No Payee Name
When Anthology Finance & HCM is integrated with Anthology Student and the Release to General Ledger process is run, following errors occur:
Error 1
SaTrans <Student transaction ID>. Ax Service : No Payee Name.
Error 2
SaTrans <Student transaction ID>. Ax Service: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
The above errors can occur due to one of the following reasons:
Payee details are not provided in Anthology Student for the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR.
Address is not available for the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR in Anthology Finance & HCM.
The ZIP/postal code, State, or City in the address of the Lender, Servicer, or Guarantor associated with the fund source in Anthology Student does not match with the ZIP/postal code, State, or City in Anthology Finance & HCM.
Ensure that the address details of the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR in Anthology Finance & HCM is available in the Payee details tab on the fund source form.
Navigate to Modules > Student accounting > Financial Aid Fund Source > FA Fund sources.
From the Fund source list, click on a fund source name to view the details.
Expand the Payee details FastTab, add or update the address details.
Click Save.
Ensure that the ZIP/postal code, State, and City available in Anthology Student are also available in Anthology Finance & HCM.
Use one of the following methods to add the ZIP/postal code, State, and City in Anthology Finance & HCM.
Method 1 - Add the ZIP/postal Code, State, and City Manually
Navigate to Modules > Organization administration > Global address book > Addresses > Address setup.
In the Address setup page, in the left pane:
Select State/province, and click New in the Enter state/province information for address setup form to add a new state record.
Select City, and click New in the Enter city information for address setup form to add a new city record.
Select ZIP/postal code, and click New in the Enter ZIP/postal code information for address setup page to add a new Zip/postal code record.
- Click Save.
Method 2 - Import Addresses Using the Data Management Framework
For details, see the Microsoft Documentation on Data Management Overview.
Recommendation: Use the same file to import the address details in Anthology Finance & HCM that was used for importing data in Anthology Student.