Install Prerequisite Software

Properly installing the prerequisite software for CampusNexus CRM ensures that using the Installation Manager encounters few errors.

Note: Installation Manager checks for the prerequisites to be installed. It does not install them.

For information on compatibility with operating platforms and other products, see Platform Compatibility and Product Compatibility (logon required).

Before you install CampusNexus CRM, ensure that:

  • The IIS user account is configured to use the Domain User credentials.

  • The Domain user has permissions to the Crypto folder.

  • For Windows Server, the Crypto folder is available in the following path:

    <Drive name>:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto

  • There are no Remote or Linked Servers configured between the computers on which you want to install the CRM databases.

    If the Database is being installed in a time zone that provides support for automatic adjustments for DayLightSaving, perform the following steps before installing the Database component:

    1. Select Settings, Control Panel from the Start menu, and double-click the Date/Time icon.

    2. Click the Timezone tab.

    3. Select the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes check box.

  • The folder where SQL Server is installed does not contain “)” or “(” in its name. If these characters are present in the SQL Server folder name, and you install the Database afresh, the following error message is displayed:

    "Unable to configure the distributor on the Publisher machine? Contact Talisma Support for more information."

  • You performed the SQLCMD and OSQL check if you are installing or upgrading the Database.

    To do so, check whether sqlcmd.exe and Osql.exe are available in the environment path.

    1. Run sqlcmd.exe or Osql.exe from the command prompt.

    2. If sqlcmd.exe and Osql.exe fail to start, add the path of sqlcmd.exe and Osql.exe to the system environment variable path. Both sqlcmd.exe and Osql.exe must be available in the path you specify.

  • You are logged on to the system as a local administrator where you are installing CampusNexus CRM using a domain account.

  • All SQL Server Services accounts are running under the same domain account.

  • You use the same user account while installing databases on different servers.

  • The MSDTC, SQL Server Agent, and Microsoft SQL Server Services are started on all the servers if you want to install the databases on different servers.

  • The number of characters in the system variable path does not exceed 900.

  • The SQL Server is configured to run under the Mixed Mode. CampusNexus CRM has not been tested to run under the Native or Windows Authentication mode.

    Ensure that Server Authentication option in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication.

Continue with Install CRM Components.