework to Export SampleData

This topic provides information on using the file export framework to export Sample data based on the following entities:

  • At the root level – The Application entity.
  • Records of the Application’s related entities on the one side – for example the Contact entity.
  • Records of the Application’s related entities on the many side – for example Application Requirement, Previous Education, and Test Score.

To build an export model that’s unique to your institution, ensure that entities are related to each other as described above.

The following table indicates the creation of integration mapping records for Sample data integration based on scenarios that apply to your institution:

Scenario Integration Mapping Records To Be Created
Building an export framework for entities not included in the default Sample export framework. Create Integration Mapping records as described in columns 1, 2 and 3 in the following table.
To enhance the default Sample export framework by including a new entity that’s on the one side of the relationship with the Application entity. For each new entity, create an Integration Mapping record as described in column 2 in the following table.
To enhance the default Sample export framework by including a new entity on the many side of the relationship with the Application entity For each new entity, create an Integration Mapping record as described in column 3 in the following table.

The following table lists values that must be set in specific fields in Integration Mapping records:

Field Name Scenarios
Column 1

The Root Entity - Can be modeled on the Application entity.

Default Integration Mapping record: Sample-Export-Entity-Application

Column 2

The root entity and related entity share a many-to-one relationship. For example, the Application to Contact relationship.

Default Integration Mapping record: Sample-Export-Entity-Contact

Column 3

When the root entity and related entity share a one-to-many relationship. For example, the application to application requirement relationship.

Default Integration Mapping record: Sample-Export-Entity-ApplicationRequirement


Root Entity (Export) Yes No No
Entity Name cmc_application

Note: Schema name of the entity


Note: The name of the entity that’s on the one side of the relationship.


Note: The schema name of the entity.

Parent Entity (Export) Blank

Note: This field is blank as the Application entity is the root entity


Note: The schema name of the parent entity.


Note: The schema name of the entity on the one side of the relationship.

Primary Key Column Name (Export)



Note: The primary key column name of the root entity.


Note: The primary key column name of the entity on the one side of the relationship


Note: The primary key column name of the entity on the many side of the relationship.

Relationship Field Name (Export) Blank

Note: Updated only in scenarios where the entity is a child of another entity. In this case, the Application entity does not have a parent, hence it’s blank.


Note: The schema name of the Contact lookup field in the Application record.


Note: The field name on the one side of the relationship. In this scenario, the schema name of the Application ID enables fetching the list of Application Requirement records associated with the Application.

Query (Export)

The query (in XML format) as specified in the Advanced Find dialog.

Note:Recommendations for constructing the FetchXML query for the export process:
  • Use only the Advanced Find dialog to create the FetchXML query.

  • Avoid using entity-based filters in the FetchXML query, as they are not supported with the entity export process.

If a FetchXML query contains an entity with local filters and is generated using tools other than the Advanced Find dialog, it may lead to extensive processing and potential errors during the entity export.


The query (in XML format) as specified in the Advanced Find dialog.

Note:Recommendations for constructing the FetchXML query for the export process:
  • Use only the Advanced Find dialog to create the FetchXML query.

  • Avoid using entity-based filters in the FetchXML query, as they are not supported with the entity export process.

If a FetchXML query contains an entity with local filters and is generated using tools other than the Advanced Find dialog, it may lead to extensive processing and potential errors during the entity export.

Is Many Sided (Export) No No

Note: As the contact entity is on the one side of the relationship with the root entity, the value No must be set.


Note: As the Application Registration is on the many side of the relationship with the root entity, the value Yes must be set.

Record Type Application

Note: If there are additional entities on the one side related to the application they will also be exported with the application record.


Note: Since contact is on the one side of the relationship with the Application entity and will be fetched when an application record is exported, the name of the parent record must be set here.


Note: A file with records of the Application Requirement entity will be created. It will also include records of entities with which it shares a many-to-one relationship. For example, the associated contact records will also be exported with the Application Requirement record.

Template Type SampleExportEntityList

Create Integration Mapping records in the 'Information Mapping - Information Mapping' Form

You will need to create an Integration Mapping record if the Application root entity is on the one side of a one-to-many relationship with the new custom entity. See column 2 in the following table.

If the root entity is new, create its Integration Mapping record based on values set in column 1 in the following table:

Field Names Scenarios
Column 1

Root Entity as Application

Default Integration Mapping Record: SampleApplicantFile

Column 2

When the root entity and related entity share a one-to-many relationship. For example application to application requirement relationship

Default Integration Mapping Record: SampleApplicationRequirementData

Name The name of the Integration Mapping record.
Record Type Application Application Requirement
Template Type SampleExportFileMapping
File Name (Export) Specify a name for the exported file.
File Type (Export) Select Excel or CSV.
Root Entity (Export) Yes No