Unofficial Transcript

You can access unofficial transcripts in the Student Portal.

  1. Navigate to My Academics > Unofficial Transcript. The Unofficial Transcript page is displayed.

  2. Select an enrollment in the View By Enrollment list. The current enrollment is displayed by default.

  3. Click the Unofficial Transcript link. If an unofficial transcript is available, it will be displayed in a PDF viewer.

    Unofficial Transcript

To configure the Unofficial Transcripts menu option for the Student Portal:

  1. As a Portal administrator, access the Portal Configuration tool.

  2. Expand the appropriate Campus Portal.

  3. Navigate to Page Transactions > Student Unofficial Transcript. The Page Configuration - Transcript page is displayed.

  4. Specify the following options as applicable for your institution:

    • Page Title

    • Page Description

    • Enable/Disable student access to Unofficial Transcript: Institutions can control the ability of students to view or generate their unofficial transcripts in the Student Portal while being on a transcript hold.

    • Student Transcript Report Type

      • When Enrollment Based or Custom Enrollment Based is selected, the enrollment drop-down list is displayed on the page. The current enrollment is selected by default.

        When a student has a single enrollment, the Enrollment drop-down is not displayed.

      • When Student Based is selected, the enrollment drop-down list is hidden or disabled. All reports will be selected.

    • Degree Level

    • Custom Report Name: Portal Mode

    • Custom Report Name: CamspusVue Student Integrated

  5. Click the Update button. Wait a few minutes for the cache to be cleared and then verify that the changes took effect.