Installation Manager

The Installation Manager application is a single user interface for installing and managing CampusNexus products. Its integrated Package Manager enables users to download installation packages for the products to be installed. Access to the installation packages is controlled via a unique customer identification key.

The Installation Manager setup process can only be performed after certain requirements are met. These prerequisites must be met on the local machine and/or target machine, depending upon the method of installation.

alert The machine where Installation Manager is installed must have Internet connectivity so that the installation packages for the products to be installed can be downloaded.

Note: Installing to a target machine located in a DMZ (demilitarized zone) is not supported from a machine outside the DMZ (if the required ports are not open on the DMZ machine). If you are going to install to a machine in the DMZ, you must run Installation Manager on that machine.


  1. Make sure that the local and/or target machines use .NET Framework 4.5.

  2. The Windows Firewall service (see Administrator Tools > Services) needs to be set to enabled, but the Windows Firewall must be turned off. This step must be executed on all systems except for a dedicated SQL Database Server.

    To turn off the Windows Firewall

    1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

    2. Click the Turn Windows Firewall on or off link in the left-hand menu.

      Windows Firewall

    3. In the Customize Settings window, select the Turn off Windows Firewall option in the following sections:

      • Domain network location settings
      • Home or work (private) network location settings

      Windows Firewall - Customize Settings

    4. Click OK.

    5. Close the Control Panel > Windows Firewall window.

  3. In cases where the firewall cannot be turned off, the following ports must be open and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) predefined rules must be enabled on any target machine to which you are installing components:

    Ports Used by Installation Manager
    Port Definition Port Number Comments
    TCP 139

    These ports are used by Windows File Sharing.

    For more information, see "Understanding Shared Folders and the Windows Firewall" at

    Note: The WF.msc has a predefined rule for Windows File Sharing.

    TCP 445
    UDP 137
    UDP 138
    TCP 8889-8890 Installation Manager Agent
    MSSQL 1433 Port 1433 (default SQL port) or any custom port that is configured for SQL communications must be open if the target machine is an SQL Server.

    The pre-defined rules (Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In) and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)) in Windows Firewall Configuration have to be enabled.

    Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

  4. Disable the “User Account Control: run all Administrators in admin approval mode” Security Policy in Local Security Policy under Local Policies, Security Options.

  5. Reboot the appropriate machines.

  6. Installation Manager requires unique keys tied to the installation packages available to particular customers to ensure that incorrect, outdated, or inappropriate packages are not installed. To obtain a customer key, call Anthology Inc. Customer Support at 1-800-483-9106.

Install Installation Manager

Start the installation of Installation Manager (on the machine where the installer is running).

  1. Click on the Installation Manager icon Nexus icon in the folder containing the Setup.exe file. The Installation Manager Welcome screen is displayed.

    Installation Manager - Welcome

  2. Accept the default installation directory or click ellipsis button to browse to a different directory.

  3. Click Install. The installation progress is displayed.

  4. On the Installation Complete screen, the option to Launch Installation Manager is selected by default.

    Installation Manager Installation Complete

  5. Click Close. The Start screen of Installation Manager is displayed.

Important: When a new version or build becomes available, you do not have to delete any files or folders before installing a new version of Installation Manager.

Note: The Installation Manager log file provides information on the current configuration status.