The topic "GetSignNowRecipientStatus" is not available in Version 3.5.

The topic "GetSignNowRecipientStatus" is not available in Version 3.6.


The GetSignNowRecipientStatus activity retrieves the signature status of SignNow recipients. The activity passes a Document ID and receives the signature status of each recipient. This activity allows for conditional processing in the workflow so that if the document has not been successfully signed, the flow of the workflow can be routed back to the state immediately prior to the SignNow page ensuring that the document has been electronically signed before proceeding with any additional processing in the workflow.

Information about the SignNow signature status is useful to handle all multi route workflows (e.g., retry, completed, denied) and to recover from error conditions including connection loss. For example, when the connection to the SignNow server is interrupted and the signature status indicates that the document was not signed successfully, the user may be prompted to retry the sequence.

The GetSignNowRecipientStatus activity supports the following statuses:

SignNow Recipient Statuses
Status Description
fulfilled Invite has been completed by the signer.
pending Invite has been sent to the signer but has not yet been completed.
created Invite has not yet been sent to the signer, i.e., invite is in order 2, and order 1 invites have not been completed yet (are in pending status).


GetSignNowRecipientStatus - Properties

GetSignNowRecipientStatus Properties
Property Value Required Notes
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
DocumentId InArgument<String> Yes Specify the Document Id using a VB expression or variable. 
SignNowConfig InArgument<SignNowConfig> Yes Specify the SignNowConfig property using a VB expression or variable. This is the out argument returned by the GetSignNowConfig activity.

To identify the variable type, in the Variable type field of the Variables pane, select Browse for Types.... In the "Browse and Select a .NET Type" window, navigate to Cmc.Nexus.FormsBuilder.Contracts.Cmc.Nexus.FormsBuilder.Entities, select SignNowConfig, and click OK.

SignNowConfig argument

SignNowRecipients OutArgument<SignNowRecipient[]> Yes Specify the SignNowRecipients array property using a VB expression or variable.

To identify the variable type, in the Variable type field of the Variables pane, select Browse for Types.... In the "Browse and Select a .NET Type" window, select Array of [T], navigate to Cmc.Nexus.FormsBuilder.Contracts.Cmc.Nexus.FormsBuilder.Entities, select SignNowRecipient, and click OK.

SignNow Recipient argument

ValidationMessages InOutArgument <ValidationMessageCollection> No Specify a variable that can be used to capture validation messages.