Switch Rooms

You can use the Housing Lease page to automate the process of moving a student from one room to another. Also, you can use to move a student from an assigned room to another available room.

You can select the room selection criteria, assign a new available room to the student, and adjust the fee difference. You can then confirm that the student's lease is reassigned to the new room.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Student Services - Housing Leases - Edit authorization

When you give a staff member Student Services - Housing Leases - View, Edit, or Delete authorization, Anthology Student also gives them Admissions – Processes – High School Tasks – View authorization if they have any other Admissions - Processes authorization so that they can view tasks for students associated to their housing.

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Services > select the Housing Leases tile.

Procedure to Generate Charge Schedule

  1. Select a record from the Housing Lease list, and select More > Switch Room.

    Anthology Student displays the switch room selection criteria.

  2. Specify the values under Selection Criteria to filter the list.

    BuildingClosed The name of the building.

    Room CategoryClosed The category of the room.

    Suite CategoryClosed The category of the suite.

  3. Select the Next button. Anthology Student populates the room selection list.

  4. In the Room Selection list, review the following value.

    Building NameClosed The name of the building.

  5. In the grid, select the arrow (Shows the right arrow. ) to display the room details of the building.

    Full PathClosed The path of the room/suite in the building.

    Maximum CapacityClosed The numeric value of the maximum capacity of the room/suite.

    Room FrequencyClosed The frequency of the room such as weekly, daily, monthly.

    Room FullClosed Indicates the room capacity is full or not.

    Room/Suite GenderClosed The gender of the room/suite.

    Room/Suite NumberClosed The number of the room/suite.

    TypeClosed The type of building such as Room, Suite.

    If you want the details of the students in room, select the arrow (Shows the icon for the right arrow. ) in the room record.

  6. Select the room record from the grid.

  7. Select the Next button. Anthology Student populates the fee difference list.

  8. In the Fee Difference list, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Current Room FeeClosed Displays the monetary value of the current room. This field is read-only.

    Difference in Fee Due to Room Change Closed Indicates the difference in the fees, but may be altered before switching rooms.

    New Room FeeClosed Displays the monetary value of the new room. This field is read-only.

  9. Select the Switch Room button. Anthology Student switches the student to a new room.