CMC Activities

Workflow Designer is built using the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) in the .NET Framework. It contains Microsoft's built-in (generic) workflow activities and activities created specifically for Anthology Inc. products (CMC Activities).

The workflow activities designed for Anthology are grouped by namespaces. The activities include lookup functions that return values that can in turn be used within other activities in the workflow, activities related to specific products such as CampusNexus CRM and Anthology Student, and common activities such as creating validation messages or sending email. CMC activities are used in conjunction with Generic Activities.

Properties for activities are generally defined using expressions in VB .NET code or variables. Some fields have drop-down lists and helpers that enable you to select properties.

Filter Option for Assemblies

Many workflow activities require the user to browse for and select a .NET type from the Anthology domain model. To improve the performance of the "Browse for Types..." action, the list of assemblies from which a user can select types is filtered down to just those that need to be used in Workflow Composer.

The "FilterUsableAssemblies" setting in the WorkflowComposer.exe.config file controls the filtering of assemblies. The default setting for the "FilterUsableAssemblies" value is True.

<setting name="FilterUsableAssemblies" serializeAs="String">

If you need a namespace or type which is being filtered out, set the "FilterUsableAssemblies" value to False and restart Workflow Composer.

Note: When the filter option is disabled, the performance of the "Browse for Types..." action will be noticeably slower. To compensate for the performance loss, see Improve Search Performance on "Browse for Types...".