No Payee Name


When Anthology Finance & HCM is integrated with Anthology Student and the Release to General Ledger process is run, following errors occur:

Error 1

SaTrans <Student transaction ID>. Ax Service : No Payee Name.

Error 2

SaTrans <Student transaction ID>. Ax Service: Index was outside the bounds of the array.


The above errors can occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • Payee details are not provided in Anthology Student for the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR.

  • Address is not available for the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR in Anthology Finance & HCM.

  • The ZIP/postal code, State, or City in the address of the Lender, Servicer, or Guarantor associated with the fund source in Anthology Student does not match with the ZIP/postal code, State, or City in Anthology Finance & HCM.


  • Ensure that the address details of the payee associated with the fund source of type SCHOLAR in Anthology Finance & HCM is available in the Payee details tab on the fund source form.

    1. Navigate to Modules > Student accounting > Financial Aid Fund Source > FA Fund sources.

    2. From the Fund source list, click on a fund source name to view the details.

    3. Expand the Payee details FastTab, add or update the address details.

    4. Click Save.

  • Ensure that the ZIP/postal code, State, and City available in Anthology Student are also available in Anthology Finance & HCM.

    Use one of the following methods to add the ZIP/postal code, State, and City in Anthology Finance & HCM.

    Method 1 - Add the ZIP/postal Code, State, and City Manually

    1. Navigate to Modules > Organization administration > Global address book > Addresses > Address setup.

    2. In the Address setup page, in the left pane:

      1. Select State/province, and click New in the Enter state/province information for address setup form to add a new state record.

      2. Select City, and click New in the Enter city information for address setup form to add a new city record.

      3. Select ZIP/postal code, and click New in the Enter ZIP/postal code information for address setup page to add a new Zip/postal code record.

    3. Click Save.

    Method 2 - Import Addresses Using the Data Management Framework

    For details, see the Microsoft Documentation on Data Management Overview.

    Recommendation: Use the same file to import the address details in Anthology Finance & HCM that was used for importing data in Anthology Student.