The topic "Calendar with EntityState Property" is not available in Version 3.5.

The topic "Calendar with EntityState Property" is not available in Version 3.6.

Calendar with EntityState Property

In editable calendars, you can use the EntityState property to determine if calendar entries have been added, deleted, or modified on a form.

Calendar Component Properties

In our example, the sequence contains a form with a Calendar component with the following properties:

Control Property Settings for Calendar Example
Name Value
Control Type Calendar/Scheduler
All Day Event Template  
All Day Slot false
Current Time Marker false
Current Time Marker Update Interval  
Current Time Marker Use Local Timezone true
Date 12/1/2019
Date Header Template  
Default Event URL http://<server>.<domain>:9003/#/sequencelist
Delete Confirmation true
Edit Create  
Edit Destroy R
Edit Move R
Edit Recurring Events dialog
Edit Resize R
Edit Template <h3 style="margin-left: 100px">Add or Edit meeting</h3> <div class="k-edit-label"> <label for="title">Title</label> </div> <div data-container-for="title" class="k-edit-field"> <input id="title" name="title" class="k-input k-textbox" required="required" type="text" data-required-msg="Title is required for an event" /> </div> <div class="k-edit-label"> <label for="start">Start</label> </div> <div data-container-for="start" class="k-edit-field"> <input id="start" data-role="datetimepicker" name="start" required="required" data-required-msg="Start date/time is required" /> </div> <div class="k-edit-label"> <label for="end">End</label> </div> <div data-container-for="end" class="k-edit-field"> <input id="end" data-role="datetimepicker" name="end" required="required" data-required-msg="End date/time is required"/> </div>
Edit Update R
Editable R  
End Time  
Event Template <div class="event-template"> <p> <span class="event-template-title">#: title #</span> &nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> <span class="event-template-description">#: description #</span> </p> </div>
Footer false
Footer Command false
Group Header Template  
Group Object  
Height 600
Id id7d083ee0-6162-41a3-77cd-0a7247bdf93d
Major Tick 60
Major Time Header Template  
Mapped Description Note
Mapped End TaskEndDate
Mapped ID Id
Mapped Start TaskStartDate
Mapped Title Subject
Mapped URL RegistrationURL
Max Date  
Messages Object  
Min Date  
Minor Tick Count 2
Minor Time Header Template  
Mobile Rendering true
Model vm.models.NewCalendarQuery2
Model Data  
OData Query  
OData Translation Members  
PDF Object  
Product Student
Resources Object  
Schema Model { "id": "id", "fields": { "id": { "type": "number" }, "title": { "defaultValue": "", "validation": { "required": true } }, "start": { "type": "date" }, "end": { "type": "date" }, "description": {} } }
Selectable Event £
Show Work Hours true
Snap To Slot false
Start Time  
Tab Index  
Time Zone  
Time Zone - Ignore Input R  
Time Zone - Remove Output R
Toolbar Object  
View For Agenda Selection action disabled
View For Month Selection agenda
View For Week Selection agenda
Views Object [ "day", "workWeek", "week", { "type": "month", "selected": true }, "agenda", { "type": "timeline", "eventHeight": 50} ]
Visible true
Work Day End  
Work Day Start  
Work Week End 5
Work Week Start 1






Welcome State/Form

This example uses the LookupStudentTasks activity to find the TaskEntity.

This is followed by a ForEach<TaskEntity> activity that loops through the each "item" in the argument "NewCalendarQuery2". This argument is bound to the Calendar component via the Model value.

Note the assignment for item.EntityState = Cmc.Core.EntityModel.EntityState.Unchanged in the ForEach<TaskEntity> activity. This initializes the calendar when it is loaded on the form.

Welcome form

Final Transition/Next

The final transition contains a sequence with another ForEach<TaskEntity> activity on the "NewCalendarQuery2" argument.

The sequence detects any changes that have been made to the calendar by the user. If a change is detected, another sequence is executed to handle the Modified, Removed, and Added cases.

Final Next transition

Modified Case

The Modified case is detected with the following condition: item.EntityState = Cmc.Core.EntityModel.EntityState.Modified

In this case, the GetEntity, ObjectCopier, and SaveEntity activities are executed.

  • GetEntity<TaskEntity> retrieves the "item.Id" value and returns the "TmpTask2" value (see Variables).

  • ObjectCopier(TaskEntity,TaskEntity> retrieves the Source Object value "item" and returns the TargetObject value "TmpTask2".

  • SaveEntity<TaskEntity> saves the "TmpTask2" value.

Final Next transition - Modified Case

Removed Case

The Removed case is detected with the following condition: item.EntityState = Cmc.Core.EntityModel.EntityState.Removed

In this case, the DeleteEntity<TaskEntity> activity is executed to remove the "item" value.

Final Next transition - Removed Case

Added Case

The Added case is detected with the following condition: item.EntityState = Cmc.Core.EntityModel.EntityState.Added

In this case, CreateTask, Assign, and SaveEntity activities are executed.

  • CreateTask creates the out argument <TaskEntity> with a value of "TmpTask2". Closed

    Final Next transition - Create Task

  • The first Assign activity below CreateTask assigns a value of "1" to "TmpTask2.SessionSyCampusId".

  • The second Assign activity assigns a value of "item.TaskEndDate" to "TmpTask2.TaskEndDate".

  • SaveEntity<TaskEntity> saves the "TmpTask2" value.

Final Next transition - Added Case

Rendered Form

The rendered form now enables users to add, modify, or delete events in the calendar.

Final Next transition - Added Case

Note: The End time field must include both date and time, e.g., 2019-06-25 14:30:00.000 . Check the value in Generated Model for Debugging.