OData Queries

Forms Builder supports list controls such as Drop-down, Multiselect, and Typeahead. Each list control has a Lookup Query property that is used to retrieve specific values from the database. Lookup Queries are specified as OData queries.

In Forms Builder 3.1 and later, most list controls include a default OData query in the model metadata which populates the Lookup Query property setting when that property is selected in Form Designer. In Forms Builder 3.0, however, most of the list controls do not have a default query. You can use the View feature in the Web Client of Anthology Student to construct queries or build your own OData queries using the Anthology data model as a reference.

Forms Builder 3.4 and later supports OData queries using Occupation Insight as a data source.



OData calls must be made from within Forms Builder or Workflow.
OData calls via ApiProxy outside of Forms Builder or Workflow are not supported.   


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