Staff STS
Installation Manager enables you to install a Staff STS component on a local or remote machine. The Staff STS component provides centralized security token service for Staff Administrators of the following components:
Web Client for Anthology Student version 17.1.0 and later
Note: Anthology Student version 19.0.3 or later requires Staff STS version 2.1.2 or later.
Web Client for CampusNexus CRM version 11.0 .0 and later
Forms Builder 2.3 and later
Staff STS must be installed before installing the indicated versions of these components.
The prerequisites for the Staff STS installation are as follows:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 7.0 or higher
Note: Installation Manager checks for the prerequisites to be installed. It does not install them.
For information on compatibility with operating platforms and other products, see Platform Compatibility and Product Compatibility (logon required).