Set Up Category Hierarchy for Payroll

Setting up the category hierarchy for payroll consists of the following steps:

  • Create a category hierarchy for payroll

  • Associate the Procurement category hierarchy type with the category hierarchy created for payroll

Steps to Create a Category Hierarchy and Associate it with the Procurement Category Hierarchy

  1. Click Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchy.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Create a category hierarchy page, specify a name and description for the category and click Create.

    The category hierarchy name is created.

  4. In the Category hierarchies page, click the New category node menu option.

  5. In the Name field, specify a name for the category.

  6. In the General section, in the Friendly name field, specify a friendly name for the category.

    Example, you can specify Payroll.

  7. Click Save and close the form.

  8. In the Category hierarchies page, click the Associate hierarchy type in the Set up menu option.

  9. In the Category hierarchy role associations page, click New.

  10. In the Category hierarchy type drop-down list, select Procurement category hierarchy.

  11. In the Category hierarchy drop-down list, select the category hierarchy created for payroll in step 2 above.

  12. Click Save and close the form.