Student Enrollment Statuses

The student enrollment status (or school status) identifies the stage of the student in the education life cycle. The student status is a driver for a significant processes within Anthology Student, for example:

  • Monitoring academic progress

  • Tracking account balance to maintain financial accountability

  • Enrollment reporting (NSLDS, IPEDS)

  • College Finance Plan

For these processes, Anthology Student retrieves records of the configured student enrollment statuses from the institution's database.

The table below shows an example of the student/school status configuration for a specific institution. It shows how the system defined (hard-coded) SyStatusCategory and SyStatus values are mapped to the SySchoolStatus values configured for the institution.

For more details about the configuration of student statuses, see Background for Status Changes.

Student Enrollment Status - Configuration Example
SyStatusCategory SyStatus SySchoolStatus
Code Descrip SyStatusId Code Descrip SySchoolStatusId Code Descrip
A Active 13 ATT Attending 13 ATT Active
A Active 13 ATT Attending 60 ACTNOATT Active Not Attending
A Active 13 ATT Attending 105 AUDIT Audit only courses
A Active 13 ATT Attending 58 WARNING Warning
A Active 13 ATT Attending 38 ADV Advancing
A Active 14 PROB Probation 14 PROB Probation
A Active 14 PROB Probation 57 PROB2 Probation Continued
C Applicant Processing 4 APPREC Application Received 4 APPREC Applicant
C Applicant Processing 4 APPREC Application Received 98 ACCEPTCN Conditionally Accepted
C Applicant Processing 4 APPREC Application Received 81 ACCEPT Fully Accepted
C Applicant Processing 4 APPREC Application Received 99 ACCEPTPV Provisionally Accepted
C Applicant Processing 4 APPREC Application Received 44 REAPP Re-Apply
C Applicant Processing 40 PENDAPP Pending Applicant 45 PENDAPP Incomplete Application
E Enrollment 6 BP Being Processed 6 BP Being Processed
E Enrollment 5 FUT Future Start 50 DEFERRED Deferred
E Enrollment 5 FUT Future Start 102 PAFULACC Pre-Ready to Register
E Enrollment 5 FUT Future Start 5 FUT Ready to Register
E Enrollment 5 FUT Future Start 36 TO_DA Ready to Send to D.A.
E Enrollment 5 FUT Future Start 37 IN-DA Sent to Director's Assistant
E Enrollment 7 REENTRY Re-Entry 7 REENTRY Re-Admit Same Program
E Enrollment 9 FROMCAMP Transfer From Other Campus 9 FROMCAMP Transfer From Other Campus
E Enrollment 8 FROMPROG Transfer From Other Program 8 FROMPROG Transfer From Other Program
P Permanent Out 18 COMPLETE Complete 18 COMPLETE Complete
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 72 DEC Deceased
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 62 DISMISS Dismissal
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 106 EXPELLED Expelled
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 64 PLOA Leave of Absence
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 63 NORETURN Non Returning
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 76 SUSPEND Suspended
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 61 WTHDRAW Withdrawn
P Permanent Out 20 DROP Drop 20 DROP Drop
P Permanent Out 17 GRAD Graduate 17 GRAD Graduated
P Permanent Out 19 INC Incomplete 19 INC Incomplete
P Permanent Out 22 TOCAMP Transfer To Other Campus 25 TOCAMP Location Change
P Permanent Out 21 TOPROG Transfer To Other Program 24 TOPROG Program Change
T Temporary Out 15 LOA Leave of Absence 15 LOA Do Not Use-Leave of Absence
T Temporary Out 16 SPN Standard Period of Non-Enrollment 16 SPN Stop Out
T Temporary Out 16 SPN Standard Period of Non-Enrollment 59 SUSPEND Suspended
X NDS-Enrollment 30 NDS-FUT NDS: Future Start 66 NCRREADY NCR - Ready to Register
Y NDS-Active 28 NDS-ATT NDS: Attending 67 NCRACTIV NCR Active
Z NDS-Permanent Out 33 NDS-COMP NDS: Complete 69 NCRCOMP NCR Completed
Z NDS-Permanent Out 33 NDS-COMP NDS: Complete 68 NCREND NCR End of Program
Z NDS-Permanent Out 35 NDS-DROP NDS: Drop 104 NCRDIS NCR Dismissal
Z NDS-Permanent Out 34 NDS-INC NDS: Incomplete 75 NCRDEC NCR Deceased
Z NDS-Permanent Out 34 NDS-INC NDS: Incomplete 70 NCRNORET NCR Non-Returning