Student Search

Every web page in Faculty Portal displays the Recent Students drop-down list and a Find Students button.

Recent Students

The student search feature enables staff members to locate student records in the database.

Portal can be configured to provide staff members with the following search results:

  • Student Information — the student address information and enrollment details

  • Student Class Schedule — a week or list view of a student’s schedule

  • Degree Audit — a list of all the classes in a student’s program version, along with the student’s progress (classes are listed as future, scheduled, current, or completed; completed classes display the grades received)

  • Contact History — the student's complete Contact History from Anthology Student

  • Student Groups — the student groups that the student is a part of; the staff member can move students in and out of the groups.

Staff members can also view student pictures if available in Anthology Student.

Portal retains a recent student list that is similar to Anthology Student.

To search for a student:

  1. Specify the search criteria in the Student Search component on the home page. The Student Search component provides a subset of the search criteria available with the Find Student button.

    — OR —

    Click Find Student next to the Recent Students drop-down list or click the Advanced Search link at the bottom of the Student Search component on the home page. The Advanced Search form is displayed in a pop-up window.

    Student Search Form

  2. Select the Campus and Program. To search across all Campuses and Programs, select All (default).

  3. Use the First Name, Last Name, Social Security #, Student ID, Enrollment ID, and Email fields to narrow your search. You can type partial content in the search fields.

  4. Select an Enrollment Status. To search across all Enrollment Statuses, select All (default).

  5. Use the following check box options to refine your search:

    • Show Aliases
    • Search Reference Address
    • Restrict Search to My Students

      Depending on the Portal configuration, the Restrict Search to My Students option may be enabled or disabled. When the option is disabled, the student search will return only those students taught by or advised by the staff member regardless of the student's campus.

      Portal Configuration Option: 
      'Allow Search for All Students'
      Faculty Portal Option:
      'Restrict Search to My Students'
      Search Result
      TrueCleared (default)All students in all campuses regardless of whether the students are taught or advised by the staff member
      TrueSelectedOnly students taught or advised by the staff member regardless of the student's campus
      FalseSelected (disabled)Only students taught or advised by the staff member regardless of the student's campus
  6. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the Results area at the bottom for the form.

    Student Search Result

    If the number of records found exceeds the Results Per Page setting (default: 10), use the Go to page, Next, and Prev controls to navigate to another Results page.

  7. If you are part of an Impersonation Group and your campus is configured to allow impersonation of students, an Impersonate link will be displayed below to the ‘Recent Students’ drop-down list to impersonate the student selected in the drop-down list. The impersonation option will be available for Active Students only.


    • Click Impersonate to perform tasks on behalf of a student, for example, upload documents, etc.

    • While you are impersonating a student, the header of the Portal Home page will indicate: (Impersonating) <Name> !

    • To stop impersonating a student, log out of Portal and log back in with your own credentials.

    Configuration for the impersonation feature:

    1. Staff members must be included in the Impersonation for Portal Access group to use impersonation on Portal.

    2. In the Portal Configuration tool, the Campus Configuration page, the Impersonation Permission option Allowed to impersonate must be selected (default=disabled).

  8. Click the link on a student's name. The Advanced Search window is closed and the selected student is added to the Recent Students list. If FERPA data is available for the student, the FERPA icon icon is displayed next to the Recent Students field. Click FERPA icon to view the FERPA Information Request form.