Payment Info

Add New Credit Card

Select the student > Student Accounts > Payment Information tile.

Add credit card

The New button in this UI will redirect to the specified custom payment provider Funding Page URL that is configured under Configuration > Student Accounts > Electronic Processors > Credit Card Payment Gateway Providers.

The userid, studentid, and returnurl will be passed as query strings. The passed URLs have been encoded.

Sample URL:


Save data to the SaCC table once the credit card has been successfully added to the payment provider.

Below is the sample URL and payload to save a new credit card using the StudentCreditCard command API:


Card Payload

Using the following OData URL, the CreditCardTypeId can be fetched from the SaCCType table based on code.

https://[siswebclienturl]/ds/campusnexus/CreditCardTypes?$filter=Code eq 'V'

The sample credit card type codes are listed below.

Credit Card Type Code
Visa V
MasterCard M
Discover D
Amex A
American Express A
Diner's Club I
PayPath P
Other O

If card is added successfully, redirect to the returnurl provided in the above query string with AddCard=true



If any error, then pass the error message in query string as below.


Cancel URL.


Add New Bank Account

Select the student > Student Accounts > Payment Information tile.

Student Payment Info

The New button in this UI will redirect to the specified custom payment provider Funding Page URL that is configured under Configuration > Student Accounts > Electronic Processors > ACH Payment Gateway Providers. The userid, studentid, and return URL will be passed as query strings. The passed URLs have been encoded.

Sample URL:


Save data to the SaStudentBankAccount table once the bank account has been successfully added to the payment provider.

Below is a sample URL and payload to save a bank account using the StudentBankAccount command API.


Add Bank Account payload

The valid values for the account type will be one of codes from the list below.

Account Type Name Code
Savings S
Personal Savings S
Business Savings S
Checking C
Personal checking C
Business checking C

If Bank Account is added successfully, redirect to the URL passed in query string with:


If any error occurs, pass the error message in query string


Cancel URL:


Use the command below to read any previously saved bank accounts.



    "payload": {
        "id": "4"

The decrypted bank account number will be included in the results with other details.

Continue with Ledger Card.