
The LookupHighSchools activity returns an array of HighSchools based on filter criteria. The values are retrieved from the amHighSchool table in the Anthology Student database. The filters (in arguments) include City, Code, Name, State, and ZIP. At least one of the in arguments is required (C1).

Lookup High SchoolsCreate Prospect


LookupHighSchools Properties
Property Value Required Notes
City InArgument<String> C1 Specify name of the city of the high school location using a VB expression or variable.
Code InArgument<String> C1 Specify code of the high school using a VB expression or variable.
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
HighSchools OutArgument<HighSchool[]> Yes The array of high schools retrieved by this workflow activity.

To identify the variable type, in the Variable type field of the Variables pane, select Array of [T]. In the 'Select Types' window, select Browse for Types, and click OK. In the 'Browse and Select a .NET Type' window, navigate to Cmc.Nexus.Models.Admissions, select HighSchool, and click OK.

variable type

See HighSchoolEntity Class in the Anthology Student Object Library.

Name InArgument<String> C1 Specify the name of the high school using a VB expression or variable.
State InArgument<String> C1 Specify name of the state of the high school location using a VB expression or variable.
ValidationMessages OutArgument
No Specify a variable that can be used to capture validation messages. For more information, see Capture Validation Errors.
Zip InArgument<String> C1 Specify the ZIP code of the high school location using a VB expression or variable