Use Application Insights to Monitor Flows

Administrators can view and monitor the integration details of Anthology Student and Anthology Reach integration flows using Azure Application Insights. Some of the details of the Anthology Student integration flows that can be monitored using the Azure Application Insights include:

  • Details of the flow and its run details

  • Flow execution statuses

  • Flow execution times for Integration related activities

View the Application Insights for Student Integration Flows

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to the required environment and click Monitoring > Logs.

  3. On the right side, in the Query editor, add the query snippet for the flow.

    Use the following query snippets for each type of flow:

    Note: In versions prior to Anthology Reach 4.2, prefix the property name with 'prop__' in the following queries. For example, if the property name is CorrelationId use prop_CorrelationId.

  4. Click Run.

    The Application Insight details for the flows will be generated and displayed.

    The following images illustrate the Application Insights details generated for each type of integration flow:

    • Anthology Student to Anthology Reach (CNS-CNE) Flows

    • Anthology Reach to Anthology Student (CNE-CNS) Flows

    • Pull Based Student Integration Flows

    • Integration Log Details Based on a Tracking Id for Pull Based Student Integration Flows

      The query result provides additional details to troubleshoot any error that occurred when the flow was run.

Steps to View the Tracking Id for a Flow

  1. Log in to Anthology Reach application.

  2. Click Settings > Integration > Integration logs.

  3. Open the Integration log record for a Pull Based flow.

  4. The Tracking Id is displayed in the Details field.