Usage Scenario for Creating Reference Mappings

You have the SalesRep column in the external data that you want to import. This column contains the following distinct names:

•   John

•   Jack

•   Mary

•   Anna

•   Cheryl

•   Tom

You want to map values in this column to the following Users in Talisma:

•   Jack

•   Mary

•   Anna

Reference Mappings

To do so, perform the following steps:

1.  Select the SalesRep column from the Interface Table Columns field.

The values available in the SalesRep column are updated in the Interface Table Values area.

2.  Select John from the Interface Table Values area, and Jack from the Talisma Value area, and click Add.

3.  Similarly, map Jack to Jack, Mary and Cheryl to Mary, and Anna and Tom to Anna.

Mapping Talisma Values

When the external record whose SalesRep column contained John is imported into Talisma, the User Property of the Interaction will contain Jack.

If you choose to use the default value of TalismaAdmin, the User Property of all Interactions will contain TalismaAdmin.