Renderer Media Variables

The following variables are available to a workflow (as arguments) or to external JavaScript by vmModelsRef. These variables may be useful to JavaScript or workflows that have to make decisions about the HTML to render for different size screens.

All the following media variables are true when the condition is satisfied on the current device's screen.

Renderer Media Variables
Variable Description
xsMedia Maximum width is 599px
gtxsMedia Minimum width is 600px
smMedia Minimum width is 600px and maximum width is 959px
gtsmMedia Minimum width is 960px
mdMedia Minimum width is 960px and maximum width is 1279px
gtmdMedia Minimum width is 1280px
lgMedia Minimum width is 1280px and maximum width is 1919px
gtlgMedia Minimum width is 1920px
xlMedia Minimum width is 1920px
landscapeMedia Media is in landscape mode
portraitMedia Media is in portrait mode
printMedia Media is print media
isMobile Media display is a mobile device

Example: If a condition in JavaScript sets different classes or different HTML, the attribute vmModelsRef.isMobile would be true on a phone.

When these variables have a suffix of Neg, they are the opposite, that is to say, xsMedia is true, means xsMediaNeg is false.