Build Queries for Occupation Insight

Occupation Insight is a multi-tenant Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. Forms Builder 3.4 and later can be configured to access Occupation Insight as a data source for real-time analytics about the job market. With this configuration, OData queries can be used in Form Designer to retrieve data from the Occupation Insight API.

The configuration for Occupation Insight is done via a name key in the <products> section of the Designer web.config file. The baseUrl defines the path for Occupation Insight OData queries.

<add name="Occupation Insight" enabled="true" baseUrl="<Your Occupation Insight API URL>" odataPath="/odata" requestHeaderKey="apiKey" requestHeaderValue="[]"/>

The base URL for your installation of Occupation Insight is displayed in the About window of Forms Builder.

The data returned by the OData queries can be displayed in controls such as Drop-down List, Multiselect, Single-select Search, Typeahead, and Grid. In these controls, users can select "Occupation Insight" as the Product property and construct the applicable OData query to retrieve the desired properties from the Occupation Insight data source.

The Occupation Insight data model is documented in the Anthology Inc. Occupation Insight Power BI API at

Rendered Form

This form allows the user to view average salaries and projected employment data based on the selected state and occupation.

Form Layout

The form layout in Form Designer has two columns with Drop-down List, Label, and Grid controls. Closed

Form Layout

The properties of the Drop-down List for States include the Lookup Query settings and the Product selection. Closed

Drop-down List for States

The table below highlights the control properties that are related to the Occupation Insight data source.

Drop-down List - States
Control Property Property Value Occupation Insight API

Lookup Display Member


Lookup Query


Lookup Sort Member


Lookup Value Member





Occupation Insight

The properties of the Drop-down List for Occupations include the Lookup Query settings and the Product selection. Closed

Drop-down List for Occupations

The table below highlights the control properties that are related to the Occupation Insight data source.


Drop-down List - Occupations
Control Property Property Value Data Source Occupation Insight API

Lookup Display Member


Lookup Query


Lookup Sort Member


Lookup Value Member





Occupation Insight

Grid - SalariesByState

The grid for SalariesByState consists of one column that displays the Salary50Percentile value retrieved using the Occupation Insight API. Closed

Grid for SalariesByState

The table below highlights the control properties that are related to the Occupation Insight data source.

Grid - SalariesByState
Control Property Property Value Occupation Insight API



OData Query

SalariesByState?$filter=StateId eq {{vm.models.stateOI}} and OccupationId eq {{vm.models.occupationOI}}

  • vm.models.stateOI
  • vm.models.occupationOI


Occupation Insight

Grid - OccupationStateProjections

The grid for OccupationStateProjections consists of two columns that display the EmploymentCurrent and EmploymentFuture values retrieved using the Occupation Insight API. Closed

  >Grid for OccupationStateProjections

The table below highlights the control properties that are related to the Occupation Insight data source.

Grid - OccupationStateProjections
Control Property Property Value Occupation Insight API



OData Query

OccupationStateProjections?$filter=StateId eq {{vm.models.stateOI}} and OccupationId eq {{vm.models.occupationOI}}

  • vm.models.stateOI
  • vm.models.occupationOI


Occupation Insight